Starting March 17, 2018 all notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Angular Universal (server side rendered) demo
- Refactor code to this format
- noLoop input to add non-repeating slideshow functionality -- issue
- onImageLazyLoad event emitter when an image lazy loads -- issue
- ChangeDetectionStrategy is now onPush -- issue
- autoPlayWaitForLazyLoad now defaults to
instead offalse
- Added some safeguards to prevent trying to access slides that don't exist
- Updated to support Angular 8
- Merge Pull #68: zoom & pan -- pull
- Merge Pull #60: stopped event propagation on fullscreen exit buttonm added new fullscreen exit event, and fullscreen exit button position is now fixed to view port rather than absolute to relative parent element -- pull
- Merge Pull #58 for AutoPlay option working as a Play/Pause button -- pull
- Merge Pull #56 for fullscreen implementation on bindable input -- pull
- run setInterval outside of Angular zone
- Use trackBy in the array of images
- Removed output aliasing
- Updated to support Angular 7
- hideOnNoSlides which sets the container element style to display:none if no slides exists, or if the imageUrls array's length is zero
- imageUrls array can now be empty, null, or undefined
- backgroundPosition, backgroundRepeat, and backgroundSize props added to the IImage interface. This adds the ability to set these properties for each slide individually. These properties will default to the slideshow inputs
- Update npm tags
- Fix this bug because of bad compilation -- issue
- Update peer dependency for Angular 6
- imageUrl array initialized to []
- make default height 100% from the ts instead of scss
- actually make sure slides without hrefs don't redirect
- Make sure slides without hrefs don't redirect -- bug report
- Use the document from angular core instead of the window object
- add ability to use titles in anchor tags for images
- use a css spinner instead of a gif, remove option
- Fix glitchy-looking UX by removing slide from transfer state after using it once
- Better lazy loading for server side rendered applications
- Lazy loading logic now lets DOM load completely before continuing to load images
- Bug fix for lazy loading
- Spinner in place of blank space while images are lazy loading
- Option for url to custom spinner gif
- Option for autoplay to wait for images to lazy load before changing slides
- Improved lazy loading
- Option to turn captions on or off, regardless if the slides have them
- Lazy Loading
- fix async binding error -- issue
- fix image url binding update -- issue
- Option to change dot color -- issue
- Option to change caption text color
- Option to change caption background
- This changelog!
- Updated packages to fix vulernable dependency -- ssri