简体中文 | English
- xiaogpt 用小米 AI speaker 播放 ChatGPT。
- ChatGPT-Paper-Reader 这个资源库提供了一个简单的界面,利用 gpt-3.5-turbo 模型来阅读PDF格式的学术论文。
- FastChat 一个用于训练、服务和评估基于大型语言模型的聊天机器人的开放平台。
- openai-quickstart-python OpenAI API 快速入门教程中的 Python 示例应用程序。
- email-automation 通过电子邮件自动化实现新闻简报/博客的自动化。
- chatbot ChatGPT 集成了更快、更安全的聊天机器人,并托管在云端。
- whistep speech-to-text : OpnAI's whisper 是一个将语音转换成文本的库。
- knowledge-gpt 使用 ChatGPT 和其他语言模型从所有信息源中提取知识。对信息源进行索引和制作问答环节。
- Auto-GPT 使 GPT-4 完全的实验性开源尝试。
- GPTCache GPTCache 是一个创建语义缓存的库,用于存储 LLM 查询的响应。
- gpt4free 通过几个反向工程的API(Poe.com, phind.com, chat.openai.com等),使Ai产业去中心化,免费提供gpt-4/3.5脚本。
- gpt4free-ts 提供免费的 OpenAI GPT-4 API!这是一个复制 xtekky/gpt4free TypeScript版本的项目。
- MiniGPT-4 MiniGPT-4:用先进的大型语言模型加强视觉-语言理解
- chatgpt-tool-hub 一个开源的聊天GPT工具生态系统,您可以将工具组合到聊天GPT中,通过自然语言来实现任何操作。
- privateGPT 利用GPT的能力,以全然私密的方式与您的文档进行互动,100%保密,没有任何数据泄漏。
- ChatGPT-ShellMaster ChatGPT ShellMaster 通过聊天使用OpenAI的ChatGPT启用命令行交互。
- DemoGPT 🧩 DemoGPT 允许您仅通过提示就可以快速创建演示。
- openai-functools 简化管理和创建 OpenAI 功能元数据。
- doctorgpt DoctorGPT 是一个轻量级的独立二进制文件,它可以监控你的应用程序日志中的问题并对其进行诊断。
- GPT-Assistant GPT 助手是一款软件,它将 GPT 集成到 Android 设备的操作中。
- gpt-json: Node.js 库用来从 OpenAI 的 API 中获取结构化响应。
- toolkit-ai 自动生成和使用 Langchain Tools 和 ChatGPT 插件的 AI-agents
- whetstone.chatgpt 一个简单的轻量级库,包装GPT-3 API,支持依赖性注入
- chatgpt-starter 基于 spring boot 的 chatGPT 启动器,为 java 提供 chatGPT api
- chatgpt-plus-api-client 对 ChatGPT 进行 API 调用的节点客户端
- Unoffical API in Python 反向工程的 ChatGPT API
- TLS-based API (Python) 非官方的 ChatGPT API 的 Python 客户端,具有自动令牌再生、对话跟踪、代理支持等功能。
- Unofficial API in JS/TS 用于官方 ChatGPT API 的 Node.js 客户端.
- Unofficial API in Dart 非官方的 ChatGPT API 的 Dart 客户端
- A Java Version ChatGPT SDK Java 版 ChatGPT SDK
- chatgpt-java ChatGPT Java SDK. 用于与 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 的 API 进行交互的轻量级包。
- This repo is unofficial ChatGPT api 基于 Daniel Gross 的 WhatsApp GPT
- chatGPT-server 在服务器上部署 ChatGPT
- chatgpt-clone 克隆 ChatGPT,使用官方模型,逆向工程 UI,具有 AI 模型切换、信息搜索和提示模板等功能。
- DelphiOpenAI Delphi 的 OpenAI API 客户端。使用 ChatGPT、DALL-E 等产品。
- Embedchain: 用于在数据集上创建类似 ChatGPT 的机器人的框架。
- one-api: OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2 & Gemini、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用.
- chatgpt.js 🤖 A powerful client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT
- chatGPTBox 将 ChatGPT 深度整合到您的浏览器,您需要的一切都在这里。
- chatgpt-google-summary-extension 在 Google 搜索结果和 YouTube 视频旁边查看ChatGPT摘要,也支持 Yahoo!
