Calculate Artifact Names for AL-Go workflows
Name |
Description |
Settings |
env.Settings must be set by a prior call to the ReadSettings Action |
Name |
Required |
Description |
Default value |
shell |
The shell (powershell or pwsh) in which the PowerShell script in this action should run |
powershell |
project |
Yes |
Name of the built project or . if the repository is setup for single project |
buildMode |
Yes |
Build mode used when building the artifacts |
suffix |
A suffix to add to artifacts names. Note: if a suffix is specified, the current date will be added extra |
Build version |
Name |
Description |
ThisBuildAppsArtifactsName |
Artifact name for apps being built in the current workflow run |
ThisBuildDependenciesArtifactsName |
Artifact name for dependencies of apps being built in the current workflow run |
ThisBuildTestAppsArtifactsName |
Artifact name for test apps being built in the current workflow run |
AppsArtifactsName |
Artifacts name for Apps |
PowerPlatformSolutionArtifactsName |
Artifacts name for PowerPlatform Solution |
DependenciesArtifactsName |
Artifacts name for Dependencies |
TestAppsArtifactsName |
Artifacts name for TestApps |
TestResultsArtifactsName |
Artifacts name for TestResults |
BcptTestResultsArtifactsName |
Artifacts name for BcptTestResults |
BuildOutputArtifactsName |
Artifacts name for BuildOutput |
ContainerEventLogArtifactsName |
Artifacts name for ContainerEventLog |
BuildMode |
Build mode used when building the artifacts |