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3. Compilation and running

Luke Shingles edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 2 revisions


Compiling an ARTIS executable requires a C++ compiler, an MPI library, and GSL library.

In principle, make should be automatically detect which object files are outdated and require recompilation, but it's generally safer to clean and recompile.

make clean
make sn3d exspec

This will produce two binaries - sn3d and exspec.

For faster compilation, you might want to allow multiprocess compilation by passing (or setting MAKEFLAGS environment variable to) -jP, where P is the number of processes (generally best to set to the number of cores available).


sn3d will not write to the standard output (unless a crash occurs) but each MPI rank n will produce a log file called output_n-0.txt. A local run on a laptop might look something like this:

mpirun -np 8 ./sn3d&
tail -f output_0-0.txt

Press Ctrl+C to stop following the log file.

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