👋 Hello, I'm #Ahmed Eishtawi.
👨🏼💻 I am a web developer specializing in front-end development and a skilled trainer who trains others in programming, from the basics to building real-world Applications.
📃 About Me: Web Developer (Front-end) and Trainer.
📃 Skills: Problem Solving, Systems Analysis, and Design.
👨🏼💻 Front-end Frameworks: Vue.js 3, Vuetify, Quasar.
👨🏼💻 Backend & Cloud: Firebase.
👨🏼💻 Programming Languages: Dart, Python, JS, TS.
I am passionate about crafting efficient, scalable, and user-friendly web applications.
I enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping others grow in their programming careers. Explore my repositories to see my projects and contributions.