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# ContractLeaveSettingsResponse


Name Type Description Notes
allowanceUsed float [readonly] The number of days used from the allowance since last reset [optional]
allowanceUsedPreviousPeriod float [readonly] The number of days used in the 12 months prior to the last reset [optional]
allowanceRemaining float [readonly] The number of days remaining of the allowance until next reset [optional] [readonly]
accruedPaymentLiability float [readonly] The total accrued payments for this employee over the lifetime of their employment so far [optional]
accruedPaymentPaid float [readonly] The Total amount paid to this employee in lieu of holidays [optional]
accruedPaymentBalance float [readonly] The balance of what is owed to this employee in lieu of holidays [optional]
accruedHoursAmount float [readonly] The total accrued hours for this employee over the lifetime of their employment so far [optional]
accruedHoursPaid float [readonly] The Total amount of hours paid to this employee in lieu of holidays [optional]
accruedHoursBalance float [readonly] The balance of hours owed to this employee in lieu of holidays [optional] [readonly]
useDefaultHolidayType bool If true then the value for HolidayType comes from the Employer record. This property only appears if the LeaveSettings is a child of an Employee (not of an Employer) [optional]
useDefaultAllowanceResetDate bool If true then the value for the AllowanceResetDate comes from the Employer record. This property only appears if the LeaveSettings is a child of an Employee (not of an Employer) [optional]
useDefaultAllowance bool If true then the value for the Allowance comes from the Employer record. This property only appears if the LeaveSettings if a child of an Employee (not of an Employer) [optional]
useDefaultAccruePaymentInLieu bool If true then the value for AccruePaymentInLieu comes from the Employer record. This property only appears if the LeaveSettings is a child of an Employee (not of an Employer) [optional]
useDefaultAccruePaymentInLieuRate bool If true then the value for AccruePaymentInLieuRate comes from the Employer record. This property only appears if the LeaveSettings is a child of an Employee (not of an Employer) [optional]
useDefaultAccruePaymentInLieuAllGrossPay bool [Deprecated] Please use UseUseDefaultHolidayAccrualBasis instead. This filed will be removed in a later release. [optional]
useDefaultHolidayAccrualBasis bool If true then the value for HolidayAccrualBasis comes from the Employer record. This property only appears if the LeaveSettings is a child of an Employee (not of an Employer) [optional]
useDefaultAccruePaymentInLieuPayAutomatically bool If true then the value for AccruePaymentInLieu comes from the Employer record. This property only appears if the LeaveSettings is a child of an Employee (not of an Employer) [optional]
useDefaultAccrueHoursPerDay bool If true then the value for AccrueHoursPerDay comes from the Employer record. This property only appears if the LeaveSettings is a child of an Employee (not of an Employer) [optional]
useDefaultMaximumAccruePeriod bool If true then the value for MaximumAccruePeriod comes from the Employer record. This property only appears if the LeaveSettings is a child of an Employee (not of an Employer) [optional]
allowanceResetDate \DateTime The date that the holiday allowance resets. Only the day/month part of the value is relevant. [optional]
allowance float The number of days holiday an employee can take per year if HolidayType is Days. Otherwise this is readonly and gives you the number of days accrued since the last reset [optional]
adjustment float Adjustment to number of hours/days/weeks holiday this employee can take per year. Will reset to 0 when the Allowance resets. This property only appears if the LeaveSettings is a child of an Employee (not of an Employer) [optional]
holidayType \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\HolidayType [optional]
accrueSetAmount bool If true and HolidayType is Accrual_Days then the AccruePaymentInLieuRate will be treated as the set amount to accrue per period worked. [optional]
accrueHoursPerDay float If HolidayType is Accrual_Days then this value is used to help convert hours worked into days accrued [optional]
showAllowanceOnPayslip bool If true then the remaining Allowance will be shown on the employees payslip. [optional]
showAhpOnPayslip bool If true then the AHP balance will be shown on the employees payslip. [optional]
accruePaymentInLieuRate float The rate at which Payments in Lieu acrrue. Typically this should be 12.07%. [optional]
accruePaymentInLieuAllGrossPay bool [Deprecated] Please use HolidayAccrualBasis instead. This filed will be removed in a later release. [optional]
accruePaymentInLieuPayAutomatically bool Set to true if you want employees to be automatically paid any outstanding holiday pay [optional]
occupationalSicknessUniqueId string [optional]
accruedPaymentAdjustment float Any manual adjustment to the total accrued [optional]
accruedHoursAdjustment float Any manual adjustment to the total hours accrued [optional]
holidayAccrualBasis \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\HolidayAccrual [optional]
holidayAccrualDefaultRateType \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\HolidayAccrualDefaultRateType [optional]
aggregatedServiceDate \DateTime [optional]
useAggregatedServiceDate bool [optional]
accruePayCodeSetUniqueId string Pay code set to use for accruing holiday pay [optional]
maximumAccruePeriod float The maximum number of hours capable of being accrued in a single period [optional]
holidayLeaveAccrualCustomRateType \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\HolidayAccrualDefaultRateType [optional]
useDefaultHolidayAccrualDefaultRateType bool If true then the value for HolidayAccrualDefaultRateType comes from the Employer record. [optional]

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