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478 lines (392 loc) Β· 14.7 KB

Day 22: Bulletproof our code with "EID mutations".

We start by thinking about possible mutations for our EIDs:

Truncate the EID: randomly reduce the size of the id
Invalid Character: replace any character by an invalid one
Sex: one digit greater than 3
Year: one digit only (0 to 9) or greater than 99
Serial number: 2 digits only (0 to 99) or greater than 999
Key: generate an invalid key

We do not need to create a mutation to increase the size of the EID because it will be done through Year and Serial Number mutations.

A mutator is a function that takes an EID as an input and returns a Gen<String> representing the new EID representation:

private record Mutator(String name, Function1<EID, Gen<String>> func) {
    public String mutate(EID eid) {
        return func.apply(eid).apply(random);

Truncate the EID

πŸ”΄ As often, let's start by a red step

Truncate mutator

We hard-code a simple mutation:

private static final Mutator truncateMutator = new Mutator("Truncate mutator", eid ->
        // keep only the first character
        Gen.of(eid.toString().substring(0, 1))

We can now run it and discover that it is failing... It throws an exception when calling substring method on the potentialEID.

Failing truncate

We can now investigate our production code to discover the bug, there is no defensive code...

public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
    // missing format checking here
    return parseSex(potentialEID.charAt(0))
            .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseYear(potentialEID.substring(1, 3), eidBuilder))
            .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseSerialNumber(potentialEID.substring(3, 6), eidBuilder))
            .map(eidBuilder -> new EID(eidBuilder.getSex(), eidBuilder.getYear(), eidBuilder.getSerialNumber()))
            .flatMap(eid -> checkKey(potentialEID.substring(6), eid));

🟒 Let's add the validation logic

public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
    if (potentialEID == null || potentialEID.length() != 8) {
        return Either.left(new ParsingError("Not a valid EID: should have a length of 8"));

    return parseSex(potentialEID.charAt(0))
            .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseYear(potentialEID.substring(1, 3), eidBuilder))
            .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseSerialNumber(potentialEID.substring(3, 6), eidBuilder))
            .map(eidBuilder -> new EID(eidBuilder.getSex(), eidBuilder.getYear(), eidBuilder.getSerialNumber()))
            .flatMap(eid -> checkKey(potentialEID.substring(6), eid));

πŸ”΅ We can adapt the production code to make the flow easier to understand and remove the magic constant: 8

public static Either<ParsingError, EID> parse(String potentialEID) {
    return isInvalidLength(potentialEID)
            ? left(new ParsingError("Not a valid EID: should have a length of 8")) :


private static boolean isInvalidLength(String potentialEID) {
    return potentialEID == null || potentialEID.length() != VALID_LENGTH;

private static Either<ParsingError, EID> parseSafely(String potentialEID) {
    return parseSex(potentialEID.charAt(0))
            .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseYear(potentialEID.substring(1, 3), eidBuilder))
            .flatMap(eidBuilder -> parseSerialNumber(potentialEID.substring(3, 6), eidBuilder))
            .map(eidBuilder -> new EID(eidBuilder.getSex(), eidBuilder.getYear(), eidBuilder.getSerialNumber()))
            .flatMap(eid -> checkKey(potentialEID.substring(6), eid));
  • We can adapt truncateMutator to randomly reduce the size of the id
private static final Mutator truncateMutator = new Mutator("Truncate mutator", eid ->
    Gen.choose(1, 8).map(size ->
            size == 1 ? "" : eid.toString().substring(0, size - 1)

Examples of mutated EIDs:

EID : 20114038 -> 201
EID : 17082787 -> 17
EID : 24913360 -> 249
EID : 27156040 -> 271560
EID : 17801775 -> 
EID : 16493661 -> 1649366
EID : 20350204 -> 2

Let's update our mutation list:

βœ… Truncate the EID: randomly reduce the size of the id
Sex: one digit greater than 3
Year: one digit only (0 to 9) or greater than 99
Serial number: 2 digits only (0 to 99) or greater than 999
Key: generate an invalid key

Mutate the Sex character

πŸ”΄ Add a Sex mutator to our mutators list

private static final Arbitrary<Mutator> mutators = Gen.choose(

🟒 We create the Sex mutator

private static final Mutator sexMutator = new Mutator("Sex mutator", eid ->
        Gen.choose(4, 9)
                .map(invalidSex -> invalidSex + eid.toString().substring(1))

We generate numbers between 4 and 9. We may also replace this digit by an invalid character like A, % or whatever.