- Automate your browser with GPT-4 使用 GPT-4 来控制你的浏览器并代表你执行重复性的动作。
- summarize.site 使用 OpenAI ChatGPT 对网页进行总结。
- codereview.gpt 使用 ChatGPT 审查你的 Pull Request,这样你就可以假装工作了。
- chat-gpt-google-extension 在谷歌搜索结果旁边显示 ChatGPT 响应的扩展。
- ChatGPT_Extension Chrome 扩展可以打开 ChatGPT 弹出窗口 (basically a bookmark)
- chat-gpt-bing-extension 在必应搜索结果旁边显示 ChatGPT 响应的浏览器扩展,支持 Chrome/Edge/Firefox。
- ChatGPT-pdf 为 ChatGPT 添加共享功能的扩展(PDF、PNG 或可共享链接)。
- Superpower ChatGPT 为 ChatGPT 添加输入历史、复制和计数器的 Chrome 扩展程序
- ChassistantGPT embeds ChatGPT as a hands-free voice assistant in the background
- WebChatGPT augment your prompts to ChatGPT with web search results
- chat-gpt-userscript A userscript to display ChatGPT answer alongside Search Engine or Translator
- gpt2markdown A browser extension that exports your ChatGPT conversations to Markdown format
- openai-translator A Chrome extension for word translation based on ChatGPT API
- GPT-Prompter Browser extension to get a fast prompt (of the selected text) for OpenAI`s GPT-3 & ChatGPT API . Available in the Chrome web store and Firefox browser add-ons
- ChatGPT for Twitter Chrome extension to generate tweets/replies to tweets in different moods and by optionally giving instructions
- sync-to-github Synchronize chatgpt conversations to the github repository in the form of
file - chatgpt-dl Another ChatGPT to Markdown extension, it intercepts the API call to retrieve the original markdown.
- chatgpt-enhancement-extension An all-in-one plugin to improve your ChatGPT experience
- ChatGPT-Prompt-Genius Multi-purpose ChatGPT Chrome Extension
- ReadAnything Read any hard content with the help of GPT
- ChatGPT Widescreen Mode 🖥️ Add Widescreen + Full-Window modes to ChatGPT for enhanced viewing
- ChatGPT Auto-Continue ⏩ 当 ChatGPT 响应中断时自动继续生成答案
- Multi-platform desktop app (Windows, Mac, Linux) powered by ChatGPT & Tauri
- ChatGPT Desktop App Windows/MacOS/Linux desktop menubar app using tauri & rust.
- chatgpt-mac ChatGPT for Mac, living in your menubar
- BingGPT chat with Bing on Windows/MacOS/Linux without installing Microsoft Edge or browser plugins. Export full conversation to Markdown, PNG or PDF.
- cheetah Whisper & GPT-based app for passing remote SWE interviews
- IntelliBar Spotlight-like macOS app that puts ChatGPT a shortcut away.
- vim-chatgpt a Vim Plugin For ChatGPT
- ChatGPT VSCode VSCode extension (demo)
- chatgpt-vscode-plugin A VS code plugin for ChatGPT built by ChatGPT
- vscode-chatgpt The extension is pair-programmed with ChatGPT
- Jetbrains IDE plugin A ChatGPT plugin for JetBrains IDE (webview)
- Jetbrains IDE plugin A ChatGPT plugin for JetBrains IDEs (using OpenAI's API)
- chatgpt.vim Neovim plugin that lets you query ChatGPT inside a Neovim buffer.
- Google docs ChatGPT directly within Google Docs as an Editor Add-on.
- a plugin for JetBrains series IDE This project is a plugin that supports ChatGPT running on JetBrains series IDE.
- add-chatgpt-to-microsoft-word How to add ChatGPT's Text Completion to Microsoft Word
- gpt4all a chatbot trained on a massive collection of clean assistant data including code, stories and dialogue
- chatgpt-dingtalk GPT-3.5 Let your work efficiency take off directly
- ChatBot-TGLM6B ChatGLM-6B Bot for Telegram
- gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain GPT4 & LangChain Chatbot for large PDF docs
- wechat-chatgpt Use ChatGPT On Wechat via wechaty
- ChatGPT-wechat-bot ChatGPT for Wechat
- chatgpt-on-wechat Wechat robot based on ChatGPT, which using OpenAI api and itchat library
- chatgpt-for-chatbot-feishu chatgpt for chatbot feishu
- Serverless Telegram bot ChatGPT Telegram Bot running in AWS Lambda
- WhatsApp bot gpt for whatsapp
- RayCast Extension (unofficial) ChatGPT raycast extension
- raycast-g4f Extension (unofficial) Use many GPT models completely for free, on Raycast. NO API Key required!
