June 20 - 24, 2016
University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences
Seattle, Washington, USA
This report summarises the events of the 6th ADMB Developer’s Workshop, a meeting held at the University of Washington School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences, Seattle Washington. The meeting was attended by many ADMB and TMB core developers who were joined by invited European and American experts. These experts introduced their software development experiences in similar types of challenges.
The meeting was held in the typical informal style, allowing open group discussions and demonstrations of new features, possible improvements, and current issues. Meeting participants spent considerable time working in sub-groups, each of which tackled a related set of priority issues for the ADMB project.
Participants are included in an appendix to this document. Jim Ianelli chaired the majority of the workshop, with much assistance from Arni Magnusson and Mollie Brooks. Gavin Fay and Johnoel Ancheta along with others acted as rapporteur and compiled and edited this report. An ADMB foundation meeting was held at the conclusion of the workshop and new members and board were appointed.
The workshop was broadcast via the internet to allow for remote participation.
The main objectives of the workshop are
- Plan and develop instructional videos
- Coordinate between TMB and ADMB Projects
- Further develop MCMC implementations
- Review new website design (converted from plone to wordpress)
- Hold an ADMB Foundation meeting
The following outlined the agenda and schedule that was followed.
Monday, June 20
Opening and Instructional Videos
Time | Speaker | Activity |
9:00AM | Opening: revision and approval of agenda; assignment of repporteurs | |
10:00AM | Arni Magnusson | ADMB-IDE, rolling out version 11.5, people willing to help out? Also, a quick review of TMB-IDE. |
11:00AM | Discussion | |
1:00PM | Lunch | |
2:30PM | Mollie Brooks | The glmmTMB package for flexible mixed models in R |
3:30AM | Jim Thorson | Progress with spatio-temporal analysis of multivariate (e.g., species or sizes) data using TMB, and how statistical developments might help |
4:30PM | Discussion | |
5:00PM | End |
Tuesday, June 21
Miscellaneous Topics
Time | Speaker | Activity |
9:00AM | Overview of R packages based on ADMB and TMB. Discuss potential new R package, TMBextras . Also write up (or find existing write-up?) description of how to create a user-level C++ library. |
10:00AM | Chair Hans Skaug | Creation of Instructional videos |
11:00AM | Split into breakout groups | |
Noon | Lunch | |
1:00PM | Breakout groups | |
2:00-3.00PM | PLENARY SESSION: Subgroups report on initial ideas, progress, and goals | |
3:00-5:00PM | Breakout groups | |
5:00PM | End |
Wednesday, June 22
TMB / ADMB Coordination
Time | Speaker | Activity |
9:00AM | Johnoel Ancheta | Website: review new WordPress alternative to Plone. |
Breakout groups | ||
1:00PM | Lunch | |
Breakout groups | ||
5:00PM | End |
Thursday, June 23
The use of AD in statistical software
Time | Speaker | Title |
9:00AM | David Fournier | The use of higher order AD to develop a multinomial like M estimator for the analysis of compositonal data with an application to fisheries management models |
10:00AM | Brad Bell | cppad_mixed: A C++ Package for Laplace Approximation of Mixed |
11:00AM | Break | |
11:30AM | Bob Carpenter | Implementation and Application of Reverse-Mode Autodiff in Stan |
1:00PM | Lunch | |
2:00PM | Kasper Kristensen | TMB: Automatic Differentiation and Laplace Approximation |
3:00PM | Cole Monnahan | Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in ADMB and TMB: current status and future directions |
4:00PM | Matthew Supernaw | ATL and Higher-Order Reverse Mode AD |
5:00PM | End |
Friday, June 24
Foundation Meeting and Conclusion
Time | Activity |
9:00AM | Discussion: How can the TMB and ADMB Projects support one another (Chair Jim Ianelli) |
Outreach | |
More training workshops | |
Fund raising | |
Possible relocation of project | |
2:00PM | ADMB Foundation Meeting |
Discuss Articles of Incorporation | |
Relocation of project | |
Election of officers | |
4:00PM | End |
Arni Magnusson's presentations AD Model Builder IDE, TMB-IDE and Virtual TMB.
Jim Thorson's presentation Advancements in spatio-temporal models in TMB.
John Sibert's presentation on approaches to and results of porting at "working" ADMB model and data to TMB.
On Thursday, the workshop was devoted to a series of presentations on alternative approaches (e.g., Stan) and activities where ADMB/TMB are being actively used.
David Fournier's presentation The use of higher order AD to develop a multinomial like M estimator for the analysis of compositonal data with an application to fisheries management models.
Brad Bell's presentations cppad_mixed: A C++ Package for Laplace Approximation of Mixed N/A and The cppad_mixed Capture Example and Speed Test.
Bob Carpenter's presentation Stan a Probalistic Programming Language on Stan implementation and issues.
Kasper Kristensen's presentation Template Model Builder.
