need to work tomorrow morning wake up at 6 to work
need to work tomorrow morning wake up at 6 to work
finished signup and signin controller login, user model and routes. a…
finished signup and signin controller login, user model and routes. a…
attempting to add backend for user auth
attempting to add backend for user auth
basic layout of generated list of ingredients
basic layout of generated list of ingredients
Force push
basic layout of generated list of ingredients
basic layout of generated list of ingredients
added profile screen and generate list screen of all ingreditents
added profile screen and generate list screen of all ingreditents
finished with create front end and bookmark frontend
finished with create front end and bookmark frontend
Force push
completed bookmark and profile frontend
completed bookmark and profile frontend
finished with create front end and bookmark frontend
finished with create front end and bookmark frontend
finished home screen, need to fix animation
finished home screen, need to fix animation
added verify screen, added name in sign up, fixed error message for p…
added verify screen, added name in sign up, fixed error message for p…