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602 lines (480 loc) · 30.1 KB

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602 lines (480 loc) · 30.1 KB
/*  _______         ____    __         ___    ___
 * \    _  \       \    /  \  /       \   \  /   /       '   '  '
 *  |  | \  \       |  |    ||         |   \/   |         .      .
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 * /_______/ynamic    \____/niversal  /__\  /____\usic   /|  .  . ibliotheque
 *                                                      /  \
 *                                                     / .  \
 * - Release notes for DUMB.             / / \  \
 *                                                   | <  /   \_
 *                                                   |  \/ /\   /
 *                                                    \_  /  > /
 *                                                      | \ / /
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 *                                                       \__/

DUMB Changelog

v2.0.3, released 30 January 2018

  • Fix pattern n_entries calculation, which was broken when attempting to fix the warning incorrectly with long casts, which resulted in n_entries that were horribly inflated, possibly breaking code that didn't expect the change.

v2.0.2, released 9 October 2017

  • Amended order scanner to also look for blank type patterns that would cause problems with the renderer.
  • Changed all format readers to check order scanner for errors and return them to the caller.
  • Changed all credits references to the correct name, now that it's more widely known.

v2.0.1, released 9 October 2017

  • #66, Can't Use DUMB_OFF_T_CUSTOM to Fix Static Assertion On 32-Bit System
  • #69, Make LFS-checks work with
  • #70, Fix internal getnc to return dumb_ssize_t
  • #71, PSM Playback Has Garbled Sound
  • Documentation updates
  • More fuzz testing revealed places where order counts were allowed to be extremely high, blowing out the memory requested for the timekeeping arrays. This has been severely limited now to throw errors on load.
  • Added some considerations to a porting document.

v2.0.0, released 26 September 2017

  • Memory leak and bug fixes
  • Audio playback quality improvements for STM
  • Added support for FEST MOD files
  • Default resampling quality is now cubic
  • Allegro 4 support
  • New dumbplay, dumbout examples
  • Multiple cmake fixes
  • Deprecated duh_render(), use duh_render_float() and duh_render_int()
  • Removed API deprecated since 0.9.3, see the DUMB 0.9.3 deprecation reference

v1.0.0, released 17 January 2015

  • Support newer compilers
  • Better audio playback quality
  • More supported formats
  • SSE optimizations support
  • CMake support
  • New resamplers
  • Seek support
  • Fixes, cleanups, speedups.

v0.9.3, released 7 August 2005

Hello! Welcome to a long-awaited-or-probably-just-given-up-on-by-everybody release! New to this release are lower memory usage, faster mixing loops, loading of text fields in the module files, and faster load functions for projects that don't need to seek within the module or know its length. Additionally, Chad Austin has contributed a dumb2wav tool for converting modules to .wav files and updated the Visual Studio 6 project files to compile all the examples as well as the library. Users of Unix-like systems will be pleased to know that on Chad's suggestion I have made the build system cope with variables such as $HOME or ${HOME} in the prefix.

Chad has also contributed an Autotools build system, but neither of us recommends its use. The Autotools are an evil black box, we haven't quite managed to get it right, and goodness help you if it happens not to work for you. The files are available in a separate download if you absolutely need them. Notice that that download is almost twice as large as the rest of DUMB!

Maybe we'll do SCons next time.

Thanks to Chad for all his work. Chad is the author of Audiere, a portable sound library which has started using DUMB for its module playback! Wahoo!

There are three main optimisations that went into the mixing loops.

First, I downloaded ModPlugXMMS and had a peek at the mixing code, which is Public Domain. It uses look-up tables for the cubic mixing. I pinched the idea, and that sped DUMB's cubic (best quality) resamplers up by a factor of two or three.

Secondly, the samples loaded from the file are now kept in 8-bit or 16-bit format, whereas previously they were being converted to 24-bit-in-32-bit on loading. This means the samples occupy a half or a quarter of the memory they used to occupy. It also had the side-effect of speeding up the mixing loops, but it meant I had to duplicate the resampling code. (It is all done with macros in the source code, but it becomes two copies on the binary level.)

Secondly, stereo samples and stereo mixing buffers are now kept in interleaved format, where previously the two channels were done separately to keep the code simpler. This change has made the library quite a bit bigger, but has made the code run almost twice as fast for stereo output (tested for modules whose samples are mostly mono)!

DUMB is now as fast as ModPlugXMMS on my system.

Some people have also commented that DUMB seems to take a long time loading files. This is because immediately upon loading the file it runs the playback engine over it up as far as the point of first loop, taking snapshots at 30- second intervals to be used as references for fast seeking and finally storing the playback time. Of course, most games don't need this. You can now skip it by calling the quick versions of the dumb_load(), dumb_read_() or dumb_register_dat_*() functions. Should you need the data later, you can call dumb_it_do_initial_runthrough() to calculate it. Please note that this cannot currently be done safely from a concurrent thread while the music is playing.

As mentioned, DUMB loads the text fields in module files now. You can retrieve the song title with duh_get_tag(). Sample names and file names and instrument names and filenames, and the song message for IT files, are available with a call to duh_get_it_sigdata() and various dumb_it_sd_*() functions. Please note that text fields added as extensions by ModPlug Tracker are not supported.

DUMB's timing is ever so slightly more accurate. This is hardly noticeable, but it has meant that the length computed will increase very slightly.

There are many small playback fixes in this release:

  • The Lxx effect in XM files (set envelope position) is now supported.

  • Pattern looping is now correct for XM files. Bizarrely, an ordinary pattern loop whose start point isn't the first row seems to cause the next pattern to start at the row corresponding to the loop start point. That must have been a headache for people creating XM files! Nevertheless, DUMB now emulates this behaviour. If you have an XM file that was written in a tracker other than Fast Tracker II and breaks in DUMB, you can get around it by putting a D00 effect (break to row 0) right at the end of the pattern containing the loop.

  • XM pattern looping can be infinite. DUMB should detect this and call the loop callback when it happens. Specifically, it has a loop counter for each channel, so each time it sets or decrements that counter, it remembers the loop end point for that channel. When the loop terminates, the loop end point is reset to 0. If the loop end point ever decreases during a loop, the loop callback is called. If anyone manages to get around this check and prevent DUMB from calling the callback, please let me know and send me an illustrative XM file!

  • For IT files, notes are now removed from channels if they have faded out, even if they are still in the foreground. After this has happened, a row with a note and Gxx (tone portamento) specified will cause a new note to start playing, which is what Impulse Tracker does in this scenario. (Normally, Gxx prevents the new note from playing and instead causes the old note to start sliding towards the new note.)

  • If a tone portamento command occurred when no note was playing, the effect value wasn't stored. This has been fixed. Thanks to Maim from #trax on EFnet for discovering this bug.

  • DUMB now treats the parameter to the undocumented XM key off effect Kxx as a delay, consistent with Fast Tracker II's behaviour. It has also been made not to clear the note, so a subsequent volume command will restore it, as in Fast Tracker II.

  • DUMB used to process the first row when you created the DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER. This happened before you had a chance to install any callbacks. If an F00 effect occurred on the first row, the music would stop immediately and the xm_speed_zero callback would be called if it were present. Unfortunately, it wasn't present, and the algorithm for calculating the length subsequently went into an endless loop while waiting for it. Worse still, the same algorithm accumulated data for fast seeking, and never stopped, so it pretty quickly consumed all the resources. DUMB will now not process the first row until you first request some samples, provided you pass zero for pos. Of course, any MOD or XM file with F00 in the very first row won't do much anyway, but such files won't crash the library now.

  • There was a subtle bug that affected a few XM files. For instruments with no associated samples, the array mapping notes to samples is uninitialised. This became a problem if such instruments were then used, which does happen sometimes. On many systems, memory is initialised to zero when first given to a program (for security reasons), so the problem didn't come up most of the time. However, on platforms like DOS where memory isn't initialised, or in programs that reuse memory later on (this includes the XMMS plug-in with which I discovered the bug), a rogue note would occasionally play. This has now been fixed.

  • DUMB's envelope handling for IT files was subtly wrong. Upon note off, it stopped obeying the sustain loop points one tick too early. Notes were often shorter than they should have been, and in pathological cases a whole extra iteration of the sustain loop section might have been skipped. The envelope code has now been rewritten. Thanks go to Allefant for Valgrinding the new code!

