More on Single Layer Neural Network
!pip install tensorflow == 2.0 .0
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
print (tf .__version__ )
def plot_series (time , series , format = "-" , start = 0 , end = None ):
plt .plot (time [start :end ], series [start :end ], format )
plt .xlabel ("Time" )
plt .ylabel ("Value" )
plt .grid (True )
def trend (time , slope = 0 ):
return slope * time
def seasonal_pattern (season_time ):
"""Just an arbitrary pattern, you can change it if you wish"""
return np .where (season_time < 0.4 ,
np .cos (season_time * 2 * np .pi ),
1 / np .exp (3 * season_time ))
def seasonality (time , period , amplitude = 1 , phase = 0 ):
"""Repeats the same pattern at each period"""
season_time = ((time + phase ) % period ) / period
return amplitude * seasonal_pattern (season_time )
def noise (time , noise_level = 1 , seed = None ):
rnd = np .random .RandomState (seed )
return rnd .randn (len (time )) * noise_level
time = np .arange (4 * 365 + 1 , dtype = "float32" )
baseline = 10
series = trend (time , 0.1 )
baseline = 10
amplitude = 40
slope = 0.05
noise_level = 5
# Create the series
series = baseline + trend (time , slope ) + seasonality (time , period = 365 , amplitude = amplitude )
# Update with noise
series += noise (time , noise_level , seed = 42 )
split_time = 1000
time_train = time [:split_time ]
x_train = series [:split_time ]
time_valid = time [split_time :]
x_valid = series [split_time :]
window_size = 20
batch_size = 32
shuffle_buffer_size = 1000
def windowed_dataset (series , window_size , batch_size , shuffle_buffer ):
dataset = tf .data .Dataset .from_tensor_slices (series )
dataset = dataset .window (window_size + 1 , shift = 1 , drop_remainder = True )
dataset = dataset .flat_map (lambda window : window .batch (window_size + 1 ))
dataset = dataset .shuffle (shuffle_buffer ).map (lambda window : (window [:- 1 ], window [- 1 ]))
dataset = dataset .batch (batch_size ).prefetch (1 )
return dataset
dataset = windowed_dataset (x_train , window_size , batch_size , shuffle_buffer_size )
print (dataset )
l0 = tf .keras .layers .Dense (1 , input_shape = [window_size ])
model = tf .keras .models .Sequential ([l0 ])
model .compile (loss = "mse" , optimizer = tf .keras .optimizers .SGD (lr = 1e-6 , momentum = 0.9 ))
model .fit (dataset ,epochs = 100 ,verbose = 0 )
print ("Layer weights {}" .format (l0 .get_weights ()))
<PrefetchDataset shapes: ((None, None), (None,)), types: (tf.float32, tf.float32)>
Layer weights [array([[-0.01070727],
[ 0.06584954],
[ 0.02695454],
[ 0.01447918],
[ 0.00619152],
[ 0.03705776],
[ 0.01802658],
[ 0.01498768],
[ 0.01031518],
[ 0.00956078],
[ 0.02878125],
[ 0.04333194],
[ 0.22026698],
[ 0.30244607],
[ 0.39166123]], dtype=float32), array([0.01458345], dtype=float32)]
forecast = []
for time in range (len (series ) - window_size ):
forecast .append (model .predict (series [time :time + window_size ][np .newaxis ]))
forecast = forecast [split_time - window_size :]
results = np .array (forecast )[:, 0 , 0 ]
plt .figure (figsize = (10 , 6 ))
plot_series (time_valid , x_valid )
plot_series (time_valid , results )
tf .keras .metrics .mean_absolute_error (x_valid , results ).numpy ()