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Day 17: Parse Elf Ids (EID)

Write a system that parses EID

We have already worked on it to design a program validating EIDs using T.D.D. This time we will use a different approach.

EID rules

The rules seen earlier still apply:

Positions Meaning Possible values
1 Sex : 1 for Sloubi, 2 for Gagna, 3 for Catact 1, 2 or 3
2, 3 Last two digits of the year of birth (which gives the year to the nearest century) From 00 to 99
4, 5, 6 "Serial number": birth order From 001 to 999
7, 8 control key = complement to 97 of the number formed by the first 6 digits of the EID modulo 97 From 01 to 97

Here is an example of such id: EID example

Create the Round-trip property

We start by adding a property that checks round-tripping for EID is working well: from(to(x)) = x Your parser may look like this: String -> Either[ParsingError, EID]

for all (eid)
parseEID(eid.toString) == eid

Add vavr-test to do so:


🔴 Specify the property

class EIDTests {
    private Arbitrary<EID> validEID = null;

    void roundTrip() {
        Property.def("parseEID(eid.toString) == eid")
                .suchThat(eid -> EID.parse(eid.toString()).contains(eid))

🟢Make it pass.

  • Generate the EID class

Generate EID class

  • Then we generate the parse method:
public class EID {
    public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
        return null;
  • We now create a ParsingError record to be able to compile
public record ParsingError() {
  • Then, we implement the parse method by hard-coding the result
public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
    return Either.right(new EID());
  • We define how to generate valid EIDs in the test class
private final Arbitrary<EID> validEID = Arbitrary.of(new EID());
  • We need to work on value equality for EID
    • We will use lombok for that purpose
public class EID {
    public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
        return Either.right(new EID());

    public String toString() {
        return "";

Our property is now 🟢.

🔵 Anything to refactor?

Type-Driven Development

Let's use this property to work on types

Let's create the Sex type

  • We may use an enum for that
    • It is immutable by design
    • We need to work on the String representation of it
    • Each data structure may contain its own parsing method

🔴 We add the Sex generator in our property

sexGenerator will randomly get a value from the Sex value.

Sex generator

We design our EID class to be instantiated with a Sex value.

🟢 We generate the Sex enum

public enum Sex { }
  • We iterate on this type:
public enum Sex {

  public final char value;

  Sex(char value) {
    this.value = value;
  • We iterate on the type EID now to pass the Sex in constructor and use ot for the parsing part:

Parse the sex part

  • We create the parseSex method:
// parsing method return an Either as well
public static Either<ParsingError, Sex> parseSex(char potentialSex) {
    // we use vavr Pattern matching
    return Match(potentialSex).of(
            Case($('1'), right(Sloubi)),
            Case($('2'), right(Gagna)),
            Case($('3'), right(Catact)),
            Case($(), left((new ParsingError("Not a valid sex"))))

// we add a reason in the ParsingError
public record ParsingError(String reason) {
  • Then, we work on the toString methods
public enum Sex {

    public final char value;

    Sex(char value) {
        this.value = value;

    public static Either<ParsingError, Sex> parseSex(char potentialSex) {
        // vavr Pattern matching
        return Match(potentialSex).of(
                Case($('1'), right(Sloubi)),
                Case($('2'), right(Gagna)),
                Case($('3'), right(Catact)),
                Case($(), left((new ParsingError("Not a valid sex"))))

    public String toString() {
        return "" + value;

public class EID {
  private final Sex sex;

  public EID(Sex sex) { = sex;

  public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
    return Sex.parseSex(potentialEID.charAt(0))

  public String toString() {
    return sex.toString();

Here is an example of values generated by the sexGenerator: 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, ...

Design the Year type

Like for the Sex type, we design the new type with its generator.

🔴 We start by creating a new valid year generator

private final Gen<Year> yearGenerator = Gen.choose(0, 99).map(Year::fromInt); // have a private constructor
    private final Gen<Sex> sexGenerator = Gen.choose(Sex.values());
    private final Arbitrary<EID> validEID =
                    // We need to use the yearGenerator here

🟢 To be able to use the yearGenerator, we need to have a context to be able to map into it.

