This is a very early draft with some ideas taken from
This file shall provide information about the AI interface design.
- An AI registers hooks for desired events
- The C++ engine triggers python AI functions when desired events occur
- The AI then can trigger actions on the controllable units
- Periodically (1 Hz?), the AI gets ticked to allow event independent decisions
- Get the AI its own dedicated thread
Python interface basic events:
- on_start(GameInfo info)
- on_frame(Game game)
- on_end(Player winner)
Some AIs may prefer an event driven approach (rule based AI):
- on_unit_discover(Unit unit)
- on_unit_complete(Unit unit)
- on_unit_lost(Unit unit)
- many more...
Some AIs will need to simulate ticks into the future to help make decisions for the current tick. (min-max, MCTS, etc.)
Remember: These are just some ideas for possible interfaces, they are not existent in the game yet.
struct game_info {
int num_players;
int map_size;
int pop_limit;
class Game {
Player[] allies(); // all the ally players that have not left or been defeated.
bool can_build_at(Unit builder, TilePosition position, UnitType type);
bool can_create(Unit builder, UnitType type);
bool can_research(Unit unit, TechType type);
bool can_upgrade(Unit unit, UpgradeType type);
Player[] enemies(); // all the enemy players that have not left or been defeated.
Unit[] get_all_units(); // returns all the visible units.
// many more examples at:
class Player {
string get_name(); // returns the name of the player.
Faction get_faction(); // returns the faction of the player.
Unit[] get_units(); // returns the set of units the player own.
bool has_researched(TechType tech);
int get_resource() // Returns the amount of resources the player owns.
// many more...
class Unit {
// used to get information about individual units as well as issue orders to units
class Calculation {
// used to get computation heavy calculations from the C++ engine
Improvements for the AI's gameplay
- Don't collect resources in hazardous areas / send the military to clear them out
- Send military task forces to guard strategic resources / tower them
- Don't build in hazardous areas
- Build more gates in walls to prevent lock-ins
- Prefer to build castles and towers near the water/thin places
- Create more trade cogs and trade ships
- Avoid fighting in hazardous areas / prefer fighting in range of own castles
- Coordinates reaction to attacks on units (during march, ...) (including attacks by towers/castles)
- Disable scouting if the "all visible" option was selected.
- Lame you (steal boar in the beginning on purpose)
- Understand, how to do economic damage
- e.g. if losing of all AI-units is inevitable, run and attack villagers to hurt economy
- don't wait for hours to mass up army and then try to overrun you at minute 40
- send smaller amount of troops earlier in the game to annoy you
- while building up a big army in the back
- Transport ship can deliver villagers to another islands