NOTE: Development of the Vim asciidoc syntax highlighting place completely in the vim repository. As such, this repository has been archived for historical purposes.
This is the development version of Vim’s included syntax highlighting and filetype plugins for AsciiDoc. Generally you don’t need to install these if you are running a recent version of Vim.
Syntax highlighting is incredibly useful. In addition to making reading AsciiDoc documents much easier, syntax highlighting also helps you catch AsciiDoc syntax errors as you write your documents.
This repository contains the Vim files necessary to syntax highlight AsciiDoc in Vim. A stable version of these files is included in the Vim distribution (see
Install the highlighter by copying asciidoc.vim
to your $HOME/.vim/syntax
Create this directory if it doesn’t already exist. |
You can enable syntax highlighing in one of the following ways:
Put a Vim autocmd in your Vim configuration file
Execute the Vim command
:set syntax=asciidoc
Add the following line to the end of you AsciiDoc source files:
// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: