diff --git a/content/using-atom/sections/editing-and-deleting-text.md b/content/using-atom/sections/editing-and-deleting-text.md
index 96ace4dbe6..47e820cde3 100644
--- a/content/using-atom/sections/editing-and-deleting-text.md
+++ b/content/using-atom/sections/editing-and-deleting-text.md
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ There are a handful of cool keybindings for basic text manipulation that might c
-Atom also has built in functionality to re-flow a paragraph to hard-wrap at a given maximum line length. You can format the current selection to have lines no longer than 80 (or whatever number `editor.preferredLineLength` is set to) characters using Alt+Cmd+QAlt+Ctrl+Q. If nothing is selected, the current paragraph will be reflowed.
+Atom also has built in functionality to re-flow a paragraph to hard-wrap at a given maximum line length. You can format the current selection to have lines no longer than 80 (or whatever number `editor.preferredLineLength` is set to) characters using Alt+Cmd+QCtrl+Shift+Q. If nothing is selected, the current paragraph will be reflowed.
#### Deleting and Cutting