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First, let's see a quick demo of the UI:
The design on which rendering is based can be found here on Dribble.
The results I was able to achieve: Watch on YouTube
Instructions for compiling the project follow. As an alternative, you can just take the CircularAnim class and use it directly in your project.
- Add this to the the project level build.gradle file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
- Add the dependency to the the app level build.gradle file
// replace {x.y.z} with the latest version.
implementation 'com.github.XunMengWinter:CircularAnim:{x.y.z}'
For ease of use, below are provided examples on how to interact with CircularAnimUtil.
Hiding a button only requires the following code:
Likewise, for showing:
With a view's ripple animation - trigger hiding another View:
With a view's ripple animation - trigger showing another View:
To set the color and start an Activity for a ripple animation:
CircularAnim.fullActivity(MainActivity.this, view)
.go(new CircularAnim.OnAnimationEndListener() {
public void onAnimationEnd() {
startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this, EmptyActivity.class));
You can also supply an image:
Likewise, you can also set duration, radius, trantionAnim and animation end listener.
0.4.0 ADD:.triggerPoint() , You can set the ripple triggerPoint by this method, like .triggerView()。 ADD:CircularAnim.initDefaultDeployAnimators() , you can set the default animator deployer。
0.3.5 ADD:You can deploy Animator in CircularAnim's Builder.
.endRadius(mProgressBar2.getHeight() / 2)
.deployAnimator(new CircularAnim.OnAnimatorDeployListener() {
public void deployAnimator(Animator animator) {
animator.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator());
- 0.3.4 ADD:You can change the default duration and colorOrImageRes when enter app.
CircularAnim.init(700, 500, R.color.colorPrimary);
The source is available below. You can directly construct a new CircularAnim, or just use one or more parts from the source.
Additionally, the project is available on GitHub. Interest, stars and thanking is very much welcome!
- The project supports versions older than API 19, so there's no need to opt for a specific version to use. However, the ripple animation is not available on these lower API levels - fortunately, this does not affect interaction logic at all.
I would like to thank im_brucezz and AkiossDev for recommending licecap, the GIF recording tool that was used to capture the images for this page.
Feedback is welcome on the Issues page. I used JitPack.io as recommended by YangHui and twiceYuan, which was much easier to use than JCenter, which I had no success with.
Translation: Szabolcs Pasztor