Hiya, in this profile you'll find me following tutorials, experimenting with new languages, frameworks and developing some projects which are of use to me or I'm passionate about.
Currently I've given myself a goal to grind Leetcode until I feel ready to possibly attempt an interview at a prestiguous company. If that does not happen, I would have still learned algorithm patterns and data structures to a decent amount. In the Latex-Journey project you will find a Latex document which will be comprised of .NET Interview Questions and a grouping of Data Structures and Algorithms information.
My leetcode profile can be found here I also occasionally use the Algos project to test and experiment wth csharp Algo solutions.
Some of the things I wish to learn or do in the future are:
Spend time studying lispSpend time studying goCreate a blog in go- Compile a document with all the questions I needed to brush on in csharp during 2024
- Complete all 169 questions on Grind 75
- Go into C as through the Texas C course I found here
- Go into closure as the brief time I've spent learning Common Lisp has been joyful.
- Definitely learn awk, sed, grep and jq and some Powershell as I find them essential and my limited knowledge does not cut it at times.