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Upgrade Document for JindoSDK on New Version EMR Clusters

Scenario One: Upgrading an Existing New Version Cluster

If you have an existing cluster created with the new version of E-MapReduce (EMR) EMR-5.6.0 or EMR-3.40.0 or later, and wish to upgrade JindoSDK or utilize its new features, follow these steps.

Step 1: Prepare Software Package and Upgrade Script Configuration

Log in to the Master node of your EMR cluster as emr-user. Download the patch package and extract it, placing the JindoSDK software package in the extracted folder.

su - emr-user
cd /home/emr-user/
tar zxf jindosdk-patches.tar.gz

Download the JindoSDK software package jindosdk-{VERSION}-{PLATFORM}.tar.gz, replacing {VERSION} and {PLATFORM} appropriately (for example, 6.8.0 for version and linux for platform).

cd jindosdk-patches
ls -l

Your jindosdk-patches folder should resemble:

-rwxrwxr-x 1 emr-user emr-user      2439 May 01 00:00
-rwxrwxr-x 1 emr-user emr-user      7315 May 01 00:00
-rw-rw-r-- 1 emr-user emr-user        40 May 01 00:00 hosts
-rwxrwxr-x 1 emr-user emr-user      1112 May 01 00:00
-rwxrwxr-x 1 emr-user emr-user      2042 May 01 00:00
-rw-r----- 1 emr-user emr-user xxxxxxxxx May 01 00:00 jindosdk-{VERSION}-linux.tar.gz

Note: When upgrading from versions below 4.6.8 to 4.6.9 or higher, or to version 6.x, set fs.jdo.committer.allow.concurrent=false in core-site.xml before upgrading to prevent data loss during the process. Once all JindoSDK instances across GATEWAY nodes have been upgraded, you may safely remove this configuration at an appropriate time.

Step 2: Configure Upgrade Node Information

Edit the hosts file in the patch package, listing all cluster node hostnames, such as master-1-1 or core-1-1.

cd jindosdk-patches
vim hosts

The hosts file content might look like this:


Alternatively, attempt to fetch all node information with a script; if the hosts retrieval fails, manually fill in the details:

cat /usr/local/taihao-executor-all/data/cache/.cluster_context | jq --raw-output '.nodes[].hostname.alias[]' > hosts

Step 3: Perform the Upgrade

Execute the script to carry out the upgrade.


For instance, to upgrade to version 6.8.0, run:

./ 6.8.0

Upon completion, you will see output like:

>>> updating ... master-1-1
>>> updating ... core-1-1
>>> updating ... core-1-2
# # # DONE

Note: For YARN applications (like Spark Streaming or Flink jobs) that are currently running, stop them before rolling-restarting YARN NodeManagers.

Step 4: Restart Services After Upgrade

Services such as Hive, Presto, Impala, Flink, Ranger, Spark, and Zeppelin require restarting to fully adopt the updated JindoSDK.

For Hive, for example, navigate to the Hive service page in your EMR cluster and select 'More Operations' > 'Restart'.

Scenario Two: Expanding an Existing Cluster

To use the new JindoSDK version when expanding an existing cluster, add a bootstrapping operation in the EMR console for automatic upgrade and repair upon cluster creation or expansion.

Step 1: Create a Bootstrap Upgrade Package

Download jindosdk-patches.tar.gz, jindosdk-{VERSION}-{PLATFORM}.tar.gz, and [](

For example, upgrading to version 6.8.0 on Linux x86:

mkdir jindo-patch
cd jindo-patch
ls -l

Generate the upgrade package next:

bash -gen-full {NEW_JINDOSDK_VERSION}

For version 6.8.0, run:

bash -gen-full 6.8.0

A generated patch will be located at /home/emr-user/jindo-patch/jindosdk-bootstrap-patches.tar.gz.