Finally, there were two build problems in the last version, which were fixed in the download marked with -fixed. They are of course correct in this version. For the record:

  • The make/config.bat file, responsible for generating make/config.txt, wrote a crucial line to the wrong place, causing it to be left out of the file. As a result, the makefile would fail to install everything for Allegro users, and enter infinite recursion for other users. This applied to people using DJGPP and MinGW.

  • DUMB's Makefile was supposed to install the example programs on Unix-based platforms, but it wasn't doing. The fix was to edit Makefile and change the one occurrence of $COMSPEC to $(COMSPEC).

That's it! I hope you enjoy this long-awaited-or-probably-just-given-up-on- by-everybody release of DUMB!

v0.9.2, released 2 April 2003

Yes, there really has been a release. This is not a day-late April fools' joke.

DUMB's full name has changed! The old "Dedicated Universal Music Bastardisation" was rather silly, and not much more than a forced attempt at finding words beginning with D, U, M and B. I spent weeks and weeks browsing dictionaries and hopelessly asking others for bright ideas, until the brilliant Chris "Kitty Cat" Robinson came up with "Dynamic". I decided to keep the U as Universal, since a DUH struct can hold digital music in any format. Now all that remained was the B, but it didn't take me long to come up with Bibliotheque, which, despite looking French, is indeed considered an English word by Oxford English Dictionary Online, to which my university has a subscription. So there you have it - the name now makes sense.

The two most significant additions to the project would have to be the new thread safety (with an important restriction, detailed in docs/dumb.txt), and the new build system. The silly 'makeall' and 'makecore' scripts are gone. If you are a GCC user, all you need do now is run 'make' and 'make install', as for other projects. You don't even have to run a 'fix' script any more! There are some caveats, which are covered in readme.txt. If you use Microsoft Visual C++ 6, you no longer need to obtain GCC and GNU Make - there is a project file just for you.

Huge thanks go to Steve Terry for testing on Windows XP - about five times - and to lillo for testing on BeOS and Mac OS X. Thanks also to X-G for testing on a Windows system that has consistently posed problems for DUMB's old makefiles.

There was a bug whereby al_poll_duh() would sometimes cause the music to resume playing if you called it after al_pause_duh(). Whether this was DUMB's fault for misusing Allegro's API, or a bug in Allegro, is unclear, but this release makes it work.

In one of my projects, I found that my AL_DUH_PLAYER stopped playing when there were lots of other sound effects. In order to fix this, I programmed DUMB to set the priority of the stream's voice to 255, the maximum. I also added al_duh_set_priority(), so you can set the priority yourself if you need to.

The resampling code has undergone a transformation. The bad news is that the linear average code is no longer in use. The good news is that where DUMB's resamplers used to require three extra samples' worth of memory to be allocated and initialised, it now copes with just the sample data. And it does a very good job at bouncing off loop points and otherwise hurtling around the sample. The resampling code is considerably more complicated, but the code that uses the resamplers is considerably simpler - and if you noticed a slight click in some bidirectionally looping samples, you'll be pleased to know that that click is gone!

I have also devoted some effort to optimisation. It seemed hopeless for a while, but then I actually figured out a way of making it faster AND more accurate at the same time! DUMB is now quite a bit faster than it was, and it mixes not with 16-bit precision, but with 24-bit precision. (It used 32-bit integers all along, but the difference is that it now makes use of 256 times as much of the integer's range.)

There have been the usual improvements to playback. The last release occurred rather too soon after I had fixed the XM effect memories; EAx and EBx, fine volume ramps, had been neglected. These are now handled properly.

In previous versions of DUMB, muted channels in IT were actually played with surround sound panning (where the right-hand channel is inverted). This has been fixed, so muted channels will really be muted now.

There were also some subtle problems with the way DUMB handled New Note Actions for IT files. It turned out that, in all releases of DUMB so far, pitch, filter and panning envelopes and sample vibrato were not being processed for any note that was forced into the background by a new note on the same channel! This only affected IT files. Not only has this been fixed, but envelope interpolation is much more accurate. Long trailing envelope- driven fade-outs sound a lot better now!

