NRD v3.6.0:
- NRD: removed "SpecularLobeTrimmingParameters"
- NRD: improved NRD SDK generation script
- REBLUR: regression and bug fixes (sorry, it's an expected side effect of doing steps forward)
- REBLUR: improved IQ and performance
- NRD: removed "SpecularLobeTrimmingParameters"
- NRD: improved NRD SDK generation script
- NRD: Fooplot graphs replaced with Desmos graphs
- NRD: improved compatibility with HLSL 2021 (WIP)
- NRD: clarified in comments where NRD_USE_OCT_NORMAL_ENCODING and NRD_USE_MATERIAL_ID come from
- NRD: getting rid of point-mirror samplers in the shader code
- REBLUR: changed estimation of optimal hitT for tracking
- REBLUR: added random rotation to HistoryFix pass
- REBLUR: hitT for very low roughness is not modified by HistoryFix pass (already clean)
- REBLUR: made another attempt to properly tune virtual parallax based history rejection
- REBLUR: fixed SH related bug in pre-pass (regression)
- REBLUR: improved SH denoising (pre-pass now behaves as "advanced" since direction and PDF are available)
- REBLUR: unified hitT weight between radiance and hitT
- REBLUR: unified hit distance factor
- REBLUR: improved performance
- REBLUR: fixed a rare case of out-of-bounds access, when unused half of a resource is filled with NaNs
- REBLUR: improved calculation of virtual motion based accumulation speed for specular
- REBLUR: blur radius refactoring (all relevant code gathered in one place for clarity)
- REBLUR: fixed a minor issue in debug visualization
- REBLUR: tuned blur radius "addon"
- REBLUR: code refactoring and simplification
- SIGMA: changed shader names to match overall REBLUR style (no functional changes)
- updated README & UPDATE