All notable changes to this extension will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added setting to set the current working directory for cucumber.js in workspace settings
- Added Output of stderr to console runner and test messages.
- Fixed an issue where a test will be stuck in waiting if a Before/After hook gave an exception [Thanks to orine]
- Fixed an issue where the runner tried to output errors even if the Before/After hook completed successfully [Thanks to orine]
- Now skipped tests should be correctly marked as Skipped in the Test Runner UI [Thanks to orine]
- Added support for tags filtering in the test runner tree [Thanks to psethwick]
- Added a new setting "cucumberTestRunner.env" to allow the users to specify custom environment variables to run the tests [Thanks to hardymj]
- Added a new setting "cucumberTestRunner.profile" to allow the users to select a cucumber-js profile to run the tests
- Added initial support for error detection in before and after hooks
- Added support for Scenarios under Rules
- Deleted/Renamed feature files now update correctly
- Updated README with Known Issues
- Rewritten test runner for better stability
- Now single steps are marked as not runnable
- Better error reporting when a step fails
- Added support for gherkin context actions
- Improved parsing of cucumber CLI output
- Now you can display colored output from libraries like React Testing Library
- Removed play and debug buttons from steps
- Better error handling
- Fixed a small parser bug that prevented multi-line error to display properly
- Changed cucumber CLI parser to JSON format
- Initial release