It is a mutable data structure that we enrich with the result of each generator. We create a Builder class for it:

// lombok annotations to simplify code
public class EIDBuilder {
    private final Sex sex;
    private Year year;

    public EIDBuilder(Sex sex) { = sex;
  • We now adapt the property to use this Builder
class EIDTests {
    private final Gen<Year> yearGenerator = Gen.choose(0, 99).map(Year::fromInt); // have a private constructor
    private final Gen<Sex> sexGenerator = Gen.choose(Sex.values());
    private Random random;
    private final Arbitrary<EID> validEID =
                    .map(eidBuilder -> eidBuilder.withYear(yearGenerator.apply(random)))
                    .map(eidBuilder -> new EID(eidBuilder.getSex(), eidBuilder.getYear()))

    void roundTrip() {
        Property.def("parseEID(eid.toString) == eid")
                .suchThat(eid -> EID.parse(eid.toString()).contains(eid))
  • We have to adapt the EID class to handle the Year in its construct
    • We will use the same Builder construct
public class EID {
    private final Sex sex;
    private final Year year;

    public EID(Sex sex, Year year) { = sex;
        this.year = year;

    public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
        return parseSex(potentialEID.charAt(0))
                // we hard-code the year to be able to move on
                .flatMap(eidBuilder -> right(eidBuilder.withYear(new Year(1))))
                .map(eidBuilder -> new EID(eidBuilder.getSex(), eidBuilder.getYear()));
  • we iterate on the code, and at the end of this stage it looks like this:
class EIDTests {
    private final Random random = new Random();
    private final Gen<Year> yearGenerator = Gen.choose(0, 99).map(Year::fromInt);
    private final Gen<Sex> sexGenerator = Gen.choose(Sex.values());
    private final Arbitrary<EID> validEID =
                    .map(eidBuilder -> eidBuilder.withYear(yearGenerator.apply(random)))
                    .map(eidBuilder -> new EID(eidBuilder.getSex(), eidBuilder.getYear()))

    void roundTrip() {
        Property.def("parseEID(eid.toString) == eid")
                .suchThat(eid -> EID.parse(eid.toString()).contains(eid))

public class EID {
  private final Sex sex;
  private final Year year;

  public EID(Sex sex, Year year) { = sex;
    this.year = year;

  public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
    return parseSex(potentialEID.charAt(0))
            .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseYear(potentialEID.substring(1, 3), eidBuilder))
            .map(eidBuilder -> new EID(eidBuilder.getSex(), eidBuilder.getYear()));

  private static Either<ParsingError, EIDBuilder> parseYear(String potentialYear, EIDBuilder builder) {
    return Year.parseYear(potentialYear)


  public String toString() {
    return sex.toString() + year;

public class StringExtensions {
  // Extension methods are static methods with at least 1 parameter
  // The first parameter type is the one we extend
  public static Option<Integer> toInt(String potentialNumber) {
    return isANumber(potentialNumber) // Use Option<Integer> -> equivalent to Optional since java 8
            ? some(Integer.parseInt(potentialNumber))
            : none();

  private static boolean isANumber(String str) {
    return str != null && str.matches("[0-9.]+");

public class Year {
  private final int value;

  public Year(int value) {
    this.value = value;

  public static Year fromInt(int potentialYear) {
    return parseYear(String.valueOf(potentialYear))
            .getOrElseThrow(err -> new IllegalArgumentException(err.reason()));

  public static Either<ParsingError, Year> parseYear(String potentialYear) {
    return potentialYear
            .filter(x -> x >= 0 && x <= 99)
            .toEither(new ParsingError("year should be between 0 and 99"));

  public String toString() {
    // years should be on 2 characters no matter what
    return String.format("%02d", value);

Fast Forward the design Serial Number

We do exactly the same for the Serial Number and end up with this code:

public class SerialNumber {
    private final int value;

    public SerialNumber(int value) {
        this.value = value;

    public static SerialNumber fromInt(int potentialSerialNumber) {
      return parseSerialNumber(String.valueOf(potentialSerialNumber))
              .getOrElseThrow(err -> new IllegalArgumentException(err.reason()));

    public static Either<ParsingError, SerialNumber> parseSerialNumber(String potentialSerialNumber) {
        return potentialSerialNumber
                .filter(x -> x >= 1 && x <= 999)
                .toEither(new ParsingError("serial number should be between 1 and 999"));

