Last updated: June, 2022
Editor: Zhaohui Yang ([email protected])
In comparison with the design document, this manual describes more superficial and more detailed content. Or, the manual focuses more on the front-end interactive manners.
A video will give users an intuitive impress about how to use Quagent. Although this video describes the usage mode via Agilent iLab, it does give some guidance. Below the manual mainly covers the usage mode via only Quagent.
The registration/login part is easy to handle for any users. Information required when registering a new account are as the following figure. While some points needs to notice:
- password: it should consists of more than 6 characters
- email: a registration reminder email will be sent to the email address if it is valid
- laboratory: user must select one of 16 laboratories (in fact there 13 valid laboratories, addictive three are reserved), since Quagent only provides for supported laboratory members
- token: a string including 20 characters, used to ensure the laboratory identity; a new user to register should contact his/her laboratory's principal investigator (PI) or Quagent's administrator to acquire it
As settings, one lab are connected to 4 Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector (SNSPD or SPD) channels and 5 Entangled-Photon Source (EP or EPS) channels. There is not any difference among the 4 SPD channels. While 5 EPS channels provides different types of entangled photons ultimately from two EPS generation experimental platforms.
- EPS channel 1: "signal" photon, from the 1st EPS generation platform
- EPS channel 2: "idler" photon, from the 1st EPS generation platform
- EPS channel 3: "sync" photon, from the 1st EPS generation platform
- EPS channel 4: "spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)" photon, from the 2nd EPS generation platform
- EPS channel 5: "spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)" photon, from the 2nd EPS generation platform
1. apply
Any request should designate the desirable reserved time period, between 10 and 120 minutes in 7 days. The back-end query program can ensure that any user with valid reservation to process will receive a reminder email no more than 10 minutes before the reservation beginning.
3. release
The "Release" or "Release All" button means actively releasing channels before the specific reservation expiring. Otherwise, a back-end timer will be triggered to release the channel at the end of the reservation period.
The measurements are user-specific and non-conflict. Thus, it supports multiple users from the same laboratory or different laboratories to perform their specific measurement experiments. It is noteworthy that the response might not be timely when there are multiple users' detecting requests. This untimeliness lies in the Web rendering and back-end threads processing. The further reasons might lie in the limited host processing capability or the Web programs implementation approaches, which will be optimized in the next version.
Two kinds of functionalities are provided in this part:
- View/Edit any database records
- Monitor the real-time fiber network usage status building on embedded Google Maps
Although the administrator can modify any database record via the administrative page, it is significant only when
modifying User
, Group
, Laboratory
and Resercation
information. Instead, modifying the EPs or SPDs linkage status
is trivial and not suggested.
Herein some real-scenario examples helps demonstrates how to use Quagent and how to monitor the back-end data or status.
1. User requesting resources
Suppose one user whose username is "u01" has successfully requested EPS-channel-1, EPS-channel-3, SPD-channel-1 and SPD-channel-2. The administrator can see these reservations.
Once the reserved beginning time is reached, the administrative page will show these corresponding channels for "u01" are linked and ins use.
The maps will show dynamic connection nad operations.
In the front-end "UserHub" page, the user can see these available channels and how much time remaining.
2. User performing measurements
Now "u01" can select the measurement mode(s) he/she needs from the six optional ones. For each measurement mode, optional channels are those in use and displayed in the "UserHub" page.
Each of them are demonstrated by the following example figures. Users can refer to Swabian's documentation to learn how to configure these parameters.
Particularly, the user can set a time interval to wait and then acquire the real-time origin data in format of JSON.