LZ-based compression algorithm for JavaScript
Files have changed locations and name since a recent release. The new release file is in libs/lz-string.min.js
(or in libs/lz-string.js
if you don't care for the minified version)
Sorry about the mess in other repos. This will not happen again.
If you are using one of the ports of lz-string to decode on the server what was encoded in the browser, you might want to use version 1.3.7 as the version 1.3.8 introduced a slight change in the encoding. While the JS versions are completely cross-compatible, the PHP, Go, ... versions might not be as forgiving.
Install via npm
$ npm install -g lz-string
$ lz-string input.js > output.txt
Home page for this program with examples, documentation and a live demo: http://pieroxy.net/blog/pages/lz-string/index.html
This lib has numerous ports to other languages, for server side processing, mostly. Here they are:
- Java: by Diogo Duailibe
- Java: by rufushuang, with base64 support and better performances
- C#: by Jawa-the-Hutt
- C#: by kreudom, another implementation in C#, more up to date
- PHP: by nullpunkt
- Python3: by eduardtomasek
- Another Python: by marcel-dancak
- Ruby by Altivi
- Go I helped a friend to write a Go implementation of the decompression algorithm
- Go Austin wrote the decompression part as well
- Go by daku10, another implementation supports multiple encoding formats and can be used as a CLI tool
- Elixir by Michael Shapiro
- C++/QT by AmiArt
- C++ by Andrey Krasnov, another implementation in C++11
- VB.NET by gsemac
- Salesforce Apex (Java like language): bilal did the port
- Kotlin: from Zen Liu
- Dart: from skipness
- Haxe: from markknol
- Rust: from adumbidiot