diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8bd3f5f..6e3394a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ COMMANDS:
`$ ./timertab status mytimer`
-6. Create a transient (temporary) timer.
These timer files are created in the /run/user/$UID/systemd/transient/ directory.
They are not "enabled" or "disabled" but will be deleted once they are stopped or there's a reboot.
Realtime transient timers will reoccur while Monotonic ones will only execute once.
If no name is provided, one will be automatically generated.
+6. Create a transient (temporary) timer.
These timer files are created in the /run/user/$UID/systemd/transient/ directory.
They are not "enabled" or "disabled" but will be deleted once they are stopped or there's a reboot.
Realtime timers will reoccur while Monotonic ones will only execute once after the specified amount of time.
If no name is provided, one will be automatically generated.
`$ ./timertab -u run mytimer`