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N°4 - Markov Chain Sentence Generator

Second challenge on the list, a Markov Chain Sentence Generator! This generator will also be written in Rust. I have already heard about Markov Chains before, but I don't actually know how they work and what they are supposed to do. So let's start doing some research and implementing an algorithm for generating those Markov Chains!

Starting the challenge

I First need to document myself on Markov Chains. A quick web search leads me to this Wikipedia page. Reading through the article, I learn that there are two main types of Markov Chains: Discrete and Continuous. As I will be generating a sentence consisting of discrete words, I will need to implement a Discrete-Time Markov Chain Sentence Generator. The purpose of such a chain is to predict a probable sequence outcome based on an input. In the example of a sentence, each word is followed by the next word, they are consecutive. A Markov Chain algorithm will look at all those words and produce a probability for each word to be followed by another specific word. It can seem a bit complicated at first, but I will hopefully get the hang of it.

So, what does my program needs to do? Well, it's a sentence generator, so it needs to create a somewhat syntactically logic sentence with the use of a Markov Chain (spoiler alert, it won't be logically correct...). For this, the program will take a sentence as input and will generate a new sentence (a Markov Chain) based on this input.

As usual, I create my new Rust project with cargo new. I name the folder 4-markov_chain and I start by opening the file in my IDE.

Solving the challenge

The Markov Chain Structure

We start by creating a new structure for the Markov Chain. We will use a Vector of Strings to represent the words of the sentence, and a HashMap to represent the transition probabilities:

type States = Vec<String>;
type Transitions = HashMap<String, HashMap<String, usize>>;

struct SentenceMarkovChain {
  states: States,
  transitions: Transitions,

The Transitions contains a String as a key, and a HashMap as a value. The HashMap contains a String as a key, and an usize as a value, which represents the number of times the word is followed by another word (the weight or probability).

Implementing the new Method

We then need to implement the new method for the SentenceMarkovChain. This function will need to take a sentence as input, and return a new Option for a SentenceMarkovChain with states containing every possible words, and transitions containing the transitions probabilities. To do that, we start by removing any non-alphabetic/punctuation characters from the sentence using this regex (and the regex crate):


Then, we will split the sentence into words, and add each word to the states Vector. Finally, we will make sure the sentence contains at least one word. If not, we return an Err.

Here is the first part of the new method:

let unwanted_chars = Regex::new(r"[^A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\s!?\.,;-]").unwrap();
let mut states: States = unwanted_chars
  .replace_all(text.as_str(), "")

if states.is_empty() {
  return Err(io::Error::new(
    "The input text does not contain any words.",

Then, we will need to generate the transitions. The first step is to create an empty HashMap matching the Transitions type. Then, we will iterate over the states Vector, and for each word, we will find the next word in the sentence.

We start by iterating over all the states (words) in the sentence, and we add each word not previously added to the transitions HashMap:

for (i, word) in states.iter().enumerate() {
  if transitions.get(word).is_none() {
    transitions.insert(String::from(word), HashMap::new());
  // - Snip -

Then, we find the next word in the sentence by getting the word at the index i + 1. If the index is out of bounds (and returns a None type), we instead get the first word in the states, using unwrap_or_else and a closure. We then add the next word to the transitions using the entry method, and modify the value of the HashMap entry by incrementing it by 1, or insert 1 if it doesn't exist yet. I like how with the Rust syntax, this code can nearly be read as a normal sentence!

for (i, word) in states.iter().enumerate() {
  // - Snip -
  let next = String::from(
    states.get(i + 1).unwrap_or_else(|| states.first().unwrap()),
    .and_modify(|x| *x += 1)

And the final step for the new method is to remove the duplicates in the states and return the SentenceMarkovChain with the states and transitions filled. The reason why we sort the states is that the dedup method removes only consecutive duplicates, and we want to remove all duplicates.


Ok(Self {

Okay, so now we have a working new method. But let's visualize what it does. Consider the following sentence:

"Hello you How are you today"

Obviously this sentence is very short, so the output will be very similar to the input. But if we look at the new method, we can see that it creates a new SentenceMarkovChain with the following states and transitions:

states: ["HELLO", "YOU", "HOW", "ARE", "TODAY"],
transitions: {
  "HELLO": {
    "YOU": 1,
  "HOW": {
    "ARE": 1,
  "ARE": {
    "YOU": 1,
  "YOU": {
    "TODAY": 1,
    "HOW": 1,
  "TODAY": {
    "HELLO": 1,

We can see that the states contains each word without any duplicates, and the transitions contains all the probabilities. This can be better visualized with a graph:

Graph of the Markov Chain Graph of the Markov Chain

Here, all the nodes representing all the possible states are connected together with the edges representing the probabilities. On this graph, the probabilities are between 0 and 1, but in my code, they are integers representing the number of times a word is followed by another word (so they are more like weights).

