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Consents Integration Guide

This guide covers the integration of Consents consent management system with your website or application. The integration uses termclicks.js to provide a customizable modal interface for collecting and managing user consents.


Add the CSS file in your HTML head:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Add the JavaScript file at the bottom of your page, just before the closing body tag to ensure all content is loaded first:

    <!-- Your page content -->
    <script src=""></script>
        // Your Consents initialization

Basic Setup

Before beginning, you must have your public account Id and the unique Id for each agreement type you want your users to consent to. These can be obtained from within your account under Settings > Deploy

To configure your Initialize with your configuration:

const consentOptions = {
    accountId: "YOUR_CONSENTS_ID",
    agreementTypeIds: ["agreementId-1", "agreementId-2"], // Agreement type IDs as strings
    checkboxEl: "#consent-checkbox"

const termClicks = new TermClicks(consentOptions);

Required Configuration

Option Type Description
accountId string Your Consents account identifier
agreementTypeIds string[] Array of agreement type IDs from your Consents dashboard
checkboxEl string ID or selector of consent checkbox element

User & Customer Identification

All user identification fields are optional. However, Consents needs either a userId or an email address to track consents.

User Identification

If neither userId nor userEmail is provided (or userEmailEl isn't bound to an existing element), Consents will automatically display an email collection field in the consent modal.

    // All fields are optional
    userId: "user-123",            // Unique identifier for the user
    userName: "John Doe",          // User's name
    userEmail: "[email protected]", // User's email address
    // OR use element IDs to pull values from your form
    userNameEl: "#name-input",     // Selector for element containing user's name
    userEmailEl: "#email-input",   // Selector for element containing user's email
    // Optional additional data
    userCustomFields: "any-custom-data"

Customer Identification

All customer fields are optional:

    customerId: "customer-123",        // Customer identifier
    customerName: "Acme Corp",         // Customer name
    customerNameEl: "#company-input",  // Selector for element containing customer name
    customerCustomFields: "any-custom-data"

Important Implementation Notes

  • You cannot use both direct values and element selectors for the same field (e.g., userName and userNameEl cannot be used together)
  • If no user identification is provided, the modal will include an email input field with built-in validation
  • When email collection is enabled in the modal, reCAPTCHA v3 is automatically integrated

Configuration Options Reference

The absolute minimum configuration required is accountId and agreementTypeIds. All other options are optional and provide additional functionality and customization.

Note: All element selectors (checkboxEl, userNameEl, etc.) support any valid CSS selector, not just IDs. For example:

