This document is about how to contribute to LitConnector. This process looks a bit different depending on whether you’re a member of the public or an EPA employee. Here’s what you can find in this doc:
No matter who you are, if you spot an error, omission, or bug, you're welcome to open an issue in this repo!
We’re so glad you’re thinking about contributing to an EPA open source project! If you’re unsure about anything, just ask — or submit your issue or pull request anyway. The worst that can happen is we’ll politely ask you to change something. We appreciate all friendly contributions.
We want to ensure a welcoming environment for all of our projects. Our staff follow the EPA Code of Conduct and all contributors should do the same.
We encourage you to read this project's CONTRIBUTING policy (you are here), its LICENSE, and its README.
All contributions to this project will be released under the MIT dedication. By submitting a pull request or issue, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.
If you have any questions or want to read more, check out the EPA Open Source Project Repo and EPA's Interim Open Source Code Guidance.
- If you see an error or have feedback, the best way to let us know is to file an issue.
- To contribute a specific change to the site, outside contributors will need to fork this repo.
Any EPA team member should be able to make a branch of the site and submit a pull request. Doing so will also generate a preview URL we can use to inspect your changes. Please do not submit a pull request from a fork of the site, because that does not permit us to inspect your changes.
Complete the PR message by detailing all fixes and adding a note about what the team should be reviewing. In general:
- If you are not an admin or member of the EPA team, someone from the EPA team will assign a reviewer
- If you are an admin for the repo or a member of the EPA team, you are responsible for merging your own PRs after they have been reviewed and approved by someone else on the team
- If you have been asked to review a PR, leave a clear message indicating your approval, either through the formal PR review feature or by commenting (at the very least, with a note saying
, or "Looks good to me") - Don’t merge until linters pass, unless you have discussed with reviewers and approved exceptions