Implementing the generate Method

Now that we have this transition structure, we can implement the generate method. This method will take a usize (number of words) as an input, and will return a String (the resulting sentence). Because probabilities involves randomness (in this context), we will need to use the randcrate. I add it to the Cargo.toml file, and then import it using use. Because we will be using weighted randomness, we also import the distributions

use rand::{distributions, prelude::*};

We first need to create a new random number generator thread using thread_rng:

let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();

Then, we randomly chose a starting word, and initialize the sentence vector that will contain all the words. We start by adding the starting word to the sentence vector:

let mut current_word = self.states.choose(&mut rng).unwrap().to_owned();
let mut sentence = vec![current_word.to_owned()];

Then we will loop n times (the number of words we want to generate). For each iteration, we will get a list of possible (weighted) words based on the current word, and then chose a random word from that list. We then add the word to the sentence vector. Finally, we return the sentence vector as a String by joining the words with a space.

for _ in 1..n {
  let weighted_words = {
    let mut weights = Vec::new();
      .for_each(|x| weights.push((x.0, x.1)));

  let distribution =
    distributions::WeightedIndex::new(weighted_words.iter().map(|x| x.1))

  current_word = weighted_words[distribution.sample(&mut rng)].0;

sentence.join(" ")

We now have a working Markov Chain Sentence Generator!

Using the Generator

Inside the main function, we need to create a new Markov Chain based on an input text. To do that, we use the new method we created earlier:

let markov_chain = MarkovChain::new(text).unwrap();

For the moment, we don't have a text so this text variable is a placeholder.

Then, we can print a sentence generated from this chain by using the generate method:

let sentence = markov_chain.generate(9).unwrap();

Here, we generate a sentence with 9 words.

If the text is, for example:

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and
praising pain was born, and I will give you a complete account of the system,
and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the
master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure
itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue
pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again
is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself,
because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil
and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which
of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some
advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to
enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain
that produces no resultant pleasure?

This text is just a Lorem-like text in English

We could get:


Which makes no sense, but is still (kind of) syntactically correct. Plus, this sentence does not appear anywhere in the input text, so it created a brand-new sentence! Usually, the larger the input, the better the resulting sentence.

With that, we can say the challenge is completed!

Final Code

The final code can be found in the file, inside the src folder.

Going further: Using arguments

To make this tool easier to use, we can implement the possibility to use arguments to specify the input text and number of words to generate. When running the program, the user will need to append two arguments like this:

./markov_chain_sentence_generator <path> <number>

path is the path to the file containing the input text and number is the number of words to generate.

The args module

To handle those arguments, we create a new module args in a new file (src/, and then import it in the file using the mod keyword. This module contains one public function called get_args that will return a Parameters structure with the path and the number in it. In this function, we start by collecting the arguments in a Vec of Strings using the env::args method of the standard library. We need to do four checks before processing the arguments:

  1. Check if the arguments contain -h or --help.
  2. Check if there are not enough or too many arguments.
  3. Check if the path leads to an invalid file.
  4. Check if the number is invalid.

In the first two cases, we print the help message and in the two remaining cases, we print an error message. Of course, we exit the program if any of those checks is true.

Finally, if all the checks are passed, we return the Parameters structure with the path and the parsed number in it.

Here are the four checks and the return statement of the get_args function:

pub fn get_args() -> Parameters {
  let args = std::env::args().collect::<Vec<String>>();

  // Check 1
  if args.contains(&"-h".to_owned()) || args.contains(&"--help".to_owned()) {

  // Check 2
  if args.len() < 2 || args.len() > 3 {
  // Check 3
  let path = path::PathBuf::from(&args[1]);
  if !path.exists() || !path.is_file() {
    eprintln!("File `{}` was not found!", path.display());
  // Check 4
  let size = &args[2].parse::<usize>().unwrap_or_default();
  if size.eq(&0) {
    eprintln!("The size provided is not a valid, strictly positive number!");

  Parameters {
    input_file: path,
    sentence_size: size.to_owned(),

In the main function

Back inside the main function, we call the get_args and store the result in a variable called params. Then, we read the file using the path of the params and store it in a variable called input_text. If the file is not readable, we print an error message and exit the program.

let params = args::get_args();

let input_text = match fs::read_to_string(params.input_file) {
  Ok(content) => content,
  Err(e) => {
    eprintln!("There was a problem trying to read the file: {e}");

Finally, we pass the text into the SentenceMarkovChain constructor and print the generated sentence (while not forgetting to handle the possible errors)!

let markov_chain = match SentenceMarkovChain::new(input_text) {
  Ok(s) => s,
  Err(e) => {
      "There was a problem trying to create the Markov Chain Sentence: {e}"

let sentence = markov_chain.generate(params.sentence_size);

Challenge finished

The final entirely commented source code can be found in the src folder.