Releases: aws-samples/aws-cudos-framework-deployment
Releases · aws-samples/aws-cudos-framework-deployment
What's Changed
- Add FOCUS data aggregation and dashboard by @yprikhodko in #853
- AWS News Feeds new dashboard by @ftresgallo in #861
- fix documentation for terraform module examples by @therealdwright in #848
- add conditions for cur s3 policies by @iakov-aws in #825
- Update SQL statement to encapsulate db name and view in quotes by @frankrosano in #856
- fix data exports as they need additional permissions in lambda role by @iakov-aws in #858
- remove Paris exception and add fixes to test it by @iakov-aws in #849
New Contributors
- @therealdwright made their first contribution in #848
- @frankrosano made their first contribution in #856
Full Changelog: 0.3.5...0.3.6
What's Changed
- allow custom theme by @iakov-aws in #826
- fix crawler permissions by @iakov-aws in #822
- add a wait after cur table creation by @iakov-aws in #827
- add-data-exports by @iakov-aws in #845
- fix-test-pipeline by @iakov-aws in #768
- Aggregation CFN template for Data Exports by @AWS-ZachErdman in #787
New Contributors
- @ftresgallo made their first contribution in #830
- @AWS-ZachErdman made their first contribution in #787
Full Changelog: 0.3.4...0.3.5
What's Changed
- SCAD EKS v1.0.0 by @udid-aws in #797
- Extended Support cost proj. release calendar update by @juchavw in #809
- Graviton Dashboard v1.0.2 by @remaws in #818
- fix the fallback role by @iakov-aws in #806
- add scad to cur by @iakov-aws in #794
- Filter scad from views by @rarmist in #812
- China friendly arns by @iakov-aws in #816
- Manage service roles and allow customer defined buckets to be added to QS role by @iakov-aws in #819
- add cost intelligence dashboard for China by @iakov-aws in #815
- restrict cloudwatch permissions by @iakov-aws in #804
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.3.3...0.3.4
What's Changed
- fix databases permission for CFN by @iakov-aws in #791
- fix ri sp detection without crawler by @iakov-aws in #792
Full Changelog: 0.3.1...0.3.2
Release 0.3.0
What's Changed
- remove support of python3.7 and 3.8, add 3.12 by @iakov-aws in #761
- Create CUR tables, Crawlers and Datasets by @iakov-aws in #711
- Support for Permissionboundary and custom role paths by @jannyg in #745
New Contributors
- @jannyg made their first contribution in #745
- @remaws made their first contribution in #769
- @MaximF made their first contribution in #774
- @soumyavanga made their first contribution in #781
Full Changelog: 0.2.47...0.3.0
What's Changed
New features:
- Support theme for dashboards with definitions by @iakov-aws in #758
- Enhanced status command by @VoicuAWS in #754
- Adding RDS Extended Support Cost Projection by @juchavw in #751
Fixes: - Fixes for KMS bucket encryption use case by @VoicuAWS in #741
- Fix stack deletion by @iakov-aws in #746
New Contributors
- @juchavw made their first contribution in #751
Full Changelog: 0.2.46...0.2.47
Release 0.2.46
What's Changed
- Update CidSpiceRefreshLambda function by @sbalaji-aws in #736
- make url compatibile with China regions by @iakov-aws in #738
- create schedule even if we cannot see it by @fsrich and @iakov-aws in #737
Full Changelog: 0.2.45...0.2.46
Release 0.2.45
What's Changed
- support china and gov partitions by @iakov-aws in #723
- more resilience to catalog errors by @iakov-aws in #732
- release 0.2.45 by @iakov-aws in #733
Full Changelog: 0.2.44...0.2.45