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Calculate Artifact Names

Calculate Artifact Names for AL-Go workflows


ENV variables

Name Description
Settings env.Settings must be set by a prior call to the ReadSettings Action


Name Required Description Default value
shell The shell (powershell or pwsh) in which the PowerShell script in this action should run powershell
project Yes Name of the built project or . if the repository is setup for single project
buildMode Yes Build mode used when building the artifacts
suffix A suffix to add to artifacts names. Note: if a suffix is specified, the current date will be added extra Build version


ENV variables


OUTPUT variables

Name Description
ThisBuildAppsArtifactsName Artifact name for apps being built in the current workflow run
ThisBuildDependenciesArtifactsName Artifact name for dependencies of apps being built in the current workflow run
ThisBuildTestAppsArtifactsName Artifact name for test apps being built in the current workflow run
AppsArtifactsName Artifacts name for Apps
PowerPlatformSolutionArtifactsName Artifacts name for PowerPlatform Solution
DependenciesArtifactsName Artifacts name for Dependencies
TestAppsArtifactsName Artifacts name for TestApps
TestResultsArtifactsName Artifacts name for TestResults
BcptTestResultsArtifactsName Artifacts name for BcptTestResults
BuildOutputArtifactsName Artifacts name for BuildOutput
ContainerEventLogArtifactsName Artifacts name for ContainerEventLog
BuildMode Build mode used when building the artifacts