A series of short tutorials provide practical examples of how to set up and run CMAQ, exercise different features in the software, and better understand the software system. Community members are encouraged to both suggest ideas for new tutorials and to contribute tutorials directly to this repository. Contact the CMAS Center with new tutorial ideas.
Scripts to install software needed to run CMAQ
Directions on how to prepare your Linux system for installing and running CMAQ (These directions are an alternative to the above helper scripts.)
Directions for running CMAQ test cases
Other Tutorials
- Debugging Tips
- Using the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM)
- Manipulate Emissions Inputs with the DESID Module
- Creating an OCEAN file
- Adding an Inert Tracer Species to CMAQ
- Create Initial and Boundary Conditions from Seasonal Average Hemispheric CMAQ Output
- Modifying a CMAQ Chemical Mechanism