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File metadata and controls

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This simple Ansible playbook can be used to copy authorized SSH keys to remote Linux servers for a single user. It cleans up keys that are no longer in use and can use one of several sources for authorized keys:

  • Local basic authorized_keys file, one key after another (default)

  • Local YAML file, a list of keys that allows for a more organized approach with support for per-key comments

  • Basic authorized_keys file stored in an HTTPS Git repository (downloads repository to local machine and deletes it after execution)

  • YAML file (formatted the same way as the local one) stored in an HTTPS Git repository

It is made in a way that it can be easily integrated with Ansible Tower/AWX.


Simply run the playbook by running:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini copy-authorized-keys.yml

There shouldn't be any issues regarding compatibility, as the playbook uses standard Ansible modules.

Example YAML file if in use:

  - ssh-rsa kdfjhslkhfjlsdkhgjslkghjs user@host
  - ...

Ansible variables

When using the terminal utility, variables can be specified in the playbook, or using the -e flag. This is where AWX/Tower makes things a little more organized.

  • General variables:
Name Description Type Default Required
use_yaml Whether to read authorized keys from a YAML formatted file or not bool False No
use_git Whether to download the source file from a Git repository or not bool False No
authorized_keys_src_dir Path on local machine where the authorized_keys file is stored string Playbook directory or repo_dest if defined No
authorized_keys_dest_dir Destination path on the remote server relative to the user's home directory for the file containing authorized keys string .ssh/authorized_keys No
file_name Name or full path (when using Git and storing the file in a subdirectory) of the file which contains the source list of authorized keys String authorized_keys or authorized_keys.yml if using YAML No
  • Git variables:
Name Description Type Default Required
git_url URL to the git repository that contains the authorized keys file (don't specify the protocol, HTTPS is assumed) String Yes (if use_git is True)
git_authenticate Whether to authenticate to the Git server or not Bool False No (if repository is public)
git_username Username to use when authenticating to Git String Yes (if git_authenticate is True)
git_password Password to use when authenticating to Git String Yes (if git_authenticate is True)
repo_dest Local directory where Git repository will be cloned String /tmp/repo No