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Wiktor Sieprawski edited this page Dec 21, 2022 · 11 revisions

Invalid symlinks on iOS simulators

It sometimes happens that launching built application on iOS simulator fails with an error message saying there's invalid symlink in the app bundle. The solution is to navigate to the location pointer in error message and to look for any absolute path (starting with Users/username/Library/...) - then it needs to be changed to a relative path pointing to a file hosted within simulator's directory (ln -f -s relative/path/file invalidSymlink)


ipfs -> /Users/apple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ZbayMobile-gmavdngxnwrpuvhfshksfaxzhjun/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/

should be changed as follows

ln -f -s ../go-ipfs/ipfs ipfs

It may be useful to correct symlinks in a build phase

cd "$CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH/nodejs-project/node_modules/go-ipfs/bin" && ln -f -s "../go-ipfs/ipfs" "ipfs"

Workers stuck in 'enqueued' state in development builds

Sometimes after force-closing the app too many times, scheduled workers are being stuck in 'enqueued' state which can be seen in App Inspection -> Background Inspector (Android Studio).

The solution is to replace




in BackendWorkManager.kt and run this code once.

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