  • IDs: "#myCheckbox"
  • Classes: ".consent-checkbox"
  • Complex selectors: "form.signup input[type='checkbox']"
Option Type Description Default
accountId string Your Consents account identifier ""
agreementTypeIds string[] Array of agreement type IDs []
checkboxEl string Selector for consent checkbox input element. Typically this is your 'I Agree' checkbox ""
agreementLinks Object[] Array of objects specifying agreement links and their corresponding agreements. Each object should have el (selector string) and ag (agreement type ID) properties. The el property can be a single selector or comma-separated list of selectors. Example: [{el: "#terms-link", ag: "terms-1"}] []
userNameEl string Selector for input element containing user name ""
userEmailEl string Selector for input element containing user email ""
customerNameEl string Selector for input element containing customer name ""
disableEls string[] Array of selectors for elements to disable until consent given. Typically these are submit or accept buttons []
userId string Unique identifier for user ""
userName string User's name. If the user name is known, provide it here, and don't use userNameEl. Only used if userId or userEmail is provided ""
userEmail string User's email address. If the user e-mail is known, provide it here, and don't use userEmailEl ""
userCustomFields string Additional user data. This string must be a valid and parsable JSON object ""
customerId string Customer identifier ""
customerName string Customer name. Only used if customerId is provided ""
customerCustomFields string Additional customer data. This string must be a valid and parsable JSON object ""
forceAgreementView boolean Require viewing agreement before consent. Checking the checkboxEl will automatically launch the consent modal false
forceScroll boolean Require scrolling through content. If enabled, the consent modal requires users to page all the way down to the bottom of the agreement before the Accept button is enabled false
requireConfirmation boolean Require explicit confirmation. If enabled, the consent is marked as pending and the user is e-mailed a confirmation link to finalize their consent false
noSendConfirmation boolean Skip sending confirmation. Only used if requireConfirmation is true. Enabling this option will still cause the consent to be marked as pending, but the confirmation link will not be sent. Useful if you want to manually send confirmation links via the Consents admin interface false
disableScreen boolean Disable background while modal is open true
autoUpdate.checkOutdated boolean Check for updated agreements. On initialization automatically check to ensure this user has all the latest version of their agreements up to date. If not, the consent modal is displayed false
autoUpdate.requireUpdatedConsent boolean Force new consent for updates. Only used if autoUpdate.checkOutdated is true. Enabling this option prevents the user from closing the consents dialog until they accept the updated version of the consent false
autoUpdate.userId boolean Push an updated userId to any Person record that may be missing it false
autoUpdate.skipWarningDialog boolean Skip update warning and go directly to consents modal if autoUpdate.checkUpdated is true false
defaultText.buttonAccept string Accept button text "Accept"
defaultText.buttonDecline string Decline button text "Decline"
defaultText.buttonOk string OK button text "OK"
defaultText.buttonClose string Close button text "Close"
defaultText.buttonContinue string Continue button text "Continue"
defaultText.buttonDelay string Delay button text "Delay"
defaultText.tooltipText string Consent check tooltip "Checking consent..."
defaultText.alertTitleAlreadyAccepted string Already accepted alert "Already Accepted"
defaultText.alertAgreementUpdatedTitle string Update alert title "Agreement Updated"
defaultText.alertAgreementUpdated string Update alert message "We have upgraded our terms and conditions. Please review and accept the new terms to continue."
defaultText.invalidEmailError string Email validation error "Invalid email address"
defaultText.emailLabel string Email input label "E-mail Required:"
defaultText.emailPlaceholder string Email input placeholder "Enter your email"

Common Implementation Scenarios

1. Anonymous User (Public Website)

If you want to deploy Consents to your public website, this scenario provides the ability to automatically collect visitor email addresses at the time of consent. The modal will handle email collection and validation automatically.

<form id="newsletter-form">
    <input type="checkbox" id="consent-checkbox">
    <label for="consent-checkbox">I agree to the terms</label>

const termClicks = new TermClicks({
    accountId: "YOUR_CONSENTS_ID",
    agreementTypeIds: ["terms-1"],
    checkboxEl: "#consent-checkbox",
    forceAgreementView: true,
    // Don't provide userId or userEmail - modal will collect email

2. New User Registration or Shopping Cart Checkout

This scenario captures consent during registration or checkout. The "I agree" checkbox is typically near the final action button. Since this consent is coming in unsolicited, we will require them to confirm the request via e-mail.

When you already have the userId during registration:

<form id="checkout-form">
    <input type="email" id="user-email" required>
    <input type="checkbox" id="consent-checkbox">

const termClicks = new TermClicks({
    accountId: "YOUR_CONSENTS_ID",
    agreementTypeIds: ["terms-1", "privacy-1"],
    forceAgreementView: true,
    requireConfirmation: true,
    checkboxEl: "#consent-checkbox",
    disableEls: ["#checkout-btn"],
    userId: "user_123", // Your system's user ID
    userEmailEl: "#user-email"

If you don't have a userId at the time of consent (common in registration flows), first collect the consent with just the email:

const termClicks = new TermClicks({
    accountId: "YOUR_CONSENTS_ID",
    agreementTypeIds: ["terms-1"],
    checkboxEl: "#consent-checkbox",
    disableEls: ["#checkout-btn"],
    userEmailEl: "#user-email"

Then, after the user account is created and you have the userId, ensure the following script with this minimal configuration is deployed with the known user Id:

const termClicks = new TermClicks({
    accountId: "YOUR_CONSENTS_ID",
    agreementTypeIds: ["terms-1"],
    userId: "newly_created_user_123",
    userName: "John Doe",
    userCustomFields: "{'property':'address'}",
    customerId: "newly_created_customer_123",
    customerName: "Acme Holdings",
    customerCustomFields: "{'phone':'555-555-5555'}",
    userEmail: "[email protected]",
    autoUpdate: {
        userId: true