Since panning and filter envelopes are more precise, extra fields have been added to the DUMB_IT_CHANNEL_STATE struct, used by dumb_it_sr_get_channel_state(). These fields hold the 'decimal' parts of the pan and filter cut-off. See dumb.txt for details.

Mxx (set channel volume) now correctly only modifies the last note played on the channel, not any previous notes that have been forced into the background by New Note Actions, and filter effect processing is now closer to what Impulse Tracker does.

The XM loader was slightly flawed and could crash on files containing samples with out-of-range loop points. One such file was given to me. This has been fixed.

Finally, the legal stuff. Julien Cugniere has been added to the list of copyright owners. He deserves it, for all the work he did on the XM support! And the licence has been changed. You are no longer required to include a link to DUMB in a project that uses DUMB; the reasons for this relaxation are explained in licence.txt. However, the request is still there ...

As usual, enjoy!

v0.9.1, released 19 December 2002

Hi again! Lots to say this time, so I shall cut right to the chase.

DUMB now supports Impulse Tracker's low-pass resonant filters! Huge thanks go to Jeffrey Lim, author of Impulse Tracker, for giving me what information he still had regarding the algorithm; to cut a long story short, modifying ModPlug Tracker's source code (which is in the Public Domain) led to an algorithm whose output matched Impulse Tracker's perfectly.

Please note that ModPlug Tracker's filters as they stand do not match Impulse Tracker's, and I have no interest in supporting ModPlug Tracker's variant (especially not the integer rounding problems). Please see docs/modplug.txt, new in this release, for details.

Thanks also go to Fatso Huuskonen for motivating me to add filter support, and providing me with several great IT files to test it with!

The other important feature added for this release is click removal. Up until now, DUMB has generated clicks when cutting notes, starting samples in the middle, and so on. This version of DUMB will remove any such clicks. Note that DUMB does not use volume ramps to accomplish this; the algorithm will not take the bite out of the music!

In other news, DUMB now supports sample vibrato for IT files, and instrument vibrato for XM files. A slight bug in New Note Action handling for IT files has been fixed; Note Fade will not break the sustain loops of the sample and envelope, as it did before. Tremor handling (Ixy) had a strange bug in it, which has been fixed.

Support for XM files has been greatly enhanced. The XM envelope handling new in the last release contained a huge bug, resulting in notes seeming not to stop when they should; this has been fixed. Some XM files crashed DUMB, while others failed to load; these problems have been solved. Effect memories now work properly for XM and MOD files, to the best of my knowledge. Some other differences between IT and XM have been accounted for, most notably the Retrigger Note effects, Rxy and E9x.

DUMB's sound quality and accuracy are not the only areas that have been enhanced. The API has been expanded, at last. You can now detect when a module loops, or make it play through just once. You can ask DUMB to inform you every time it generates some samples; this is useful for visualisation. For IT files, you can intercept the MIDI messages generated by Zxx macros, enabling you to synchronise your game with the music to some extent. (There is no such method for XM, S3M or MOD files yet; sorry. Also note that the function will be called before you actually hear the sound; I cannot improve this until DUMB has its own sound drivers, which won't be for a while.) You can query the current order and row. Finally, operations like changing the speed and tempo are now possible, and you can query the playback state on each channel.

Some parts of DUMB's API have been deprecated. Simple programs that use Allegro will be unaffected, but if you get some compiler warnings or errors, please review docs/deprec.txt. This file explains why those parts of the API were deprecated, and tells you how to adapt your code; the changes you need to make are straightforward. Sorry for the inconvenience.

For various reasons, I have made DUMB's makefiles use different compiler flags depending on your GCC version (unless you are using MSVC). There is no elegant way of getting the makefiles to detect when GCC is upgraded. If you upgrade GCC, you should execute 'make clean' in order to make DUMB detect the GCC version again. Otherwise you may get some annoying error messages. (It is wise to do this in any case, so that all the object files are built with the same GCC version.)

DUMB's example players have been unified into a single player called 'dumbplay'. The player has been enhanced to display messages when the music loops, and when XM and MOD files freeze (effect F00; more information on this in docs/howto.txt).

