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The soup

A collection of python classes and functions.

Getting it


Download it from GitHub with a git clone Navigate to the root, and run all tests to ensure everything is working with nose2 tst/ --nocapture

Now install with sudo pip3 install .


This is available on PyPi as well. Do a sudo pip3 install thesoup to install.

NOTE: If you do not have nose tests, install it with sudo pip3 install nose

NOTE: This is python3 only



It has the following utility classes:

  • Graphs

    • Abstract class for directed graph DiGraph
    • Abstract class for directed mutable graph MutableDiGraph
    • A mutable digraph implementation with adjacency list AdjListGraph
  • Heap

    • Min heap Minheap
    • Max heap MaxHeap
  • Binary trees

    • BST BinarySearchTree
  • Trie (ASCII only)

  • Sets

    • A set that keeps track of the number of occurrences of repeated elements CountSet
    • A disjoint sets utility. See the Wikipedia entry DisjointSets for details on what it is
  • Utilities

    • A result class, similar to Rust's Result.


It has the following utility functions

  • Collection related

    • Flatten a nested collection flatten
    • Flatten a nested collection except the tuples flatten_to_tuple
    • Find all subsequences of a list subsequence
    • Foreach method that works on all collections foreach
    • Group a collection into a map by some criteria group_by
  • Graph traversals

    • Bread first search bfs
    • Depth first search dfs
    • Dijkstra dijkstra
    • Specialized SP for DAGs shortest_path_dag
  • String related

    • Test if 2 strings are anagrams is_anagram
  • Other

    • K-way merge merge