Creating Anonymous Users and Customers Records

Most registration flows collect user and customer information before you have generated your internal uniqueId. In cases like this, refer to the above example and simply send the user’s e-mail address. Some additional things to consider:

  • If you do not have a userId at this time you can not send company information. The following options should not be set if userId is not provided:

    • customerName
    • customerNameEl
    • customerId
    • customerCustomFields
  • Once the consent record is provided with just the user’s e-mail, you can update the remaining user and customer fields by setting the autoUpdate.userId to true (see above example)

  • You should only set the autoUpdate.userId to true when a user’s information has changed. Otherwise Consents will attempt to update the custom record on every page load from within your application or website.

  • autoUpdate.userId:true only works when the user hasn’t already been assigned a userId. Any updates requested as a result of this option being set will only occur if Consents finds a user with the specified e-mail address who has not previously been assigned a userId.

3. Multiple Agreement Consent

When users need to consent to multiple agreements (e.g., Terms of Service and Privacy Policy):

<form id="registration-form">
    <div class="agreements">
        <input type="checkbox" id="consent-checkbox">
        <label for="consent-checkbox">
            I agree to the 
            <a href="#" id="terms-link">Terms of Service</a> and 
            <a href="#" id="privacy-link">Privacy Policy</a>
    <button id="register-btn" type="submit">Create Account</button>

const termClicks = new TermClicks({
    accountId: "YOUR_CONSENTS_ID",
    agreementTypeIds: ["terms-1", "privacy-1"],
    checkboxEl: "#consent-checkbox",
    disableEls: ["#register-btn"],
    forceAgreementView: true,
    agreementLinks: [
        { el: "#terms-link", ag: "terms-1" },
        { el: "#privacy-link", ag: "privacy-1" }

4. Multiple Agreement Links

Create multiple entry points to view agreements on your page:

    <a href="#" id="nav-terms">Terms</a>
    <a href="#" id="nav-privacy">Privacy</a>

    <a href="#" id="footer-terms">Terms of Service</a>
    <a href="#" id="footer-privacy">Privacy Policy</a>

const termClicks = new TermClicks({
    accountId: "YOUR_CONSENTS_ID",
    agreementTypeIds: ["terms-1", "privacy-1"],
    agreementLinks: [
        { el: "#nav-terms, #footer-terms", ag: "terms-1" },
        { el: "#nav-privacy, #footer-privacy", ag: "privacy-1" }

5. Custom Fields Collection

Collect additional information with each consent record:

const termClicks = new TermClicks({
    accountId: "YOUR_CONSENTS_ID",
    agreementTypeIds: ["terms-1"],
    checkboxEl: "#consent-checkbox",
    userId: "user_123",
    userCustomFields: '{"subscriptionTier":"premium","registrationSource":"webinar","marketingPreferences":["email","sms"]}',
    customerCustomFields: '{"accountType":"enterprise","industrySegment":"healthcare","contractId":"cont_789"}'

CSS Customization

Modal Structure

The modal interface uses the following class hierarchy:

#termClicks-modal              /* Modal overlay */
└── .termClicks-card          /* Modal container */
    ├── .termClicks-card-header
    │   ├── h5                /* Title */
    │   └── .termClicks-closeButton
    ├── .termClicks-card-body
    │   └── #termClicks-scrollableContent
    └── .termClicks-card-footer
        ├── .termClicks-email-container   /* When email collection is enabled */
        ├── .termClicks-acceptButton
        ├── .termClicks-declineButton
        └── .termClicks-closeButton

Customizing Styles

  1. Add your custom CSS file after the default styles:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="your-custom-termclicks.css">
  1. Override the default styles in your CSS file:
/* Custom modal background */
#termClicks-modal {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);

/* Custom modal size */
.termClicks-card {
    width: 600px;
    height: 80vh;

/* Custom button styles */
.termClicks-acceptButton {
    background-color: #4CAF50;
    border-radius: 8px;
    padding: 12px 24px;

/* Custom header */
.termClicks-card-header {
    background-color: #f8f9fa;
    border-bottom: 2px solid #dee2e6;

Default Responsive Breakpoints

/* Default (mobile) */
.termClicks-card {
    width: 90%;
