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File metadata and controls

114 lines (87 loc) · 4.58 KB


db-writer is a golang implementation which supports,

  1. deploying datasets in csv format to databases
  2. benchmarking databases with read and write operations.

Supported databases

Executable command

./writer [-PARAMS]

  • db: database type [redis / neo4j / elasticsearch]
  • host: host address of the database
  • csv: file path of the csv
  • uname: user of the database [OPTIONAL]
  • pw: password of the database user [OPTIONAL]
  • pwhide: true if the password is sensitive [OPTIONAL]
  • ca: path of the CA certificate file [only for elasticsearch]
  • table: name of the collection/table
    • arangoDB - required [if omitted, my_collection will be used]
    • elasticsearch - required [if omitted, my_index will be used]
  • dname: name of the database
    • only required for arangodb [if omitted, _system will be used]
  • unique: unique key of the database
    • redis - required
    • arangoDB - required
    • neo4j - not required
    • elasticsearch - required, but if omitted documents will be indexed by (1,n]

1. Store mode

Additional parameter may be required if you are writing data to the database initially.

  • limit: number of data items to be stored [if omitted, all data in csv file will be stored]

eg: ./writer -host=https://localhost:9200 -db=elasticsearch -csv=./ -uname=test-user -pw=1234 -ca=./http_ca.crt -limit=10

2. Test mode*

Following parameters are required, if you are performing benchmark tests.

  • benchmark: operation of the benchmark test [read / write / update**]
  • load: number of entries to be used by the test as a burst of requests

eg: ./writer -host=https://localhost:9200 -db=elasticsearch -csv=./ -uname=test-user -pw=1234 -benchmark=read -load=100000

*Not supported for neo4j yet
**Update will only be used in arangoDB in cases where writes overwrite the existing data

Elasticsearch Guide

Deploy using docker

  1. Download docker image docker pull elasticsearch:X.X.X
    • Replace required version
    • Note that SSL authentication is enabled by default from v8.0.0 upwards
  2. Run the container docker run -it --name elasticsearch -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" elasticsearch:X.X.X
    • Create a docker network and tag it with above command if required
  3. Download the CA certificate to a local directory docker cp elasticsearch:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/http_ca.crt .

Sample API requests

  • Get all documents from an index
    • curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --cacert ./http_ca.crt -X GET https://localhost:9200/<index>/_search?pretty -u <username>:<password>
  • Get document by ID
    • curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --cacert ./http_ca.crt -X GET https://localhost:9200/<index>/_doc/<id> -u <username>:<password>
  • Delete an entire index
    • curl -X DELETE --cacert ./http_ca.crt https://localhost:9200/<index> -u <username>:<password>

Redis Guide

Deploy using source code

  1. Download the source code wget
  2. Extract the file tar xzf redis-6.2.6.tar.gz
  3. Compile the code cd redis-6.2.6.tar.gz && make
  4. Create the redis configuration file, redis.conf as follows
     port 7000 // only required for local deployments or port conflicts
     cluster-enabled yes
     cluster-config-file nodes.conf
     cluster-node-timeout 5000
     appendonly yes
     protected-mode no
  5. Start each node ./redis-server redis.conf
  6. Create the cluster redis-cli --cluster create --cluster-replicas 1
    • NB: Use IP addresses since redis instance does not support hostnames

ArangoDB Guide

Deploy using package manager (Debian)

  1. Add repository key
    1. curl -OL
    2. sudo apt-key add - < Release.key
  2. Install using package manager
    1. echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arangodb.list
    2. sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
    3. sudo apt-get update
    4. sudo apt-get install arangodb3=3.9.0-1
  3. Start the cluster
    1. Locally: arangodb --starter.local
      1. Predefined cluster with 3 coordinators, 3 database servers and 3 agents
    2. Remote: arangodb and arangodb --starter.join <coordinator ip>
  4. Check with Web UI http://localhost:8529/