Step 2: Upload the Bootstrap Upgrade Package

Upload the patch package and bootstrap script to OSS using Hadoop commands, the OSS console, ossutil, or other tools:

hadoop dfs -mkdir -p oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/
cd /home/hadoop/patch/
hadoop dfs -put jindosdk-bootstrap-patches.tar.gz oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/
hadoop dfs -put oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/
hadoop dfs -ls oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/

Assume that you've uploaded to paths oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/jindosdk-bootstrap-patches.tar.gz and oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/

Step 3: Add Bootstrap Operation in the EMR Console

Refer to Managing Bootstrap Actions for detailed instructions on adding a bootstrap action in the EMR console.

Fill in configuration fields as follows:

Parameter Description Example
Name Name of the bootstrap action, e.g., Update JINDOSDK update_jindosdk
Script Location Specify the location of the script in OSS. Format must be oss://**/*.sh oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/
Arguments Parameters for the bootstrap action script, specifying values for variables used in the script -bootstrap oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/jindosdk-bootstrap-patches.tar.gz
Execution Scope Select Cluster
Execution Time Choose Before Component Startup
Failure Strategy Select Continue Execution

Step 4: Modify Cluster Configuration

4.1 Compatibility with Older Versions of EMR Ranger Component

Notice: If EMR Ranger is enabled and you are upgrading JindoSDK from EMR-3.51.1/EMR-5.17.1 or earlier versions to versions between 6.5.0 and 6.7.2, there may be compatibility issues. It is recommended to upgrade to version 6.7.3 or above and modify the cluster configuration as follows:

a. Go to the Configuration page of the HADOOP-COMMON service and click on the core-site.xml tab.

b. On the core-site.xml page, search for the configuration item name.

c. Modify the configuration item.

Parameter Description
fs.jdo.plugin.dir Configure this to the plugins directory to /opt/apps/JINDOSDK/jindosdk-current/plugins.

These steps will help you ensure compatibility and proper configuration when upgrading JindoSDK in your cluster. If you encounter any issues, please refer to the documentation or contact support for further assistance.

Step 5: Ensure Latest Fixes Are Loaded

ls -l /opt/apps/JINDOSDK/jindosdk-current/lib
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 64 Apr 12 11:08 jindo-core-6.2.0.jar -> /opt/apps/JINDOSDK/jindosdk-6.8.0-linux/lib/jindo-core-6.8.0.jar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 82 Apr 12 11:08 jindo-core-linux-el7-aarch64-6.2.0.jar -> /opt/apps/JINDOSDK/jindosdk-6.8.0-linux/lib/jindo-core-linux-el7-aarch64-6.8.0.jar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 63 Apr 12 11:08 jindo-sdk-6.2.0.jar -> /opt/apps/JINDOSDK/jindosdk-6.8.0-linux/lib/jindo-sdk-6.8.0.jar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 50 Apr 12 11:08 native -> /opt/apps/JINDOSDK/jindosdk-6.8.0-linux/lib/native
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 57 Apr 12 11:08 site-packages -> /opt/apps/JINDOSDK/jindosdk-6.8.0-linux/lib/site-packages

Step 5: Restart Services After Upgrade

For freshly created clusters, restart Hive, Presto, Impala, Flink, Ranger, Spark, and Zeppelin services. For expanded nodes, only restart these services on the added nodes.

Scenario Three: Creating a New Cluster

If you're creating a new EMR cluster and want to use the latest JindoSDK, you can add a bootstrap action in the EMR console to automatically upgrade and fix during cluster creation or expansion. Follow these steps to upgrade JindoSDK.

1. Create a Bootstrap Upgrade Package

Download jindosdk-patches.tar.gz, jindosdk-{VERSION}-{PLATFORM}.tar.gz, and [](

For example, to upgrade the new cluster's JindoSDK to version 6.8.0 on Linux x86:

mkdir jindo-patch

cd jindo-patch




ls -l

The contents should look like this:

-rw-r----- 1 hadoop hadoop      xxxx May 01 00:00
-rw-r----- 1 hadoop hadoop xxxxxxxxx May 01 00:00 jindosdk-6.8.0-linux.tar.gz
-rw-r----- 1 hadoop hadoop      xxxx May 01 00:00 jindosdk-patches.tar.gz

Execute the command to create the upgrade package:

bash -gen-full $NEW_JINDOSDK_VERSION

For upgrading to version 6.8.0, run:

bash -gen-full 6.8.0

Explanation of parameters: -gen generates a lite upgrade package, while -gen-full generates a full upgrade package.