Here are some examples of invalid sex mutated EIDs:

EID : 24942361 -> 54942361
EID : 16363405 -> 56363405
EID : 27317277 -> 47317277
EID : 25720143 -> 45720143
EID : 27295404 -> 87295404

πŸ”΅ Anything to refactor?

Let's update our mutation list:

βœ… Truncate the EID: randomly reduce the size of the id
βœ… Sex: one digit greater than 3
Year: one digit only (0 to 9) or greater than 99
Serial number: 2 digits only (0 to 99) or greater than 999
Key: generate an invalid key

Mutate the Year

πŸ”΄ As "usual", we add a yearMutator

private static final Mutator yearMutator = null;

private static final Arbitrary<Mutator> mutators = Gen.choose(

🟒 Implement the mutator. We start by generating a digit between 1 and 9 and replace the Year in the Stringby this digit.

private static final Mutator yearMutator = new Mutator("Year mutator", eid ->
        Gen.choose(1, 9).map(invalidYear ->
                eid.toString().charAt(0) + invalidYear.toString() + eid.toString().substring(3)

private static final Arbitrary<Mutator> mutators = Gen.choose(

Here are some examples of invalid year mutated EIDs:

EID : 19162943 -> 1262943
EID : 28520572 -> 2420572
EID : 33487863 -> 3787863
EID : 33258726 -> 3758726
EID : 13820322 -> 1220322
EID : 18609746 -> 1509746
EID : 35746577 -> 3946577

We add the logic to mutate the year with a number greater than 99. We can use the frequency method to "ventilate" how to generate invalid years.

private static final Mutator yearMutator = new Mutator("Year mutator", eid ->
    // 70% of values between 100 and 999
    // 30% of values between 1 and 9
    Gen.frequency(of(7, Gen.choose(100, 999)),
                    of(3, Gen.choose(1, 9)))
            .map(invalidYear ->
                    eid.toString().charAt(0) + invalidYear.toString() + eid.toString().substring(3)

We can now check the resulting mutated EIDs:

EID : 28893330 -> 284193330
EID : 30578259 -> 3678259
EID : 13697487 -> 1797487
EID : 13535557 -> 150835557
EID : 27678751 -> 212278751
EID : 17833647 -> 1233647

πŸ”΅ We can refactor the yearMutator to improve concatenation

private static final Mutator yearMutator = new Mutator("Year mutator", eid ->
        Gen.frequency(of(7, Gen.choose(100, 999)),
                        of(3, Gen.choose(1, 9)))
                .map(invalidYear ->
βœ… Truncate the EID: randomly reduce the size of the id
βœ… Sex: one digit greater than 3
βœ… Year: one digit only (0 to 9) or greater than 99
Serial number: 2 digits only (0 to 99) or greater than 999
Key: generate an invalid key

We do the same with Serial number and end-up with:

private static final Mutator truncateMutator = new Mutator("Truncate mutator", eid ->
        choose(1, 8).map(size ->
                size == 1 ? "" : eid.toString().substring(0, size - 1)

private static final Mutator sexMutator = new Mutator("Sex mutator", eid ->
        choose(4, 9)
                .map(invalidSex -> invalidSex + eid.toString().substring(1))

private static final Mutator yearMutator = new Mutator("Year mutator", eid ->
        frequency(of(7, choose(100, 999)), of(3, choose(1, 9)))
                .map(invalidYear ->

private static final Mutator serialNumberMutator = new Mutator("Serial Number mutator", eid ->
        frequency(of(7, choose(1000, 9999)), of(3, choose(1, 99)))
                .map(invalidSerialNumber ->
                                eid.toString().substring(0, 3),

private static final Arbitrary<Mutator> mutators = choose(

Here are some examples of serial number mutated EIDs:

EID : 19069507 -> 1905907
EID : 24441129 -> 244380129
EID : 17826917 -> 178118617
EID : 16323714 -> 1638814
EID : 27992220 -> 279576920
EID : 11842116 -> 1188216