- Go Telegram bot Run your own GPTChat Telegram bot, with a single command!
- Twitter Bot Twitter bot powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT API. It's aliveeeee 🤖
- myGPTReader - Slack bot that can read any webpage, YouTube video, or document and summarize it. Voice output. Chinese support.
- ChatGPT for Slack Bot 🤖 A Slack bot that integrates with OpenAI's ChatGPT to provide answers, written in Python
- ChatGPT for Discord Bot Run your own GPTChat Discord bot, with a single command!
- For personal WeChat ChatGPT access Access ChatGPT for personal WeChat
- ChatGPT Q&A assistant ChatGPT AI Q & A Assistant
- chatGPT-discord-bot Integrate ChatGPT into your own discord bot
- chatGPT-telegram-bot This is a very early attempt at having chatGPT work within a telegram bot
- node-chatgpt-api A ChatGPT implementation with support for Bing's GPT-4 version of ChatGPT
- progressive-chatgpt-bot A progressive ChatGPT feishu bot, made for Girlfriend
- wx-chatgpt Wechat Public Account cloud hosting access chatgpt template
- ChatGPT for WearOS A powerful ChatGPT app for all WearOS devices
- DuckDuckGPT 🐤 Adds the magic of ChatGPT to DuckDuckGo sidebar
- BraveGPT 🦁 Adds the magic of ChatGPT to Brave Search sidebar
- AmazonGPT 🛒 为 Amazon 购物添加人工智能辅助
- Kubectl OpenAI plugin This project is a kubectl plugin to generate and apply Kubernetes manifests using OpenAI GPT
- shareGPT permenent links to your conversations
- email-helper Generate your business emails in seconds
- twitterbio Generate your Twitter bio with OpenAI and Vercel Edge Functions
- OpenAI-ImageGeneration-Vue3 Utilizing OpenAI's Image Generation api with vue3, vite and pinia(similar to the DALLE app)
- ai-research-for-practise A powerful image generation model, can through the study of the evolution of an image to generate a new image
- roomGPT Upload a photo of your room to generate your dream room with AI
- DocsGPT GPT-powered chat for documentation search & assistance
- kindle-gpt AI search & chat on your Kindle highlights
- eslint-gpt Generate your eslint rule with OpenAI and Vercel Edge Functions
- chatgpt-vercel Elegant and Powerfull. Powered by OpenAI and Vercel
- chatgpt_academic Specialized ChatGPT extension for scientific research work, optimized for enhancing the experience of polishing academic papers
- chatbot-ui An open source ChatGPT UI
- ChatGPT-Next-Web One-Click to deploy your own ChatGPT web UI
- BibiGPT One-click summary for video & audio content: Bilibili | YouTube | Websites丨Podcasts | Meetings | Local files, etc
- Epic Music Quiz A free webapp for creating your own custom Music Video Quiz using youtube videos that can be played solo or multiplayer with friends. Optional AI generation of quiz questions
- chatgpt-i18n Translate your locale json files with AI assistance
- Promptsandbox.io Node-based visual programming tool to create dynamic OpenAI API workflows
- Poet.ly Poet.ly is a simple and fast generator of SEO-friendly articles for your blog referenced on search engines. It is based on the OpenAI GPT-4 API.
- AgentGPT 🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.
- examor 一款网站应用,它可以根据您的知识笔记进行周期性的测试,让您真正的记住所学所写
- OpenGpt Create your own ChatGPT App in seconds.
- ChatARKit Using ChatGPT to Create AR Experiences with Natural Language
- AI-Writing-Assistant GPT3 Blog Post Generator
- Debugger that fixes errors and explains them with GPT-3 Talk to your codebase
- iChatGPT OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI app for iOS, iPadOS, macOS
- chatgpt-android ChatGPT Android demonstrates OpenAI's ChatGPT on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose
- ChatGPT for WearOS A powerful ChatGPT app for all WearOS devices
- Smalltalk A funny anonymous chat software which integrated with OpenAI ChatGPT and Stability AI.
