takes a gpx file as a string and returns the data as an array
npm install gpx_to_array
The package is very straighforward and simple to use:
const gpx_to_array = require("gpx_to_array")
let result = gpx_to_array(xml_file_as_string)
You should expect the following JSON array to be returned after calling this package
{coordinates: [...], _params: {LON: 0, LAT: 1, ELEV: 2, TIMESTAMP: 3}, errors: errors}
this is an array of array like the following:
[ [lat, lon, elevation, timestamp], .... , [lat, lon, elevation, timestamp] ]
Params are needed so you don't need to remember the position of lat, lon and so on in the array. You can retrieve information from coordinates like the following:
let result = gpx_to_array(xml_file_as_string)
const LON = result._params.LON
const LAT = result._params.LAT
const ELEV = result._params.ELEV
const TIMESTAMP = result._params.TIMESTAMP
result.coordinates.forEach(coordinate => {
let coordinate_lon = coordinate[LON] // you don't need to remeber that lon is at position 0
let coordinate_lat = coordinate[LAT] // you don't need to remeber that lat is at position 1