- Added ResourceLink as page part
- Added optional text to PageLink part
- Added localization for Danish language
- Replaced tailwindcss-rails with tailwindcss-ruby
- Support Turbo 8
- Fixed bug with Spina PageLink part
- Fixed deprecation warning for enum in Rails 7.2
- Refactored OpenStruct into Struct
- Added custom title for admin panel
- Added preview website button
- Hide navigations if none are present
- Removed importmap shims
- Fixed bugs for Rails 7.1
- Fixed translations
- Updated gem dependencies
- Added support for Rails 7.1
- Added localization for Czech language
- Added support for multiple sections for layout parts
- Updated page select form
- Updated post-install message
- Updated gem dependencies
- Fixed: scoped collection on NavigationItems
- Added support for custom URLs in Navigation (remember the install the new migration)
- Added support for pasting images into the Trix editor
- Added data-trix-button-group to trix toolbar
- Updated theme config to support ancestry settings
- Updated various translations
- Updated gem dependencies
- Fixed: Exclude generated tailwind config from VCS
- Fixed: Use default theme by default
- Fix for XSS vulnerability in Pages#edit
Notice: ViewComponent was updated to v3 in this release, make sure your own components use the new Slots API
- Updated ViewComponent to v3
- Updated gem dependencies
- Fixed german translations
- Added Spina::Parts::PageLink part
- Added search to the media library
- Added collapsable nested pages (remember to install the new migration)
- Added hint for Spina::Parts::MultiLine
- Fixed CSS bugs in Trix
- Fixed bug with AttrJson 2.0
- Fixed missing translations
- Updated gem dependencies
- Removed StandardRB
- Fixed a bug with spina/version.rb
- Added support for
to view templates - Added StandardRB to SpinaCMS development
- Added item_name to repeater part
- Added inline file upload to attachment parts
- Refactored the install generator
- Fixed page redirect after deleting page in a resource
- Fixed logout button icon
- Deprecated the use of app/decorators in favor of app/overrides
- Updated gem dependencies
- Added pagination to long lists of pages
- Refactored current_account to current_spina_account
- Updated Heroicons to v2
- Updated gem dependencies
Security update
Added support for symbols in serialized YAML column (RAILS CVE-2022-32224)
Added customizable tailwind plugins
Added touch:true to page_resource relation on page.rb
Added button to delete translation
Added fallback to I18n.default_locale when not using Spina.config.locales
Updated gem dependencies
- Added support for replacing images/attachments in the media library
- Fixed bug for repeater UI
- Fixed bug with attachment uploads
- Refactored order options for Spina::Resource
- Updated locales
- Added translatable slugs for resources
- Added large preview and download buttons to media library
- Added missing German translations
- Added active/current list item CSS to MenuPresenter
- Fixed bug with infinite scrolling
- Fixed bug with previewing translated pages
- Fixed silent install generator
- Fixed bug in render_404
- Fixed CSS bugs
- Updated documentation
- Updated gem dependencies
- Added hints to parts when editing pages
- Fixed bug with signed_id for Attachment
- Fixed bug with tailwind_content not loading properly
- Upgraded to Tailwind 3 JIT
- Added locale switch to layout form
- Fixed missing French translations
- Fixed z-index bug in Trix
- Fixed Trix CSS bugs
- Fixed ImageCollection bug with sortable
- Updated gem dependencies
- Added support for Rails 7
- Fixed ActiveStorage bugs
- Updated gem dependencies
- Removed sass-rails dependency
- Spina CMS now requires Ruby 2.7+
- Added Embed generator for Trix
- Added --silent option to install generator
- Added --first-deploy option to install generator
- Added spina:first_deploy task
- Added support for different mount paths
- Fixed routes catch all bug
- Updated gem dependencies
- Added custom embeds in Trix
- Added auto-reloading themes
- Added default position to new pages
- Refactored loading of Stimulus controllers
- Refactored autoloading of objects during initialization
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed flash pointer events
- Added option to exclude view templates from resources
- Added HTML email templates
- Added configurable mailer defaults
- Updated Hotwire dependencies
- Fixed exception for missing image attachments
- Refactored importmap config to importmap.rb
- Changed to esm-compatible build of Trix to fix bug in Firefox
- Updated importmap and importmap-rails to 0.2.7
- Updated turbo-rails and stimulus-rails
- Pinned importmap-rails to 0.2.2 as a temporary workaround
- Updated to new importmap API
- Fixed bug
not present in the asset pipeline
in production
- Added an API!
- Added transliterations for non-latin characters in URLs
- Updated Stimulus + Turbo
- Updated importmap to use the importmap-rails gem
- Updated Russian locales
- Fixed overflow CSS-bug in media folders
- Fixed focus CSS-bug in Chrome
- Removed old importmap helpers
- Added download link to attachments in media library
- Added optional decorator loading to configuration
- Fixed slug generation for non-latin characters
- Refactored authentication as a replaceable module
- Fixed bugs with attachments (#746 / #747)
- Updated Spanish locales
- Updated German locales
- Refactored all javascript with Hotwire
- Refactored all CSS with TailwindCSS
- Refactored all views with ViewComponent
- Added importmap helper
- Added background job to save resource pages in bulk
- Added support for hotkeys
- Added sticky toolbar to Trix
- Fixed ActiveStorage variant definitions
- Fixed issue with webp images
- Fixed issue with sorting repeater parts
No changes since beta
- Resize images embedded in Trix (configurable in spina.rb)
- Added
- Added
(configurable in spina.rb) - Removed html5shiv
- Updated Mobility to 1.0 and updated included initializer
- Fixed url_helpers for images to support
in Rails 6.1 - Fixed bug (#655) for pages with duplicate titles
- Replaced all page content with JSON-based Spina::Parts
- Redesigned page editing
- Redesigned media picker
- Added content helpers
- Added json content to Spina::Account
- Added tests for better test coverage
- Added slug to Spina::Resource
- Removed
and related models - Fixed MenuPresenter for pages without translations
- Refactored jQuery as Stimulus controllers
- Added support for custom slugs (remember to install the new migration)
- Allow SVGs to be displayed
- Fixed bug with @extend in sass files
- Improved translations
- Added missing icons to Trix editor
- Change Spina's admin font to Metropolis
- Add missing translations for Spanish
- Add missing translations for Italian
- Rename media folders
- Cleaner Readme.md and guides
- Removed Font Awesome dependency
- Dropped the requirement for Rails to >= 5.2.
- Support for Rails 6
- Support for Sprockets 4
- Better image management using media folders
- Upgrade Trix
- Added documentation
- Bump gem dependencies
- Add support for alt texts and links to images in Trix