- README-AI 使用 OpenAI 语言模型 API,为编写美观、结构化和信息丰富的 README.md 文件而设计的命令行工具。
- Cli for ChatGPT A TUI for ChatGPT API, powered by GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4 models
- gptcommit A git prepare-commit-msg hook for authoring commit messages with GPT-3
- Voice-based chatGPT Have a conversation with ChatGPT using your voice, and have it talk back.
- Explain your runtime errors with ChatGPT Explain your error message with ChatGPT
- GPT3 WordPress post generator A simple cli to generate WordPress posts using Gpt3 starting from a topic.
- Assistant CLI A comfortable CLI tool to use ChatGPT service🔥
- chatgpt-wrapper API for interacting with ChatGPT and GPT4 using Python and from Shell.
- aicommits A CLI that writes your git commit messages for you with AI
- cz-git cz-git | czg 🛠️ DX first and more engineered, lightweight, customizable, standard output format commitizen adapter and CLI
- Smalltalk A funny anonymous chat software which support CLI and integrated with ChatGPT / GPT-3.
- CLI-Co-Pilot CLI tool that uses Codex to turn natural language commands into their Bash/ZShell/PowerShell equivalents
- cli-gpt Translate human language to command line using ChatGPT
- HappyCommit HappyCommit is a delightful tool that harnesses the power of OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo language model to generate meaningful and descriptive Git commit messages for you
- ai-commit Automagically generate conventional git commit messages with AI.
- autodoc Autodoc is a experimental toolkit for auto-generating codebase documentation for git repositories using Large Language Models, like GPT-4 or Alpaca.
- prompt 🥝 一个与 OpenAI ChatGPT API 互动的命令行程序。
- chatgpt-action Let ChatGPT review PRs for you
- ChatGPT-CodeReview A code review bot powered by ChatGPT
- openai-pr-reviewer OpenAI ChatGPT based PR reviewer and summarizer
- Beelzebub ChatGPT Honeypot A secure honeypot framework low code, extremely easy to configure by yaml 🚀
- Penetration Testing Findings Generator A ChatGPT based penetration testing findings generator.
- ChatGPT-Shortcut The ChatGPT Shortcut page displays all the prompts by default, and is divided into label area, search area, and prompt display area
- GPT-Prompter Browser extension to get a fast prompt (of the selected text) for OpenAI`s GPT-3, GPT-4 & ChatGPT API . Available in the Chrome web store and Firefox browser add-ons
- showGPT Website with curated list of best prompts, and you can submit your own easily.
- Awesome ChatGPT Prompts ChatGPT prompts that works well.
- awesome-chatgpt Posts & thoughts about prompting ChatGPT for different usages
- GPT-Prompter Browser extension to get a fast prompt (of the selected text) for OpenAI`s GPT-3, GPT-4 & ChatGPT API . Available in the Chrome web store and Firefox browser add-ons
- ListPrompt.com List of awesome GPT prompts from the community.
- gpt.chatapi.art ChatGPT reverse proxy site, intended for people with restricted access to areas by OpenAI.
- gptlang Experiment to see if we can create a programming language in ChatGPT.
- ChatGPT conversation saving bookmark Save chatGPT conversation as HTML file
- WebGPT Run GPT model on the browser with WebGPU. An implementation of GPT inference in less than ~2000 lines of vanilla Javascript.
- KeepChatGPT A UserScript that enables ChatGPT to chat smoothly, never experiencing network errors again, and no need to refresh the webpage anymore.
- chatgpt-exporter Export and Share your ChatGPT conversation history
- ChatGPT Auto Refresh ↻ Keeps ChatGPT sessions fresh to avoid network errors + Cloudflare checks
- Autoclear ChatGPT History 🕶️ Adds chat auto-clear functionality to ChatGPT for more privacy
- DuckDuckGPT 🐤 Adds the magic of ChatGPT to DuckDuckGo sidebar
- BraveGPT 🦁 Adds the magic of ChatGPT to Brave Search sidebar
- ChatGPT Auto-Continue ⏩ 当 ChatGPT 响应中断时自动继续生成答案
- AmazonGPT 🛒 为 Amazon 购物添加人工智能辅助