In this example, we provide script and tools to perform reproducible experiments on training neural networks on PASCAL VOC2012 dataset.
- Distributed training with mixed precision by nvidia/apex
- Experiments tracking with MLflow or Polyaxon or TRAINS
Tensorboard | MLflow |
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There are three possible options: 1) Experiments tracking with MLflow, 2) Experiments tracking with Polyaxon or 3) Experiments tracking with TRAINS.
Experiments tracking with TRAINS / MLflow is more suitable for a local machine with GPU(s). For experiments tracking with Polyaxon
user needs to have Polyaxon installed on a machine/cluster/cloud and can schedule experiments with polyaxon-cli
User can choose one option and skip the descriptions of another option.
- Notes for experiments tracking with MLflow
- Notes for experiments tracking with Polyaxon
- Notes for experiments tracking with TRAINS
Files tree description:
|___ dataflow : module privides data loaders and various transformers
|___ scripts : executable training script
|___ utils : other helper modules
|___ train : training python configuration files
|___ mlflow : MLflow related files
|___ plx : Polyaxon related files
|___ trains : requirements.txt to install Trains python package
notebooks : jupyter notebooks to check specific parts from code modules
We use py_config_runner package to execute python scripts with python configuration files.
Training script is located code/scripts and contains
, single training script with possiblity to use one of MLflow / Polayaxon / Trains experiments tracking systems.
Training script contains run
method required by py_config_runner to
run a script with a configuration.
The split between training script and configuration python file is the following. Configuration file being a python script defines necessary components for neural network training:
- Dataflow: training/validation/train evaluation data loaders with custom data augmentations
- Model
- Optimizer
- Criterion
- LR scheduler
- other parameters: device, number of epochs, etc
Training script uses these components to setup and run training and validation loops. By default, processing group with "nccl" backend is initialized for distributed configuration (even for a single GPU).
Training script is generic, uses ignite.distributed
API, and adapts
training components to provided distributed configuration (e.g. uses DistribtedDataParallel model wrapper,
uses distributed sampling, scales batch size etc).
- : trains DeeplabV3-ResNet101 on Pascal VOC2012 dataset only
- : trains DeeplabV3-ResNet101 on Pascal VOC2012 dataset with SBD
Model | with SBD | Training mIoU+BG | Test mIoU+BG |
DeepLabV3 ResNet-101 | X | 86% | 68% |
Part of trainings was done within Tesla GPU Test Drive on 2 Nvidia V100 GPUs.