(Part B below)

More information here.
Did you take notes? Add them here:
- Week 6a Notes by M. Ayoub C.
- Week 6: Unit test/Integration test/Test Automation/Could service test with LocalStack/Code quality/Git pre-commit/Makefile by Hongfan (Amber)
- Send a PR, add your notes above this line
with Terraform
- Setting up a stream-based pipeline infrastructure in AWS, using Terraform
- Project infrastructure modules (AWS): Kinesis Streams (Producer & Consumer), Lambda (Serving API), S3 Bucket (Model artifacts), ECR (Image Registry)
Further info here:
- Introduction
- Setup & Pre-Reqs
- Concepts of Terraform and IaC (reference material from previous courses)
- What are they?
- Creating a Kinesis module
- TF resources for ECR, Lambda, S3
- Demo: apply TF to our use-case, manually deploy data dependencies & test
- Recap: IaC, Terraform, next steps
Additional material on understanding Terraform concepts here: Reference Material
with GitHub Actions
- Automate a complete CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions to automatically trigger jobs to build, test, and deploy our service to Lambda for every new commit/code change to our repository.
- The goal of our CI/CD pipeline is to execute tests, build and push container image to a registry, and update our lambda service for every commit to the GitHub repository.
Further info here: Concepts of CI/CD and GitHub Actions
- Architecture (Ride Predictions)
- What are GitHub Workflows?
- Automate sections from tests: Env setup, Unit test, Integration test, Terraform plan
- Create a CI workflow to trigger on
branch - Execute demo
- Automate sections from tests: Terraform plan, Terraform apply, Docker build & ECR push, Update Lambda config
- Create a CD workflow to trigger on
branch - Execute demo
- Using args and env variables in docker image, and leveraging makefile commands in cicd
- Check the repo README
- Using the args Dockerfile
- Using build args ECR terraform
- Updating lambda env variables Post deploy
- Making use of make file commands in CICD CICD
Did you take notes? Add them here:
- Week 6 Best Practices: 2023
- Send a PR, add your notes above this line