Transpile your TypeScript projects quickly using esbuild + rollup, made to accelerate and simplify the TypeScript development with file watcher and first-class support for JavaScript testing frameworks.
This library doesn't handle type definitions, but you can add them simply by doing
tsc --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly
pnpm add -D bob-ts esbuild
yarn add -D bob-ts esbuild
npm install -D bob-ts esbuild
By default bob-ts
is ESM first, but you can change it to be either CJS with: -f cjs
or -f interop
to transpile for both CommonJS & ESM.
If you don't have "type": "module"
in your package.json
will be outputted with the extension .mjs
and CJS
as .js
If you do have "type": "module"
in your package.json
will be outputted with the extension .js
and CJS
as .cjs
Usage: bob-ts [options]
-d, --dir <directory> Custom output dir (default: "dist")
-i, --input <patterns...> Input patterns (default: ".")
-f, --format <format> Format, it can be 'cjs', 'esm' or 'interop' (default: "esm")
--cwd <dir> Custom target directory (default: "X")
--no-clean Don't clean output dir (default: true)
-t, --target <target> Javascript runtime target (default: "_YOUR_CURRENT_NODE_VERSION_")
--no-sourcemap Disable sourcemap generation
--paths Resolve tsconfig paths (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
This will transpile all your
folder, and its structure will be kept as is in thedist
"scripts": {
"prepare": "bob-ts -i src"
Usage: bob-ts-watch [options]
-d, --dir <directory> Custom output dir (default: "dist")
-i, --input <patterns...> Input patterns (default: ".")
-f, --format <format> Output format (choices: "cjs", "esm", "interop", default: "esm")
--clean Clean output dir (default: false)
--cwd <dir> Custom target directory (default: "___")
-c, --command <commands...> Execute scripts after successful JS build, You can specify more than a single command
to be executed concurrently
-t, --target <target> Javascript runtime target (default: "_YOUR_CURRENT_NODE_VERSION_")
--ignore <files...> Patterns of files to ignore watching
--no-sourcemap Disable sourcemap generation
--paths Resolve tsconfig paths (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
"scripts": {
"dev": "bob-ts-watch -i src -c \"node dist/index.mjs\""
The main reason for the default input being "."
is because this library has first-class support for being used for JavaScript test frameworks like Mocha and Node-Tap.
You can have all the tests files inside a specific test directory, for example, test
, and use the transpiled version of your code with all the required source maps.
In the end, a better and faster alternative than ts-node/register
, and the solution for ESM support with TypeScript, where ts-node
struggles a lot.
Example structure
pnpm add -D mocha c8
yarn add -D mocha c8
npm install -D mocha c8
"scripts": {
"dev": "bob-ts-watch -c \"node/dist/src/index.mjs\"",
"start": "bob-ts && node/dist/src/index.mjs",
"test": "bob-ts && c8 mocha dist/test",
"test:watch": "bob-ts-watch -c \"c8 mocha dist/test\""
"mocha": {
"enable-source-maps": true
"scripts": {
"dev": "bob-ts-watch -f cjs -c \"node dist/src/index.js\"",
"start": "bob-ts -f cjs && node dist/src/index.js",
"test": "bob-ts -f cjs && c8 mocha dist/test",
"test:watch": "bob-ts-watch -f cjs -c \"c8 mocha dist/test\""
"mocha": {
"enable-source-maps": true
pnpm add -D tap @istanbuljs/esm-loader-hook
yarn add -D tap @istanbuljs/esm-loader-hook
npm install -D tap @istanbuljs/esm-loader-hook
Assuming that your tests are inside a
"scripts": {
"dev": "bob-ts-watch -c \"node/dist/src/index.mjs\"",
"start": "bob-ts && node/dist/src/index.mjs",
"test": "bob-ts && tap dist/test",
"test:watch": "bob-ts-watch -c \"tap dist/test\""
"tap": {
"node-arg": ["--no-warnings", "--experimental-loader", "@istanbuljs/esm-loader-hook"]
"scripts": {
"dev": "bob-ts-watch -f cjs -c \"node/dist/src/index.js\"",
"start": "bob-ts -f cjs && node/dist/src/index.js",
"test": "bob-ts -f cjs && tap dist/test",
"test:watch": "bob-ts-watch -f cjs -c \"tap dist/test\""