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Keyboard Shortcuts

jason-sanjose edited this page Aug 17, 2012 · 8 revisions

Note: Mac shortcuts use CMD instead of CTRL and OPTION instead of ALT unless otherwise mentioned.


  • File
  • New - Ctrl-N
  • Open - Ctrl-O
  • Open Folder - (none)
  • Close - Ctrl-W
  • Save - Ctrl-S
  • Save All - Ctrl-Alt-S
  • Live File Preview - Ctrl-Alt-P
  • Quit - Ctrl-Q
  • Edit
    • Select All - Ctrl+A
    • Find - Ctrl+F
    • Find in Files - Ctrl+Shift+F
    • Find Next - F3 (win), Cmd-G (mac)
    • Find Previous - Shift-F3 (win), Cmd+Shift+G (mac)
    • Replace - Ctrl-H (win), Cmd-Alt-F (mac)
    • Indent - Tab
    • Unindent - Shift-Tab
    • Duplicate - Ctrl+D
    • Move Line(s) Up - Ctrl-Shift-Up (win), Cmd-Ctrl-Up (mac)
    • Move Line(s) Down - Ctrl-Shift-Down (win), Cmd-Ctrl-Down (mac)
    • Comment/Uncomment Lines - Ctrl-/
  • View
    • View Sidebar / Hide Sidebar - Ctrl-Shift-H
    • Increase Font Size - Ctrl-+
    • Decrease Font Size - Ctrl--
    • Restore Font Size - Ctrl-0
  • Navigate
    • Quick Open - Ctrl-Shift-O
    • Go to Line - Ctrl-G (win), Cmd-L (mac)
    • Go to Definition - Ctrl-T
    • Quick Edit - Ctrl-E
    • Previous Match - Alt-Up
    • Next Match - Alt-Down
  • Debug
    • Show Developer Tools - F12 (win), Cmd-Opt-I (mac)
    • Refresh Brackets - F5 (win), Cmd-R (mac)

Editor (via CodeMirror)

Some of these CodeMirror commands are not documented. Many of these commands aren't explicitly tested by the Brackets team yet.

  • killLine (none, emacs mode only)
  • deleteLine (overridden by Duplicate Line)
  • undo - Ctrl-Z (not in menus due to native text input conflict)
  • redo - Ctrl-Y or Shift-Ctrl-Z
  • goDocStart - Ctrl-Home or Alt-Up (win), Cmd-Up (mac)
  • goDocEnd - Ctrl-End or Ctrl-down (win), Cmd-Down (mac)
  • goLineStart - Alt-Left (win), Cmd-Left (mac)
  • goLineStartSmart - Home
  • goLineEnd - End (mac/win), Alt-Right (win), Cmd-Right (mac)
  • goLineUp - Up
  • goLineDown - Down
  • goPageUp - Page Up
  • goPageDown - Page Down
  • goCharLeft - Left
  • goCharRight - Right
  • goColumnLeft (none)
  • goColumnRight (none)
  • goWordLeft - Ctrl-Left (win), Option-Left (mac)
  • goWordRight - Ctrl-Right (win), Option-Right (mac)
  • delCharLeft - Delete
  • delCharRight - Backspace
  • delWordLeft - Ctrl-Backspace (win), Option-Backspace (mac)
  • delWordRight - Ctrl-Delete (win), Option-Delete (mac)
  • indentAuto - (overridden by Brackets)
  • indentMore - Tab
  • indentLess - Shift-Tab
  • insertTab - (none)
  • defaultTab - (none)
  • transposeChars (none, emacs mode only)
  • newlineAndIndent - Enter
  • toggleOverwrite - Insert
  keyMap.basic = {
    "Left": "goCharLeft", "Right": "goCharRight", "Up": "goLineUp", "Down": "goLineDown",
    "End": "goLineEnd", "Home": "goLineStartSmart", "PageUp": "goPageUp", "PageDown": "goPageDown",
    "Delete": "delCharRight", "Backspace": "delCharLeft", "Tab": "defaultTab", "Shift-Tab": "indentAuto",
    "Enter": "newlineAndIndent", "Insert": "toggleOverwrite"
  // Note that the save and find-related commands aren't defined by
  // default. Unknown commands are simply ignored.
  keyMap.pcDefault = {
    "Ctrl-A": "selectAll", "Ctrl-D": "deleteLine", "Ctrl-Z": "undo", "Shift-Ctrl-Z": "redo", "Ctrl-Y": "redo",
    "Ctrl-Home": "goDocStart", "Alt-Up": "goDocStart", "Ctrl-End": "goDocEnd", "Ctrl-Down": "goDocEnd",
    "Ctrl-Left": "goWordLeft", "Ctrl-Right": "goWordRight", "Alt-Left": "goLineStart", "Alt-Right": "goLineEnd",
    "Ctrl-Backspace": "delWordLeft", "Ctrl-Delete": "delWordRight", "Ctrl-S": "save", "Ctrl-F": "find",
    "Ctrl-G": "findNext", "Shift-Ctrl-G": "findPrev", "Shift-Ctrl-F": "replace", "Shift-Ctrl-R": "replaceAll",
    "Ctrl-[": "indentLess", "Ctrl-]": "indentMore",
    fallthrough: "basic"
  keyMap.macDefault = {
    "Cmd-A": "selectAll", "Cmd-D": "deleteLine", "Cmd-Z": "undo", "Shift-Cmd-Z": "redo", "Cmd-Y": "redo",
    "Cmd-Up": "goDocStart", "Cmd-End": "goDocEnd", "Cmd-Down": "goDocEnd", "Alt-Left": "goWordLeft",
    "Alt-Right": "goWordRight", "Cmd-Left": "goLineStart", "Cmd-Right": "goLineEnd", "Alt-Backspace": "delWordLeft",
    "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace": "delWordRight", "Alt-Delete": "delWordRight", "Cmd-S": "save", "Cmd-F": "find",
    "Cmd-G": "findNext", "Shift-Cmd-G": "findPrev", "Cmd-Alt-F": "replace", "Shift-Cmd-Alt-F": "replaceAll",
    "Cmd-[": "indentLess", "Cmd-]": "indentMore",
    fallthrough: ["basic", "emacsy"]
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