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🪿 GitHub PR Review Bot

An automated code review bot that provides "goosey" code reviews on your pull requests using Claude AI. Built with the HONC stack.


  • Automatically reviews new pull requests when opened
  • Stores PR and review data in Neon Database
  • Provides detailed code reviews focusing on:
    • Potential bugs and issues
    • Security concerns
    • Performance implications
    • Code style and best practices
    • Suggestions for improvement
  • Reviews are posted as PR comments with an angry goose persona

Tech Stack

  • Hono - Web framework
  • OpenTelemetry (via @fiberplane/hono-otel) - Observability
  • Neon - Serverless Postgres database
  • Claude (Anthropic) - AI code reviews
  • Cloudflare Workers - Serverless runtime

Getting Started

  1. Set up your environment variables in .dev.vars:
DATABASE_URL= # Your Neon database URL
GITHUB_TOKEN= # GitHub Personal Access Token
  1. Add your webhook URL to the GitHub repo settings:

Within your GitHub repo, go to Settings -> Webhooks -> Add webhook. You can either deploy your worker to Cloudflare or run it locally and use the Fiberplane Studio Public URL to test.

  1. Install dependencies:
pnpm install
  1. Run the migrations and (optionally) seed the database:
pnpm run db:setup
  1. Run the development server:
pnpm run dev

API Endpoints

  • GET / - Health check endpoint
  • POST /api/pull-requests - Webhook endpoint for GitHub PR events
  • GET /api/reviews - List all reviews
  • POST /api/reviews - Create a new review
  • PUT /api/reviews/:id - Update a review
  • DELETE /api/reviews/:id - Delete a review

Database Schema

The application uses two main tables:

Pull Requests

  • Stores PR metadata including title, description, author, and GitHub references
  • Tracks PR status and timestamps


  • Links to pull requests via github_pr_id
  • Stores review comments, status, and reviewer information
  • Maintains timestamps for review activity

Project structure

├── src
│   ├── index.ts # Hono app entry point
│   └── db
│       └── schema.ts # Database schema
├── seed.ts # Optional seeding script
├── .dev.vars.example # Example .dev.vars file
├── wrangler.toml # Cloudflare Workers configuration
├── drizzle.config.ts # Drizzle configuration
├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
└── package.json


Run the migrations and (optionally) seed the database:

# this is a convenience script that runs db:generate, db:migrate, and db:seed
npm run db:setup

Run the development server:

npm run dev


When you iterate on the database schema, you'll need to generate a new migration and apply it:

npm run db:generate
npm run db:migrate


Set your DATABASE_URL secret (and any other secrets you need) with wrangler:

npx wrangler secret put DATABASE_URL

Finally, change the name of the project in wrangler.toml to something appropriate for your project

name = "my-neon-project"

Deploy with wrangler:

npm run deploy