Figure.1 The overall architecture of the proposed PCNet model.
The paper can be downloaded from here[code:NEPU], which is accepted in Multimedia Tools and Appllications 🎆.
Python v3.6, Pytorch 0.4.0+, Cuda 10.0, TensorboardX 2.0, opencv-python
Download the dataset from here[code:NEPU], which includes train, test in train and test dataset. Then put them under the following directory:
- Training the PCNet
Please download the released code and then:
run python
- Testing the PCNet
Please download the trained weights from here and put it to pre folder. Then:
run python
Then the test maps will be saved to './salmap/'
- Evaluate the result maps
You can evaluate the result maps using the tool from here[code:NEPU], thanks for Dengpin Fan.
- Qualitative comparison
Figure.2 Qualitative comparison of our proposed method with some SOTA methods.
- Quantitative comparison
Table.1 Quantitative comparison with some SOTA models on there public RGB-T SOD benchmark datasets.
- Salmaps
The results of three RGB-T SOD benchmark datasets can be download from here [code:NEPU]
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via [email protected] (Ranwan Wu). Please cite: { Wu, R., Bi, H., Zhang, C. et al. Pyramid contract-based network for RGB-T salient object detection. Multimed Tools Appl (2023). }