Upon success, you'll see this output:

Generated patch at /home/emr-user/jindo-patch/jindosdk-bootstrap-patches.tar.gz

This completes the patch generation, resulting in jindosdk-bootstrap-patches.tar.gz.

2. Upload the Bootstrap Upgrade Package

Upload the patch package and bootstrap script to OSS using Hadoop commands within your EMR cluster or tools like the OSS console, ossutil, or OSS Browser.

hadoop dfs -mkdir -p oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/

cd /home/hadoop/patch/
hadoop dfs -put jindosdk-bootstrap-patches.tar.gz oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/
hadoop dfs -put oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/

hadoop dfs -ls oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/

You should see the following response:

Found 2 items
-rw-rw-rw-   1       2634 2022-05-13 14:07 oss://<bucket-name>/.../
-rw-rw-rw-   1  597342992 2022-05-13 13:41 oss://<bucket-name>/.../jindosdk-bootstrap-patches.tar.gz

Assuming you've uploaded to oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/jindosdk-bootstrap-patches.tar.gz and oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/

3. Add Bootstrap Action in the EMR Console

Refer to Managing Bootstrap Actions for detailed instructions on adding a bootstrap action in the EMR console.

Fill in the configuration fields as follows:

Parameter Description Example
Name Name of the bootstrap action, e.g., Update JINDOSDK update_jindosdk
Script Location Specify the location of the script in OSS. Format must be oss://**/*.sh oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/
Arguments Parameters for the bootstrap action script, specifying values for variables used in the script -bootstrap oss://{BUCKET_NAME}/path/to/patch/jindosdk-bootstrap-patches.tar.gz
Execution Scope Select Cluster
Execution Time Choose Before Component Startup
Failure Strategy Select Continue Execution

Scenario Four: Rolling Back to the Default JindoSDK Version in an Existing Cluster

If you have an E-MapReduce cluster created with the new management console version EMR-5.6.0 or EMR-3.40.0 or later, and encounter issues during an upgrade that requires reverting to the cluster's default JindoSDK version, follow these steps.

1. Prepare the Revert Script

Log in to the Master node of your EMR cluster as emr-user and place the downloaded patch package in the emr-user home directory, then extract it and proceed with emr-user user execution.

su - emr-user
cd /home/emr-user/
tar zxf jindosdk-patches.tar.gz
cd jindosdk-patches
ls -l

The jindosdk-patches folder should contain:

-rwxrwxr-x 1 emr-user emr-user      2439 May 01 00:00
-rwxrwxr-x 1 emr-user emr-user      7315 May 01 00:00
-rw-rw-r-- 1 emr-user emr-user        40 May 01 00:00 hosts
-rwxrwxr-x 1 emr-user emr-user      1112 May 01 00:00
-rwxrwxr-x 1 emr-user emr-user      2042 May 01 00:00

2. Configure Revert Node Information

Edit the hosts file in the patch package to include all cluster node hostnames, such as master-1-1 or core-1-1, with each hostname on a separate line.

cd jindosdk-patches
vim hosts

The hosts file content might look like this:


Try fetching all node information with a script; if hosts retrieval fails, manually complete it:

cat /usr/local/taihao-executor-all/data/cache/.cluster_context | jq --raw-output '.nodes[].hostname.alias[]' > hosts

3. Perform the Rollback

Execute the script to initiate the rollback process.


Upon completion, you'll see a message like:

>>> updating ... master-1-1
>>> updating ... core-1-1
>>> updating ... core-1-2
# # # DONE

Note: For YARN applications (such as Spark Streaming or Flink jobs) currently running, stop them before rolling-restarting YARN NodeManagers.

4. Restart Services After Reversion

Components like Hive, Presto, Impala, Flink, Ranger, Spark, and Zeppelin require a restart to fully revert to their previous state.

For Hive, for example, go to the Hive service page in your EMR cluster and select 'More Operations' > 'Restart' from the top right corner.

By following these steps, you can successfully roll back your JindoSDK to the default version in your existing E-MapReduce cluster.