首先,我们需要明确的是最小生成树算法是针对 connected, undirected weighted graph 的。这一篇笔记讲了几个计算最小生成树的算法,即最小化下面这个公式的值的算法:
If all edge weights in a connected graph G are distinct, then G has a unique minimum spanning tree.
所以我们需要一个 break tie 的算法:
ShorterEdge(i, j, k, l):
if w(i, j) < w(k, l) then return (i, j)
if w(i, j) > w(k, l) then return (k, l)
if min(i, j) < min(k, l) then return (i, j)
if min(i, j) > min(k, l) then return (k, l)
if max(i, j) < max(k, l) then return (i, j)
else return (k, l)
存在着很多计算最小生成树的算法,但是几乎所有算法都是下面的 general strategy 的变形。
通用的最小生成树算法维持了一个输入图 G 的子图 F,我们将该子图称为 intermediate spanning forest. 在任何时刻,F 都满足了下面的不变量:
F 是 G 的最小生成树的子图。
- useless:如果一条边不存在于 F,但是它的两个节点都在 F 中的同一个组件中。
- safe:An edge is safe if it is the minimum-weight edge with exactly one endpoit in some component of F.
- undecided:所有不属于上面两种边的其他边。
- G 的最小生成树包含了所有的安全边。
- 最小生成树不包含任何无用边。
Boruvka: Add all the safe edges and recurse.
Boruvka 算法的复杂度是 O(E * logV).
Boruvka(V, E):
F <- (V, ∅)
count <- CountAndLabel(F)
while count > 1
AddAllSafeEdges(E, F, count)
count <- CountAndLabel(F)
return F
count <- 0
for all vertices v
unmark v
for all vertices v
if v is unmarked
count <- count + 1
LabelOne(v, count)
return count
LabelOne(v, count):
put v into the bag
while the bag is not empty
take v from the bag
if v is unmarked
mark v
comp(v) <- count
for each edge vw
put w into the bag
AddAllSafeEdges(E, F, count):
for i <- 1 to count
safe[i] <- null
for each edge uv ∈ E
if comp(u) != comp(v)
if safe[comp(u)] = null or w(uv) < w(safe[comp(u)])
safe[comp(u)] <- uv
if safe[comp(v)] = null or w(uv) < w(safe[comp[v]])
safe[comp(v)] <- uv
for i <- 1 to count
add safe[i] to F
Prim: Repeatedly add T's safe edges to T.
Prim 算法的复杂度是 O(E * logV).
To implement Prim's algorithm, we keep all the edges adjacent to T in a priority queue. When we pull the minimum-weight edge out of the priority queue, we first check whether both of its endpoints are in T. If not, we add the edge to T and then add the new neighboring edges to the priority queue. In other words, Prim's algorithm is a variant of "best-first search". If we implement the underlying priority queue using a standard binary heap, Prim's algorithm runs in O(E·logE) = O(E·logV) time.
Kruskal: Scan all edges by increasing weight; if an edge is safe, add it to F.
Kruskal 算法的复杂度是 O(E * logV).
Kruskal(V, E):
sort E by increasing weight
F <- (V, ∅)
for each vertex v ∈ V
for i <- 1 to |E|
uv <- ith lightest edge in E
if Find(u) != Find(v)
Union(u, v)
add uv to F
return F