- NRD: introduced optional "NRDEncoding.hlsli"
- NRD: introduced optional per per-pixel disocclusion threshold
- NRD: increased default disocclusion threshold
- NRD: fixed bug leading to rounding materialID 2 to 3
- RELAX / REBLUR: various improvements
- REBLUR: removed settings "minConvergedStateBaseRadiusScale" and "maxAdaptiveRadiusScale"
- REBLUR: specular tracking improvements
- NRD: introduced optional "NRDEncoding.hlsli"
- NRD: introduced optional per per-pixel disocclusion threshold
- NRD: increased default disocclusion threshold
- NRD: fixed bug leading to rounding materialID 2 to 3
- RELAX / REBLUR: fixed potential SMEM out of bounds access
- RELAX / REBLUR: improved disocclusion check
- RELAX / REBLUR: improved "back faced" history rejection
- RELAX / REBLUR: fixed previous normal fetching math for footprints touching "background" pixels
- RELAX / REBLUR: refactoring
- RELAX: improved math handling jitter
- RELAX: added view vector- and roughness- based stoppers to A-trous
- RELAX: removed ortho related hack from TA pass
- RELAX: added materialID support to anti-firefly filter
- REBLUR: improved SMB (surface motion based) accumulation speed estimation
- REBLUR: tweaked anti-firefly suppressor settings
- REBLUR: tweaked roughness weight for specular VMB (virtual motion based) tracking
- REBLUR: fixed parallax-based specular confidence for VMB (was too aggressive at high FPS)
- REBLUR: removed settings "minConvergedStateBaseRadiusScale" and "maxAdaptiveRadiusScale"
- REBLUR: improved checkerboard resolve if amount of SMB is high
- REBLUR: fixed potential over-sharpening in disoccluded regions (ancient regression)
- REBLUR: increased aggressiveness of curvature correction
- REBLUR: improved hitT for tracking in TS pass
- REBLUR: fixed potential out of screen roughness check in TA pass
- REBLUR: resolved TODOs
- REBLUR: improved curvature estimation if parallax is high
- REBLUR: tuned settings of virtual parallax difference based confidence to minimize potential ghosting
- REBLUR: fixed SMB data influence on VMB in TS pass
- REBLUR: fixed bug not allowing a lower value to be clamped to a bigger value from fast history
- SPECULAR_REFLECTION_MV: updated curvature calculation math
- improved docs