Open a local terminal.
Pull the image from docker:
docker pull elacodes1/teodocio_aena_coding_assignment12
Run the image:
docker run -p 8083:80 elacodes1/teodocio_aena_coding_assignment12
In a local browser, head to
In addition to the steps above, run this command:
npm run storybook
*make sure you're running the command in the correct folder location.
/.storybook - contains configuration settings and dependencies needed for running storybook locally.
/dist - contains /cjs and /esm directories. Each directory refers to the compiled module system. CJS (CommonJS) and ESM (EcmaScript) modules allow the transpiled JavaScript code from my application to be compatible with various environments.
/public - contains static files that are served in the front-end.
/src - contains /components folder which houses all the .types, .test, and .stories code for each component.
*.config.js files contain configuration code specific to that tool. For example, babel.config.js contains the module exports required for its presets.