Backend service for the Nail Salon Booking System, built with Spring Boot 3.3.4. This service provides REST APIs for appointment management, user authentication, and salon service management.
🚀 Visit the Live Site
- Java Version: 21
- Framework: Spring Boot 3.3.4
- Database: MySQL (Azure Database for MySQL)
- Build Tool: Maven
- Documentation: OpenAPI (Swagger)
- Spring Boot Starter Web
- Spring Boot Starter Data JPA
- Spring Boot Security
- Spring Boot Validation
- MySQL Connector
- JWT (JSON Web Token)
- Lombok
- SpringDoc OpenAPI (Swagger UI)
├── config/
│ ├── OpenAPIConfig # Swagger configuration
│ └── WebConfig # Web and CORS configuration
├── controller/ # REST API controllers
├── exception/ # Custom exception handlers
├── model/ # Entity classes
├── payload/
│ ├── ApiResponse # Standard API response format
│ ├── BookingRequest # Booking related DTOs
│ ├── EmailCheckRequest # Email validation DTOs
│ ├── GoogleLoginRequest # Google OAuth DTOs
│ ├── JwtAuthentication # JWT related DTOs
│ ├── LoginRequest # Login DTOs
│ ├── RegisterRequest # Registration DTOs
│ └── UserResponse # User related DTOs
├── repository/ # JPA repositories
├── security/
│ ├── CustomUserDetailsService
│ ├── JwtAuthenticationEntryPoint
│ ├── JwtAuthenticationFilter
│ ├── JwtTokenProvider
│ ├── SecurityConfig
│ └── UserPrincipal
├── service/
│ ├── BookingService # Appointment management
│ ├── CategoryService # Service category management
│ ├── NailServiceService # Nail service management
│ ├── NotificationService # Notification handling
│ ├── ProfessionalService # Staff management
│ └── UserService # User management
- JDK 21
- Maven
- MySQL Server
- IDE (IntelliJ IDEA recommended)
Configure MySQL connection in
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
- Swagger UI:
- OpenAPI Docs:
- Secret key configuration in
- Token expiration: 24 hours
- Token validation and refresh mechanisms
- User registration/api/auth/login
- Email/password login/api/auth/google
- Google OAuth login/api/auth/check-email
- Email availability check
- JWT based authentication
- Role-based access control (USER, ADMIN, PROFESSIONAL)
- Password encryption
- CORS configuration
- Request validation
# Server Configuration
# JWT Configuration
# CORS Configuration
# Logging Configuration
"success": boolean,
"message": "string",
"data": object
- Global exception handling
- Standardized error responses
- Validation error handling
- JPA auto-update schema
- Database version control (recommended)
- Data seeding scripts (if needed)
Currently deployed on Azure with:
- Azure Database for MySQL
- Azure App Service (or your deployment platform)
- SSL/TLS enabled
- Environment-specific configurations
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Commit changes
- Push to the branch
- Create a Pull Request