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("%03d", value);

class EIDTests {
  private final Random random = new Random();
  private final Gen<Year> yearGenerator = Gen.choose(0, 99).map(Year::fromInt);
  private final Gen<Sex> sexGenerator = Gen.choose(Sex.values());
  private final Gen<SerialNumber> serialNumberGenerator = Gen.choose(1, 999).map(SerialNumber::fromInt);
  private final Arbitrary<EID> validEID =

                  .map(eidBuilder -> eidBuilder.withYear(yearGenerator.apply(random)))
                  .map(eidBuilder -> eidBuilder.withSerialNumber(serialNumberGenerator.apply(random)))

  void roundTrip() {
    Property.def("parseEID(eid.toString) == eid")
            .suchThat(eid -> EID.parse(eid.toString()).contains(eid))

🔵 Let's improve encapsulation by making constructors privates

  • We force to instantiate objects only by using parsing methods
public class EID {
    private final Sex sex;
    private final Year year;
    private final SerialNumber serialNumber;

    public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
        return parseSex(potentialEID.charAt(0))
                .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseYear(potentialEID.substring(1, 3), eidBuilder))
                .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseSerialNumber(potentialEID.substring(3, 6), eidBuilder))
                .map(eidBuilder -> new EID(eidBuilder.getSex(), eidBuilder.getYear(), eidBuilder.getSerialNumber()));

    private static Either<ParsingError, EIDBuilder> parseYear(String potentialYear, EIDBuilder builder) {
        return Year.parseYear(potentialYear)

    private static Either<ParsingError, EIDBuilder> parseSerialNumber(String potentialSerialNumber, EIDBuilder eidBuilder) {
        return SerialNumber.parseSerialNumber(potentialSerialNumber)

    public String toString() {
        return sex.toString() + year + serialNumber;

public class SerialNumber {
  private final int value;

  private SerialNumber(int value) {
    this.value = value;

  public static SerialNumber fromInt(int potentialSerialNumber) {
    return parseSerialNumber(String.valueOf(potentialSerialNumber))
            .getOrElseThrow(err -> new IllegalArgumentException(err.reason()));

public class Year {
  private final int value;

  private Year(int value) {
    this.value = value;

  public static Year fromInt(int potentialYear) {
    return parseYear(String.valueOf(potentialYear))
            .getOrElseThrow(err -> new IllegalArgumentException(err.reason()));

  public static Either<ParsingError, Year> parseYear(String potentialYear) {
    return potentialYear
            .filter(x -> x >= 0 && x <= 99)
            .toEither(new ParsingError("year should be between 0 and 99"));

Generated valid EID looks like this now: 346951, 298179, 232373, 211404, 247064, ...

Let's add the key part

We add the validation of the key at the end of the parsing process:

public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
    return parseSex(potentialEID.charAt(0))
            .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseYear(potentialEID.substring(1, 3), eidBuilder))
            .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseSerialNumber(potentialEID.substring(3, 6), eidBuilder))
            .map(eidBuilder -> new EID(eidBuilder.getSex(), eidBuilder.getYear(), eidBuilder.getSerialNumber()))
            .flatMap(eid -> checkKey(potentialEID.substring(6), eid));

private static Either<ParsingError, EID> checkKey(String potentialKey, EID eid) {
  return StringExtensions.toInt(potentialKey)
          .filter(parsedKey -> Objects.equals(eid.key(), parsedKey))
          .map(x -> eid)
          .toEither(new ParsingError("invalid key"));
  • we create the key generator and add it to the toString method
public String toString() {
    return stringWithoutKey() + format("%02d", key());

private String stringWithoutKey() {
    return sex.toString() + year + serialNumber;

private Integer key() {
    return stringWithoutKey()
            .map(x -> (97 - (x % 97)))