Cole Monnahan's presentation Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in ADMB and TMB: current status and future directions.
Matthew Supernaw's presentation ATL and Higher-Order Reverse Mode AD.
Mollie Brooks's presentation glmmTMB package for R
Breakout group topics were proposed. They were self-organized using a document initiated by Mollie.
Below is a list of topics discussed in the breakout groups:
- ADMB-IDE 11.5
- Instructional videos
- Nvidia GPU
- TMB with GPU
- Cross validation methods
- XSSA demo of Sibert
- glmmTMB Package
- Atomic functions and use of derivatives within the template (e.g., newton raphson's within the template)
- Discuss getting better sparseness detection in ADMB
- Protocol for contributing code
- Website issues
- NUTS algorithm in ADMB
Below is a list other interested topics that can be discussed for future workshops:
- cppad_mixed
- Non-normal RE (rotational Bayes)
- MCMC (Riemann with Langevin updates)
- Debugging demonstration and documentation reference
- Posfun in TMB
- Rank order -1 problem
- 3rd order derivatives
- Get install_github() to do source("install_windows.R") when Windows is detected
- Non-normal RE (rotational Bayes)
- Create TMB page on Wikipedia
- glmmTMB publication planning (discussed later during ISEC)
For the above items, the following briefly describes activities and progress of the breakout groups. Also, other discussions were noted.
Arni presented the status of ADMB-IDE 11.5 and a sub-group was formed to help with maintenance of this package that is commonly used.
Also, see breakout group discussions ADMB-IDE.
- An excellent instructional video was developed by Mollie, Hans, and Arni.
Website: review new WordPress alternative to Plone.
The www.admb-project.org site should be moved to a new host site because of the uncertainty of website hosting from NCEAS. The NCEAS affiliation should continue to be acknowledged on the new website. Since most commercial internet web sites do not support Plone and python, Wordpress was chosen to host the website pages.
The workshop reviewed the new website design and developed text describing expanded roles of the Foundation to help support the TMB activities and embrace alternative approaches to software development.
The draft website is at http://admb-project-org.admb-foundation.org/.
Also, see breakout group discussions Website Issues.
Each group presented a brief report on the group's effort.
Arni, Chris Grandin and Johnoel
- Arni provided the dependancy list.
- Started configuring the ide build procedure into the automated builds (buildbot).
- Continue to configure buildbot for ADMB-IDE.
Protocols for contributing R and C++ code
Thorson, Kasper, Gavin, Mollie
- Contributing C++ code
- Kasper created a function
which allows contributed cpp code to be used in a TMB model (see example).
- Kasper created a function
- Contributing R functions
- Kasper created TMB_contrib_R
- Contains subdirectories that can be installed using devtools R package installer
- Examples include:
- Jim Thorson added TMBdebug
- TMBAIC has been added to TMBhelper in the TMB_contrib_R directory
- Gavin worked on TMBphase using example code from Mollie
- Phasing within an optimizer
- Function with normal inputs, passed via “...”, plus two additional arguments, “phase” and “optimizer”
- Optimizer by default is nlminb
- phase is a tagged list where missing elements are populated with a vector of 1s, and non-missing elements are integers, and where the optimizer loops through values of phase while progressively changing map to turn on parameters
- Function works, needs testing.
- devtools::install_github(“gavinfay/TMBphase”)
- Gavin tested using thetalogistic example.
- Example usage in Roxygen documentation for TMBphase()
- Not implemented choice of optimizer yet.
- It would be nice to have an elem_prod() C++ function.
- Maybe Cole will add TMBmcmc to TMB_contrib_R, which would entail moving the MCMC code currently in the TMB package into TMBmcmc.
John Sibert, Johnoel and Mollie.
Revised frontpage text of draft website at http://admb-project-org.admb-foundation.org/.
- Add DTU and Coin-R logos (DTU and Coin-R) to website footer.
- Continue to finalize the website.
- Parallelization: Dave has open CL version of the function minimizer that could be used as an example of how the GPU approach might be beneficial.
- Successfully configured the ADMB linux server for Nvidia GPU development support.
Kasper tested and ran R numerical functions with the GPU. The results showed speed improvements compared to single core cpu runs.
- Take a look at Dave's GPU code for the minimizer.
Gavin Fay's experience using TMB with GPU card is available on the github repository. Also, see GPU timings.
- an underdispersed Poisson-type distribution could be added
- facilitate hurdle models in single function call
An example presentation of Atomic functions and use of derivatives within the template (within Kasper's presentation)
- Matthew's AD example comparing gradients with ADMB and TMB was double checked.
- Anders Nielsen has done gradients comparison checks for TMB and ADMB using the examples. They will be releasing a paper that details the results. For most of the examples, TMB and ADMB are the same. However, the inv_cumd_beta_stable did not produce similar gradients. It was discovered the inv_cumd_beta_stable function in ADMB was incorrect. They already have a fix and will merge into the admb master. A report describing the comparision will be made available.
