This project was created to facilitate and perform some repetitive tasks that can end up taking a lot of time throughout the day, in addition to reducing the amount of terminals and other open windows.
- Run bash scripts with just 1 click.
- Execute various commands, in sequence, or not.
- Open files/folders.
- Open links in browser.
- Minimize the amount of open windows.
By clicking on "prompt" you will have access to the return of the files that are being executed, which were programmed to be in this button.
see below:
To execute the action programmed for the button, just click on its title. In the case of the image below, "Execute shell" was clicked.
Note that during the execution of the file, a loader will appear, which will remain running until the execution is finished.
When the file is finished executing, in case of success, the title of the button will change to green, and a green border will be added to it. In case of error, the same will happen, however, with the red color.
When you click close the window, the application will be minimized to your operating system's task tray.
To open it again, just click once on the icon, or right-click and select the "Show App" option.
When you open the project folder you will find a file called "config.json". This file has all the information for the tool to work.
{ "title": "Separator title", "separator": true },
{ "title": "Script title", "script": "path to file" },
{ "title": "Command title", "command": "command 1 && command 2..." },
{ "title": "Url title", "url": "" },
{ "title": "Folder title", "folder": "explorer ." },
{ "title": "File title", "folder": "start ./loader.png" }
Make sure you have node installed, this is a dependency of this project. If you don't have it, just install it, following the steps on this site: Node
Open a terminal, navigate to the desired folder to save this project and use the command below:
Upon completion, use:
cd hub-tools && npm install
After installing all project dependencies, just start it:
npm run build && npm start