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Testing the Glow compiler

The Glow test suite contains four major categories: unit tests, regression tests, example programs, and the model loader. Unit tests are the small tests that stress specific parts of the compiler. These tests are added to the compiler when developing a feature. For example, we train a number of small network and perform a gradient check on the operators. We also compile networks to IR and look for specific patterns. Regression tests are tests that are added when we fix bugs. Both regression tests and feature tests are found under the "test/" directory. To run the feature and regression tests run "ninja test".

Example test suites.

We rely on external test suites to test the compiler. We use the data sets CIFAR10 and MNIST (located in the "example/" directory) to test the correctness of the whole system. The script under 'utils/' download and extract the data set.

Model Loader

We test the correctness of the Glow implementation by loading Caffe2 and ONNX models and executing them end-to-end.

Image Classification

The program image-classifier loads a model, a png file, and runs a single pass of inference. If everything goes right the output of the program is identical to the output of the original (Caffe2 or ONNX) model. Unfortunately, the models do not usually describe what the input format should be. Should the pixels be between zero and one, or negative 128 to positive 128? The user needs to be aware of these things when running the models. The script in the directory 'utils/' downloads a number of pre-trained networks that we can use for testing.

The Glow build scripts copy a few sample images and a run script that tests the image-classifier program. The script can be executed with the command:


Calculating Top-1 and Top-5 Accuracy

The script located in the utils/ directory can be used to calculate Top-1 and Top-5 accuracy. It can be run via a command like the following:

python utils/ --batch-size=10 --validation-images-dir=${PATH_TO_IMAGES} --image-classifier-cmd="${PATH_TO_IMAGE_CLASSIFIER_BINARY} -image-mode=0to1 -m=${PATH_TO_RESNET50_PROTOS_DIR} -model-input-name=gpu_0/data -cpu -topk=5 -"

Note that the --image-classifier-cmd must include -topk=5 for printing the Top-5 labels, and - to run in streaming mode.

The script expects the directory passed in via --validation-images-dir to contain subdirectories alphabetically ordered in order of increasing label. For example, for Imagenet with 1000 labels, subdirectories could be listed as label000/, label001/, ... , label999/, where label000/ contains all images that should be classified with label 0.

The script can be used to resize and center crop images to 224x224 via --resize-input-images. This resize and center cropping can be done by itself via --only-resize-and-save, improving execution time of calculating Top-k accuracy more than once (this saves the processed images to validation_images_dir/processed/).

Text Translation

The program text-translator loads a text translation model, reads a line from stdin in a source language, and then prints the translation to the command line in the destination language. The text translation model should be specified by a directory via -m, containing the source and destination dictionaries (src_dictionary.txt and dst_dictionary.txt), as well as the protobuf files for the model. A backend can be optionally specified, just like for the image-classifier.

$ ./bin/text-translator -m en2gr -cpu

Enter a sentence in English to translate to German: My favorite sport is basketball .
mein Lieblingssport ist Basketball .

This program expects a sequence-to-sequence model with beam search. Because Glow currently does not support models that contain control flow (e.g. the RecurrentNetwork operator from Caffe2), the input model must be unrolled to some maximum input and output length. These can be specified on the command line via -max-input-len and -max-output-len. Additionally, the beam search size can be specified via -beam-size. The default options for the text-translator match those for the en2gr model currently downloaded via utils/ (-max-input-len=10, -max-output-len=14, -beam-size=6).

Caffe2 and ONNX Models

Model loader programs (e.g. image-classifier and text-translator) load pre-trained models from protobuf file (either Caffe2 or ONNX). These pre-trained models are downloaded via script located in utils/.

There is a more general way to run a pre-trained model, not related to images. The model-runner program loads and runs a self-contained model, i.e. a model, which has all its inputs initialized inside itself and does not ask for user's input.

Train and Save Caffe2 Models

The script in utils/ allows the user to define their own models and input training set in Caffe2, and then dumps the network and weights to protobuf files (the network structure in predict_net.pb/pbtxt and the pre-trained weights in init_net.pb). Right now it trains either LeNet on MNIST; an MLP is also available and can be used by setting USE_LENET_MODEL = False. This script is heavily based on the tutorial from Caffe2.

Run the pre-trained Caffe2 Models using Caffe2

The script in utils/ loads and runs a pre-trained model using the protobuf files saved using This can be used to compare the output from Glow to Caffe2. Its usage is similar to running the image-classifier, which is found in the script in tests/images/. For example, the following command will run the pre-trained resnet50 model using Caffe2:

python -i [location_of_image] -d resnet50

Integrated Testing

Glow also comes with tests integrated with the build environment for our command line tools. We run those tests as part of our continuous integration (CI).

Run them as part of your local build using the following

cmake -G Ninja <glow_src>  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
      -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/opt/llvm         \

Followed by

ninja check_expensive

Note: ninja check_expensive runs all of the tests that ninja check runs plus any tests that have been marked as EXPENSIVE using add_glow_test(EXPENSIVE ...) such as the integration tests.

Note: The difference between ninja test and ninja check is that ninja check makes sure the build dependencies are current before running the tests.