We now have a proper EID generator that allows us to check out round trip property

private final Arbitrary<EID> validEID =
            .map(eidBuilder -> eidBuilder.withYear(yearGenerator.apply(random)))
            .map(eidBuilder -> eidBuilder.withSerialNumber(serialNumberGenerator.apply(random)))

Our production code looks like this:

public class EID {
    private final Sex sex;
    private final Year year;
    private final SerialNumber serialNumber;

    public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
        return parseSex(potentialEID.charAt(0))
                .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseYear(potentialEID.substring(1, 3), eidBuilder))
                .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseSerialNumber(potentialEID.substring(3, 6), eidBuilder))
                .map(eidBuilder -> new EID(eidBuilder.getSex(), eidBuilder.getYear(), eidBuilder.getSerialNumber()))
                .flatMap(eid -> checkKey(potentialEID.substring(6), eid));

    private static Either<ParsingError, EIDBuilder> parseYear(String potentialYear, EIDBuilder builder) {
        return Year.parseYear(potentialYear)

    private static Either<ParsingError, EIDBuilder> parseSerialNumber(String potentialSerialNumber, EIDBuilder builder) {
        return SerialNumber.parseSerialNumber(potentialSerialNumber)

    private static Either<ParsingError, EID> checkKey(String potentialKey, EID eid) {
        return StringExtensions.toInt(potentialKey)
                .filter(parsedKey -> Objects.equals(eid.key(), parsedKey))
                .map(x -> eid)
                .toEither(new ParsingError("invalid key"));

    public String toString() {
        return stringWithoutKey() + format("%02d", key());

    private String stringWithoutKey() {
        return sex.toString() + year + serialNumber;

    private Integer key() {
        return stringWithoutKey()
                .map(x -> (97 - (x % 97)))

public enum Sex {

  public final char value;

  Sex(char value) {
    this.value = value;

  public static Either<ParsingError, Sex> parseSex(char potentialSex) {
    // vavr Pattern matching
    return Match(potentialSex).of(
            Case($('1'), right(Sloubi)),
            Case($('2'), right(Gagna)),
            Case($('3'), right(Catact)),
            Case($(), left((new ParsingError("Not a valid sex"))))

  public String toString() {
    return "" + value;

public class Year {
  private final int value;

  private Year(int value) {
    this.value = value;

  public static Year fromInt(int potentialYear) {
    return parseYear(String.valueOf(potentialYear))
            .getOrElseThrow(err -> new IllegalArgumentException(err.reason()));

  public static Either<ParsingError, Year> parseYear(String potentialYear) {
    return potentialYear
            .filter(x -> x >= 0 && x <= 99)
            .toEither(new ParsingError("year should be between 0 and 99"));

  public String toString() {
    return String.format("%02d", value);

public class SerialNumber {
  private final int value;

  private SerialNumber(int value) {
    this.value = value;

  public static SerialNumber fromInt(int potentialSerialNumber) {
    return parseSerialNumber(String.valueOf(potentialSerialNumber))
            .getOrElseThrow(err -> new IllegalArgumentException(err.reason()));

  public static Either<ParsingError, SerialNumber> parseSerialNumber(String potentialSerialNumber) {
    return potentialSerialNumber
            .filter(x -> x >= 1 && x <= 999)
            .toEither(new ParsingError("serial number should be between 1 and 999"));

  public String toString() {
    return String.format("%03d", value);

For now:

  • It is impossible to represent an EID in an invalid state
    • To construct one we need to inject Sex, Year, SerialNumber
    • Those structures can be instantiated only through parsing method
  • We have a semantic that expresses the concepts behind EID

We now have a safe Domain Model meaning if an EID is successfully instantiated it is valid by design:

EID architecture

Is it enough to design good types like this?


  • How does the Type-Driven Development approach used in this exercise help in ensuring the correctness and robustness of the EID parsing system?
  • How could you apply the principles of Type-Driven Development to other domains or projects you are working on?
  • In what other scenarios or systems might it be beneficial to enforce encapsulation and immutability through private constructors and parsing methods?
  • How might the concept of a round-trip property be useful in other areas of software development or data processing?