Mutate the Key

Our mutations list look like this now:

βœ… Truncate the EID: randomly reduce the size of the id
βœ… Sex: one digit greater than 3
βœ… Year: one digit only (0 to 9) or greater than 99
βœ… Serial number: 2 digits only (0 to 99) or greater than 999
Key: generate an invalid key

We create the keyMutator by generating a random int between 0 and 97 that replaces the actual key (2 last digits)

private static final Mutator keyMutator = new Mutator("Key mutator", eid ->
        Gen.choose(0, 97)
                .map(invalidKey -> concat(
                        eid.toString().substring(0, 6),
                        format("%02d", invalidKey)

At our first run, it is falsified... meaning a mutated EID is a valid one...

Falsified key

From the log, we can see that the mutated value selected to replace the key is the key itself...

EID : 24540307 -> 24540307

We need to adapt the mutator to not use the actual key as a valid generated value:

private static final Mutator keyMutator = new Mutator("Key mutator", eid ->
        Gen.choose(0, 97)
                .filter(x -> x != parseInt(eid.toString().substring(6)))
                .map(invalidKey -> concat(
                        eid.toString().substring(0, 6),
                        format("%02d", invalidKey)

We have now finished to implement the mutators:

βœ… Truncate the EID: randomly reduce the size of the id
βœ… Sex: one digit greater than 3
βœ… Year: one digit only (0 to 9) or greater than 99
βœ… Serial number: 2 digits only (0 to 99) or greater than 999
βœ… Key: generate an invalid key

Let's take a look at the mutated values:

Year mutator: 33978308 -> 362978308
Invalid character mutator -> 3337m463
Key mutator: 39901939 -> 39901956
Truncate mutator: 39877688 -> 3987
Year mutator: 13290879 -> 1690879
Serial Number mutator: 32254181 -> 322681
Serial Number mutator: 35395201 -> 353580501
Truncate mutator: 33975932 -> 339759
Key mutator: 15795558 -> 15795507
Sex mutator: 25318879 -> 65318879

Here is the final version of the code:

private record Mutator(String name, Function1<EID, Gen<String>> func) {
    public String mutate(EID eid) {
        return func.apply(eid).apply(random);

private static final Mutator truncateMutator = new Mutator("Truncate mutator", eid ->
        choose(1, 8).map(size ->
                size == 1 ? "" : eid.toString().substring(0, size - 1)

private static final Mutator invalidCharacterMutator = new Mutator("Invalid character mutator", eid ->
        choose(0, 7).map(index -> {
                    char[] chars = eid.toString().toCharArray();
                    chars[index] = (char) (random.nextInt(26) + 'a');

                    return new String(chars);

private static final Mutator sexMutator = new Mutator("Sex mutator", eid ->
        choose(4, 9)
                .map(invalidSex -> invalidSex + eid.toString().substring(1))
private static final Mutator yearMutator = new Mutator("Year mutator", eid ->
        frequency(of(7, choose(100, 999)), of(3, choose(1, 9)))
                .map(invalidYear ->

private static final Mutator serialNumberMutator = new Mutator("Serial Number mutator", eid ->
        frequency(of(7, choose(1000, 9999)), of(3, choose(1, 99)))
                .map(invalidSerialNumber ->
                                eid.toString().substring(0, 3),

private static final Mutator keyMutator = new Mutator("Key mutator", eid ->
        choose(0, 97)
                .filter(x -> x != parseInt(eid.toString().substring(6)))
                .map(invalidKey -> concat(
                        eid.toString().substring(0, 6),
                        format("%02d", invalidKey)

private static final Arbitrary<Mutator> mutators = choose(

void invalidEIDsCanNotBeParsed() {
    Property.def("mutate(eid.toString) == error")
            .forAll(validEID, mutators)
            .suchThat((eid, mutator) -> {
                System.out.println( + ":" + mutator.mutate(eid));
                return EID.parse(mutator.mutate(eid)).isLeft();

Our implementation is now bullet-proof πŸ₯³πŸ”«


  • What do you think of this mutation-based approach?
  • How could you use it in your own code?
  • What are the limits?