It was noted that there would be advantages to having sparseness detection built into ADMB as it is with TMB.
- Look into adding sparse detection for ADMB from the TMB code.
The topic of model selection approaches (e.g. Cross validation methods, Conditional AIC, 1 step predict) was raised and it was noted that in the directory (see existing example).
John Sibert pointed out that it would be unpleasant to have to learn R just to use TMB. A sub-group endeavored to run cppad_mixed, using cppad without the TMB layer.
Another group led by Jim Ianelli and joint by Anders Nielsen developed a setup based on a simple R-script and shell script (both are intended to be unchanged), which allow the user to run models without ever writing a single line in R. The user need to supply three files: 1) A cpp implementation of the negative log likelihood for the model (.cpp), 2) a data file (.dat), and 3) a parameter initialization file (.pin). The data file and the initialization file names the data objects and the parameters, and the cpp file must match. The keyword RANDOM in the initialization file specified if a given parameter (vector) is to be treated as a random effect. It is important to note that in this setup R is still used, but just made invisible to the user. The code for this setup (script.R and tmbrun) along with two working examples (thetalog and lm) can be found at the github page:
Created TMB Users google group so that users can answer each other's questions rather than load up the "issues" on the TMB github repository. As of 22 Sept 2016, it has 18 users.
Cole Monnahan led discussions about the current state and future directions of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in both TMB and ADMB. This included the prospect of adding Riemannian HMC and "variational inference." Bob Carpenter noted the difficulties with ADVI, but that RHMC is very promising for models up to hundreds of parameters with very difficult posterior geometries. Thus, the short-term goals are to get NUTS with adaptation of the step size and mass matrix in both TMB/ADMB. The longer term would be to get RHMC updates working with NUTS.
- Cole, Dave and Johnoel will work toward this goal over the next 6 months.
Bob Carpenter and Brad Bell led discussions about autodiff in general and announced that there will be a workshop in Oxford (still time to submit a poster abstract).
Several began planning spatio-temporal textbook using TMB.
Fix sdreport() for singular hessian cases (avoid crash, just output NaN)
Now warnings from CHOLMOD during optimization are disabled by default. They can be activated by adding
However, you will know that they would have been generated if “ustep” is less than one.
Steve Martell suggested getting funding from the commercial fisheries. They are looking to fund real-time fish tracking tools.
Voted on new members:
- Allan Hicks
- Kasper Kristensen
- James Thorson
- Cole Monnahan
- Gavin Faye
Elected new board member officers:
- President is Arni Magnusson.
- Treasurer is Allan Hicks.
- Secretary is Mollie Brooks.
One of the objectives of the workshop is to identify priorities for the projects which include tasks and potential new features.
- Automate ADMB-IDE builds
- Website: Move from NCEAS to another web host
- Documenting the source code
- Website: Add DTU Aqua in footer
- Video: Provide youtube link to instructional video
- ADMB: Merge inv_cumd_beta_stable fixes
- Continue collaboration with TMB, cppad and Stan projects.
Potential new features
- NUTS algorithm into ADMB - Cole
- GPU Parallelization in ADMB code
Anders Nielsen urges to keep maintaining more than one tool for automatic differentiation.
As the breakout groups have shown, both TMB and ADMB projects (as well as Stan) can benefit from collaboration.
Kasper Kristensen and Anders Nielsen presentation outlines an Example on joint ADMB/TMB development effort.
Rick Methot and Matthew Supernaw were in attendance.
- Gavin Fay's workshop notes.
Name | Affiliation | Notes |
Teresa A'mar | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | |
Johnoel Ancheta | ADMB Project, JIMAR, University of Hawaii | |
Brad Bell | University of Washington | Developer cppad |
Casper Berg | Technical University of Denmark | Developer glmmTMB |
Mollie Brooks | University of Zurich | Developer glmmTMB |
Bob Carpenter | Stan Project | |
Gavin Fay | University of Massachusetts | |
Kyle Foreman | ||
Dave Fournier | Otter Research | |
Chris Grandin | Fisheries and Oceans Canada(DFO-MPO) | |
Allan Hicks | International Pacific Halibut Commission | |
Jim Ianelli | University of Washington | |
Kasper Kristensen | Technical University of Denmark | Developer TMB and glmmTMB |
Jeff Laake | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Remote participation |
Arni Magnusson | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea(ICEAS) | Developer TMB |
Steve Martell | Sea State Incorporated | |
Rick Methot | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | |
Cole Monnahan | University of Washington | |
Anders Nielsen | Technical University of Denmark | Developer glmmTMB |
John Sibert | ADMB Project, JIMAR, University of Hawaii | |
Hans Skaug | University of Bergen | |
Matthew Supernaw | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Developer atl |
Jim Thorson | University of Washington | |
Athol Whitten | Mezo Research | Remote participation |