This is a containerized application for managing transport orders. The project consists of a Django backend and a Nuxt frontend, both running in Docker containers via Docker Compose.
- Django 3.2
- Nuxt 3
- PostgreSQL – Database used for persistent data storage.
- Docker & Docker Compose – Containerization for consistency across environments. Multistage builds are used to keep production images lean
To build and run the project from the root directory, use:
cd swida
docker-compose up -d --build
Now is your transport management app available on http://locahost:3000/orders
The Nuxt app uses runtime configuration for the API base URL. In nuxt.config.ts, the configuration is set as follows:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
runtimeConfig: {
public: {
apiBase: process.env.NUXT_ENV_API_URL || 'http://localhost:8000/api'
In Docker Compose, the environment variable is set to point to the backend:
build: ./frontend
- "3000:3000"
- NUXT_ENV_API_URL=http://web:8000/api
- web
Instead of relying solely on Django’s generic class-based views, this project uses a dependency injection (DI) and service layer approach for handling business logic. Here’s why this approach is preferred to me:
Separation of Concerns: The view layer handles only HTTP request/response logic while the service layer encapsulates business logic. This separation makes the code easier to understand and maintain.
Testability: By injecting services into views, you can easily mock or replace them during testing, allowing for unit testing of business logic without full-stack dependencies.
Flexibility & Reusability: The service layer can be reused across different parts of the application or even across projects, avoiding code duplication.
Maintainability: As the project grows, keeping business logic separate from view logic makes it simpler to modify, extend, or refactor the application.
I know that using generic views might be even faster and leverage the full potential of the Django framework, but I aimed to implement this solution as if I were writing code for a production-ready application. With possibility to grow :-)