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Steven Green edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 3 revisions

The event validation algorithms inside LArContent are derived from a base class containing common code required by each instance of a validation algorithm. This common class contains the functions used in the interpreted matching scheme for obtaining matches between MCParticles and PFOs.

The derived classes contain two functions that overwrite the virtual functions in the base class. These are FillValidationInfo function, which populates the relevant maps required by the MCParticle helper functions that determine all matches between an MCParticle and the reconstructed PFOs, and the ProcessOutput function, which defines whether a whole interaction has been correctly reconstructed. The FillValidationInfo function must be defined in the derived classes as the primary targets differ when evaluating a neutrino and test beam particle interaction. Furthermore, the ProcessOutput function is also in the derived class as the definition of a successfully reconstructed particle hierarchy differs between the neutrino and test beam use cases.

Examples of the necessary xml block for running the three current derived algorithms are given below.

Neutrino Validation CaloHitList2D Input RecreatedPfos false false true false Validation Validation.root

Test Beam Validation " CaloHitList2D Input RecreatedPfos false true false Validation Validation.root "

Test Beam Hierarchy Validation CaloHitList2D Input RecreatedPfos false true false Validation Validation.root

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