- The parking lot should have multiple levels, each level with a certain number of parking spots.
- The parking lot should support different types of vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, and trucks.
- Each parking spot should be able to accommodate a specific type of vehicle.
- The system should assign a parking spot to a vehicle upon entry and release it when the vehicle exits.
- The system should track the availability of parking spots and provide real-time information to customers.
- The system should handle multiple entry and exit points and support concurrent access.
- The ParkingLot class follows the Singleton pattern to ensure only one instance of the parking lot exists. It maintains a list of levels and provides methods to park and unpark vehicles.
- The Level class represents a level in the parking lot and contains a list of parking spots. It handles parking and unparking of vehicles within the level.
- The ParkingSpot class represents an individual parking spot and tracks the availability and the parked vehicle.
- The Vehicle class is an abstract base class for different types of vehicles. It is extended by Car, Motorcycle, and Truck classes.
- The VehicleType enum defines the different types of vehicles supported by the parking lot.
- Multi-threading is achieved through the use of synchronized keyword on critical sections to ensure thread safety.
- The Main class demonstrates the usage of the parking lot system.
- Singleton Pattern: Ensures only one instance of the ParkingLot class.
- Factory Pattern (optional extension): Could be used for creating vehicles based on input.
- Observer Pattern (optional extension): Could notify customers about available spots.