Finally, as noted on DUMB's website, the release notes from the last release were inaccurate. It has been verified that DUMBOGG v0.5 does still work with that release, and still works with this release. The esoteric DUMBOGG v0.6 has not been created yet, since DUMBOGG v0.5 still works.

Please scroll down and read through the indented paragraphs in the notes for the last release; they are relevant for this release too.

That's all folks! Until next time.

v0.9, released 16 October 2002

MOD support is here! DUMB now supports all four of the common module formats. As usual, there have also been some improvements to the way modules are played back. Most notably, handling of tone portamento in IT files has been improved a lot, and XM envelopes are now processed correctly.

The other major change is that DUMB now does a dummy run through each module on loading. It stores the playback state at thirty-second intervals. It stops when the module first loops, and then stores the playback time. This results in a slightly longer load time and a greater memory overhead, but seeking is faster (to any point before the module first loops) and the length is calculated! duh_get_length() will return this and is now documented in docs/howto.txt and docs/dumb.txt.

DUMB's build process has been changed to use 'mingw' wherever it used 'mingw32' before; some directories have been renamed, and the 'fix' command you had to run for MinGW has been changed from 'fix mingw32' to 'fix mingw'.

Last time, I directed you to scroll down and read the notes from a past release, but ignore this point, and that point applies to something else, and so on. Did anyone do so? Well, if you're reading this at all, you probably did. Nevertheless, this time I shall be much less confusing and restate any relevant information. So the least you can do is read it!

  • If your program ever aborts with exit code 37 while loading an IT file, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! The IT file in question has a stereo compressed sample in it, and the format is unspecified for this case (Impulse Tracker itself doesn't use stereo samples at all). I will need the IT file in question, and any information you can give me about how the IT file was created (e.g. what program). (If you don't get to see an exit code, let me know anyway.)

  • If your program ever outputs a line resembling "Inst 01 Env: 0,64 8,32 15,48" to stderr while loading an IT file, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! You have an old IT file (saved by an Impulse Tracker version older than 2.00), and support for such files is STILL untested.

  • Not all parts of DUMB's API are documented yet. You will find some functions in dumb.h which are not listed in docs/dumb.txt; the reason is that these functions still need work and will probably change. If you really, really want to use them, talk to me first (IRC EFnet #dumb is a good place for this; see readme.txt for details on using IRC). I intend to finalise and document the whole of DUMB's API for Version 1.0.

There have been some changes to the naming conventions in DUMB's undocumented API. DUMBOGG v0.5 will not work with this and subsequent releases of DUMB; please upgrade to DUMBOGG v0.6. These changes should not break anything in your own code, since you didn't use those parts of the API, did you ;)

There is still a great deal of work to be done before DUMB's API can be finalised, and thus it will be a while before DUMB v1.0 comes out. It should be worth the wait. In the meantime, there will be 0.9.x releases with additional functionality, improved playback, and possibly support for some extra file formats.

Finally I should like to offer an apology; there is a strong possibility that some of DUMB's official API will change in the near future. There will not be any drastic changes, and the corresponding changes to your source code will be simple enough. If I didn't make these changes, DUMB's API would start to become limited, or messy, or both, so it's for the better. I apologise in advance for this.

Now scroll down and read the notes for the first r... oh wait, we already did that. I guess that's it then. You can stop reading now.

Right after you've read this.

And this.

Off you go.


v0.8.1, released 11 August 2002

This is a minor release that fixes a few bugs. One of these bugs, however, was pretty serious. dumb_register_dat_xm() was never coded! It was prototyped in aldumb.h, so code would compile, but there would be an unresolved symbol at the linking stage. This has been fixed.

Platforms other than Unix did not have a working 'make veryclean' target; this has been fixed. In addition, the makefiles now use 'xcopy' instead of 'copy', since on some systems GNU Make seems to have trouble calling commands built in to the shell.

Contrary to the errata that was on the DUMB website, the and scripts actually DID install in /usr. This has now been corrected, and regardless of whether you use these scripts or call make directly, the files will now be installed to /usr/local by default.

The XM loader used to treat stereo samples as mono samples with the data for the right channel positioned after the data for the left channel. This generally resulted in an unwanted echo effect. This has been fixed.

When playing XM files, specifying an invalid instrument would cause an old note on that channel to come back (roughly speaking). Fast Tracker 2 does not exhibit this behaviour. This has been fixed.

The GCC makefiles used -mpentium, which is deprecated in gcc 3.x. This was generating warnings, and has now been fixed.

In XM files, the length of a sample is stored in bytes. DUMB was assuming that the length of a 16-bit sample would be even. I had two XM files where this was not the case, and DUMB was unable to load them. This has been fixed.

In order to accommodate the extra part of the version number, DUMB_REVISION_VERSION has been added. DUMB_VERSION has also been added in order to facilitate checking if the version of DUMB installed is sufficient. See docs/dumb.txt for details.

As a last-minute fix, the XM "Break to row" effect is now loaded properly. It was necessary to convert from binary-coded decimal to hexadecimal (those who have experience with Fast Tracker 2 will know what I mean). In short, this means the effect will now work properly when breaking to row 10 or greater.

DUMB v0.8 had faulty release date constants; DUMB_MONTH and DUMB_DAY were swapped! For this reason, DUMB_DATE should not be compared against any date in 2002. This note has been added to docs/dumb.txt and also to dumb.h.

Please scroll to the end and read the release notes for the first version, DUMB v0.7. Most of them apply equally to this release. However, the non-portable code was rewritten for DUMB v0.8, so that point does not apply. The point about length not being calculated also applies to XM files.

Enjoy :)

v0.8, released 14 June 2002

Welcome to the second release of DUMB!

In addition to these notes, please read below the release notes for the previous version, DUMB v0.7. Most of them apply equally to this release. However, the non-portable code has been rewritten; DUMB should now port to big-endian platforms.

The main improvement in this release of DUMB is the support for XM files. Enormous thanks go to Julien Cugniere for working on this while I had to revise for my exams!

There was a mistake in the makefiles in the last release. The debugging Allegro interface library was mistakenly named libaldmbd.a instead of libaldmd.a, meaning you had to compile with -laldmbd, contrary to what the docs said. Apologies to everyone who lost sleep trying to work out what was wrong! The reason for using libaldmd.a is to maintain compatibility with plain DOS, where filenames are limited to eight characters (plus a three- letter extension). The makefiles have now been changed to match the information in the docs, so you may have to alter your project files accordingly.

The example programs were faulty, and crashed on Windows if they were unable to load the file. It was also difficult to work out how to exit them (you had to click the taskbar button that didn't have a window, then press a key). They have been improved in both these respects.

I have now added a docs/faq.txt file (Frequently Asked Questions), which is based on problems and misconceptions people have had with the first release. Please refer to it before contacting me with problems.

Thanks to networm for touching up the Unix makefile and writing the instructions on using it.

Incidentally, today (Friday 14 June) is the Robinson College May Ball at Cambridge Uni. God knows why it's called a May Ball if it's in June. I'm not going myself (72 GBP, and I'd have to wear a suit, ugh), but with all the noise outside I shall enjoy pumping up the speakers tonight!

DUMB v0.7, released 2 March 2002

This is the first release of DUMB, and parts of the library are not crystallised. Don't let this put you off! Provided you don't try to use any features that aren't documented in docs/dumb.txt, the library should be rock solid and you should be able to upgrade more or less without problems.

Here are some notes on this release:

  • There is some non-portable code in this release of DUMB. It is likely that the library will fail to load IT files with compressed samples on big-endian machines such as the Apple Macintosh.

  • If your program ever aborts with exit code 37 while loading an IT file, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! The IT file in question has a stereo compressed sample in it, and the format is unspecified for this case (Impulse Tracker itself doesn't use stereo samples at all). I will need the IT file in question, and any information you can give me about how the IT file was created (e.g. what program). (If you don't get to see an exit code, let me know anyway.)

  • If your program ever outputs a line resembling "Inst 01 Env: 0,64 8,32 15,48" to stderr while loading an IT file, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! You have an old IT file (saved by an Impulse Tracker version older than 2.00), and support for such files is untested.

  • The length of IT and S3M files is not currently calculated. It is just set to ten minutes.