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Releases: Open-MSS/MSS

MSS 6.0.6

13 Apr 13:44
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The 6.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 6.0.x


  • MSS and WMS crashes sometimes if no coastline is present in the selected area, #1410
  • remove a layer-less WMS server using the "trashcan" icon causes a segmentation fault, #1376


  • Default Linear Plotting classes for different quantities share same name property, #1415
  • MSS and WMS crashes sometimes if no coastline is present in the selected area, #1410

Full Changelog:


MSS 6.0.5

29 Mar 12:49
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The 6.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 6.0.x

msui + mscolab

  • optimize for transportlayer websocket, #1295


  • multi-layering does not work for servers lacking an init-time (i.e. most non-MSS servers), #1373
  • mscolab on windows needs a different transport, #1391

other changes

  • Year 2022 added to copyright string

Full Changelog:


MSS 6.0.4

25 Feb 09:42
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The 6.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 6.0.x

msui + mscolab

  • on new operation "/ is not a connected namespace" shown, #1356


  • improve speed of connecting to mscolab, #1344

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MSS 6.0.3

25 Feb 09:38
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The 6.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 6.0.x


  • fastkml==0.12 crashes Test_KmlOverlayDockWidget.test, #1358
  • skyfield data expired, #1357


  • ImportError: cannot import name 'TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer' from 'itsdangerous' , #1359


  • gallery: horizontal layers with spaces (etc) in level units are duplicated, #1353
  • temperature hsec style, #1354
  • gallery: updating the gallery should be atomic, #1351
  • gallery: automatic deduction of plotting area fails for 360 degree jump in longitude in data, #1348
  • gallery: automatic deduction of plotting area fails for 360 degree jump in longitude in data, #1347

Full Changelog:


MSS 6.0.2

02 Feb 13:55
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The 6.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 6.0.x


  • crash on config save in section "import plugins", #1331


  • Server generates error message when displaying section with no data , #1335

Full Changelog: 6.0.0...6.0.2

MSS 6.0.1

14 Jan 13:10
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The 6.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 6.0.x


  • some airspaces from openaip do not work, #1324
  • Update of names after "file save as" , #1317
  • deleting an operation should update the OP list #1313
  • projection selector changes on new layer , #1310
  • Can only use one 'export_plugins' and 'import_plugins' entry., #1305
  • problem with waypoints_interactor #1266


  • Flight paths crossing the date line (longitude=180) #1304


  • can't login to windows mscolab server, #1293
  • file upload error in mscolab chat window, #1290


  • improve docker description, #1291

Full Changelog: 6.0.0...6.0.1

MSS 6.0.0

07 Oct 11:16
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Aravind Murali (@aravindm711) redesigned in Google Summer of Code 2021 the MSUI interface.
This now connects in a user-friendly way the editing of flight paths locally
or remotely with other users. Many of Jörn Ungermann's ideas were implemented.
In addition, Aravind Murali has improved a configuration editor for our json mss_settings file
and made this user-friendly. The initial idea of the new editor stems from Reimar Bauer.
GSoC mentors were Jörn Ungermann, May Bär, Reimar Bauer

Hrithik Kumar Verma (@risehr) developed a toolchain for the automatic creation of tutorials
in the Google Summer of Code 2021. This simplifies the creation of video tutorials in
a similar way to updating tests. Using these tutorial scripts to create videos
also increases test coverage. The initial idea stems from Reimar Bauer.
GSoC mentors were Reimar Bauer, May Bär

May Bär (@Marilyth) introduced an all in one installation script for MSS and all dependencies.

Jörn Ungermann (@joernu76) improved kml visualizing the same way as of a flightpath.

Reimar Bauer (@ReimarBauer) improved permissions, projects and signalling for mscolab.

All Changes:


The database tables for MSColab have changed, see our documentation for updating.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 5.0.2...6.0.0

MSS 5.0.2

07 Sep 08:54
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The 5.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 5.0.x


  • mscolab not JavaScript friendly, #1095

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 5.0.1...5.0.2

MSS 5.0.1

13 Aug 17:08
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The 5.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 5.0.x


  • Starting MSS under Windows opens confusing mamba and/or conda windows, #1145

mswms, mscolab

  • problems with campaign logos on the servers Frontpage, #1120


  • add _gallerypath to examples in documentation, #1122
  • Documentation misleading w.r.t. to what *conda to install before installing mss, #1146

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 5.0.0...5.0.1

MSS 5.0.0

02 Aug 16:50
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This release brings many improvements to the WMS Server along with new features for the UI.
On demand a WMS server can show what kind of view graphics are provided.
Optionally the source for creating the graphics can be published over the web service too.
By this any existing server shows examples how to create graphics. Have a look at
our documentation on for this feature.

The linear styles got improved to work also on .ml files

We refactored some of our oldest code in thermolib and moved to the famous metpy module.
A new docking widget for topview was introduced for integrating airbase data by and

Newer versions than 5.0.0 can now use the built-in update feature on command line or by the UI.

All changes:


  • make hexagon flight direction configurable, #1099
  • make satellite predictor link clickable, #1098
  • Open wms control by default in views, #1077
  • integrate recent Airbase data, e.g. from openaip, #1069
  • Multilayering does not select newest init time, #1046
  • metpy migration, #1004
  • Plot x-axis, y-axis, title, and color bar label sizes should be configurable, #573
  • metpy, #378


  • Elevations not present for some layers, #1060
  • more details on the MSS Frontpage, #1045
  • Make linear styles work on non .ml files, #1027
  • Simplify creation of plotting classes by better preparing necessary data, #1011
  • WMS server provides incorrect figure in the case of dataset update, #886
  • Add a gallery for available layers, #521


  • more details on the MSS Frontpage, #1045


  • remove outdated parameter "crs_to_mpl_basemap_table" from json-example, #1110
  • restructure and update docs, #1105
  • review docs environment for rtfd, #1084
  • replace in our documentation docker_based_installation.rst the Url to the repository, #1073
  • Update docs mss version etc automatically, #1057
  • organize / reorganize Topics of the Development part, #1052

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.0.4...5.0.0